Posted by AlphaI meant obsessed with Saturn as a topic. Now, I can handle it as you say, (balanced, reliable way) but when my first return occured it was a simple nightmare.
Obsessed? With Saturn (your Sensei)? I don't get it. Saturn helps nurture our personality, makes us more balanced, reliable and responsible.
Posted by bumboklattCap is rather persistent (?)
five planets in Capricorn (including Saturn) all in 4th House
not sure if Cap is obsessive but it sure is determined
Posted by TrueFantasy
Saturn rules my chart.
Saturn opposite Mercury.
Saturn trine Venus.
Saturn trine Mars.
Saturn opposite Jupiter. Well that sucks.
Posted by GeminiGuy76Are you Saturn conj Asc person? Or are they just in the same sign?
My saturn is in Cancer, 29 degrees. And since my Ascendant is Cancer, Saturn is also in my first house. This is a placement I definitely want to research more, because I believe it is very significant for me.
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischargePM me :-) I am all ears about saturn stories :-)
Saturn is very strong in my chart. It's depressing ? I coild tell you stories...
I hope my Saturn return helps me release my restrictions amd limitations.
All I long for is freedom
Posted by GypsyInChains
Saturn (chick) in hard aspect to another planet (cat)![]()
This is how it feels. Just stop struggling and do your best to enjoy the karmic ride.
Posted by SaturnladyI kinda think so
I have read people who have hard natal saturn aspects, they handle the returns with difficulty. Because internal struggles clash outer ones.
Posted by CopperDoveSo many oppositions! Did you go into relationships because they seemed secure with your saturn-venus opposition? Or does it manifest as a "I'd rather be single"? They say saturn-venus cannot show sensitivity or emotions much because they got scared.
Saturn aspects a few things in my chart including sun and ascendant. I did well during my Saturn return but I was making responsible choices so I'm sure that helped. It can feel heavy sometimes but Saturn is my friend, I've come to see, and I'm grateful he's with me all of the time as a voice of reason, if you will.![]()
Saturn conj ascendant (2 degrees)
Saturn opp sun (3 degrees)
Saturn opp Venus (3 degrees)
Saturn opp Jupiter (1 degree)
Posted by clippityclopYes. I am Saturn opposite Moon 0 degree but met saturn-sun people and I still cannot decide if it is about 'father' or 'mother and father' issues.
Saturn is conjunct my neptune and uranus.
Saturn is opposition my sun. I think it's supposed to mean daddy issues.. which is very true.
Posted by SaturnladyPosted by clippityclopYes. I am Saturn opposite Moon 0 degree but met saturn-sun people and I still cannot decide if it is about 'father' or 'mother and father' issues.
Saturn is conjunct my neptune and uranus.
Saturn is opposition my sun. I think it's supposed to mean daddy issues.. which is very true.
Common things: blocks in self-expression, depression, and looking for invisible to expand
Posted by SaturnladyI'd rather be single than be in an unsatisfying relationship, and I'm cautious about relationships I get into, but I show sensitivity and emotions and I'm expressive if I like a person. I feel fear but don't let it stop me. Almost everyone I've been interested in has been clear that I'm interested.Posted by CopperDoveSo many oppositions! Did you go into relationships because they seemed secure with your saturn-venus opposition? Or does it manifest as a "I'd rather be single"? They say saturn-venus cannot show sensitivity or emotions much because they got scared.
Saturn aspects a few things in my chart including sun and ascendant. I did well during my Saturn return but I was making responsible choices so I'm sure that helped. It can feel heavy sometimes but Saturn is my friend, I've come to see, and I'm grateful he's with me all of the time as a voice of reason, if you will.![]()
Saturn conj ascendant (2 degrees)
Saturn opp sun (3 degrees)
Saturn opp Venus (3 degrees)
Saturn opp Jupiter (1 degree)click to expand
Posted by clippityclopNot being trustful. See hidden, non-existent, dark motivations in people. (and worry about them)Posted by SaturnladyPosted by clippityclopYes. I am Saturn opposite Moon 0 degree but met saturn-sun people and I still cannot decide if it is about 'father' or 'mother and father' issues.
Saturn is conjunct my neptune and uranus.
Saturn is opposition my sun. I think it's supposed to mean daddy issues.. which is very true.
Common things: blocks in self-expression, depression, and looking for invisible enemies.
Looking for invisible enemies? In what way?click to expand
Posted by SaturnladyI can be like that. Sometimes I feel the worlds against me. ?Posted by clippityclopNot being trustful. See hidden, non-existent, dark motivations in people. (and worry about them)Posted by SaturnladyPosted by clippityclopYes. I am Saturn opposite Moon 0 degree but met saturn-sun people and I still cannot decide if it is about 'father' or 'mother and father' issues.
Saturn is conjunct my neptune and uranus.
Saturn is opposition my sun. I think it's supposed to mean daddy issues.. which is very true.
Common things: blocks in self-expression, depression, and looking for invisible enemies.
Looking for invisible enemies? In what way?click to expand
Posted by CopperDoveYou are a mature Sat-Venus then.Posted by SaturnladyI'd rather be single than be in an unsatisfying relationship, and I'm cautious about relationships I get into, but I show sensitivity and emotions and I'm expressive if I like a person. I feel fear but don't let it stop me. Almost everyone I've been interested in has been clear that I'm interested.Posted by CopperDoveSo many oppositions! Did you go into relationships because they seemed secure with your saturn-venus opposition? Or does it manifest as a "I'd rather be single"? They say saturn-venus cannot show sensitivity or emotions much because they got scared.
Saturn aspects a few things in my chart including sun and ascendant. I did well during my Saturn return but I was making responsible choices so I'm sure that helped. It can feel heavy sometimes but Saturn is my friend, I've come to see, and I'm grateful he's with me all of the time as a voice of reason, if you will.![]()
Saturn conj ascendant (2 degrees)
Saturn opp sun (3 degrees)
Saturn opp Venus (3 degrees)
Saturn opp Jupiter (1 degree)
click to expand
Posted by Shadowcatyour natal saturn aspects and its manifestation
Yeah, Saturn in ridiculously strong in my chart. What exactly are you asking?