Some readings for the 12 zodiacs

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Lunamistress on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 and has 5 replies.
just scroll down for other links to the different signs or type it in the url
I liked her take on things. Thanks for posting.
well for Sags there's a lot of nice words to read on that site:
Turn the coin of honesty and integrity over and what do you get? the sociopath, Sagittarians dark side. These are the confidence schemers, the embezzlers and perpetrators of white-collar crime. They are seldom violent. They succeed at their nefarious activities with a silver tongue. They lie as naturally as breathing. Catch their hand in the cookie jar and they will have you believing you are hallucinating without batting an eye.
.. Sagittarius and the planet, Jupiter,...It is also one component of bi-polar disorder...
...Many Sagittarian clients suffer frustration because a situation is not the way RIGHT NOW like it will be in their vision of the future...In seeing the big picture, one runs the risk of missing the trees for the forest.
One last thing, Sagittarians have an itchy foot.
hahaha that was funny. i've had 5 speeding tickets to date. stupid aries tendency to be in a rush!