Sun conjunct Jupiter?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by AstroMike on Sunday, September 11, 2016 and has 30 replies.
Hopefully this is in the right section. I am curious to understand your experiences with sun conjunct Jupiter. Personally I knew two people with this aspect along with a few celebs, and they came off a little magnetic, expansive minded (not as fixed), ahead of their time with how they communicate, and old souls. Also there is a love them or hate them thing happening as well. From other celebs I have seen it seems to be a theme but other energies need to support this aspect on your chart so I'm aware of the distinctions in each person. How's your experiences with this energy or what have your seen from other souls with this aspect? I know this by itself does not sum up the soul; other aspects and house placements will color the outcome. However knowing this do you still have any experience with this energy??
My jupiter is 22 degrees, and my sun is 29 degrees. Does this qualify?
Posted by clippityclop
My jupiter is 22 degrees, and my sun is 29 degrees. Does this qualify?

Yes, usually astrologers allow up to 10 degrees for any aspect involving the sun. Your sun and Jupiter are 7 degrees apart, well within the limits.

Posted by clippityclop
My jupiter is 22 degrees, and my sun is 29 degrees. Does this qualify?
Personally yes I feel so. Certain astrologers have different orbs for different aspects but only you would know... After all it's your energies. So what do you feel??
I have this aspect, ScorpIo sun conjunct Scorpio Jupiter, 4 degree orb.

What you wrote fits me reasonably well, I'd say. I don't think I communicate in a way ahead of my time, though, and I don't have the love them or hate them thing going, unless people aren't letting on that they hate me, lol.

I think I can have a chipper energy that you wouldn't expect in a Scorpio person, but that could come from other things in my chart, like my Gem moon and Sag Mercury. I can feel kind of Sag-like at times.

Not sure what else to say about having this aspect. I guess any conjunction with the sun really can change it's expression. I have Venus conjunct my sun and Jupiter too, so they're a trio.

Posted by AstroMike
Posted by clippityclop
My jupiter is 22 degrees, and my sun is 29 degrees. Does this qualify?
Personally yes I feel so. Certain astrologers have different orbs for different aspects but only you would know... After all it's your energies. So what do you feel??
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Posted by AstroMike
Posted by clippityclop
My jupiter is 22 degrees, and my sun is 29 degrees. Does this qualify?
Personally yes I feel so. Certain astrologers have different orbs for different aspects but only you would know... After all it's your energies. So what do you feel??
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As a Jupiter /Sun person.. i feel like i like indulging. I can easily drink a lot, eat a lot, spend a lot... like to be in love and like the finer things in life. I feel like even if I'm feeling unlucky.. that things always seem to pan out. So i feel like I'm kind of lucky in things that I do.

I do feel like an old soul.. but I think a lot of people can say that about themselves. Especially on a place like dxp.

And as for the love/hate thing..I'm not quite sure what you mean!!!

And @copperdove, we seem to share some similar placements. You're a taurus rising as well?
My Chiron also conjuncts my sun and jupiter, so idk how that flavors things

Yes, I have Taurus rising! That's very interesting that we share some key placements. What is your moon? Sorry if you've posted that somewhere and I'm forgetting or missed it.

Edit: okay, your moon is Leo, if I read correctly in another thread. My sister is a reverse of you in one way (she's Taurus sun, Leo moon, Cancer rising).

Posted by CopperDove

Yes, I have Taurus rising! That's very interesting that we share some key placements. What is your moon? Sorry if you've posted that somewhere and I'm forgetting or missed it.

Edit: okay, your moon is Leo, if I read correctly in another thread. My sister is a reverse of you in one way (she's Taurus sun, Leo moon, Cancer rising).

Yeah I don't remember all of your placements either! I know you're a Scorpio sun.. and I remember seeing you had the same four angles as me in one thread. There have been other things I've seen that I can't quite remember lol.

And that's cool. My bestie has those placements! Although she is on the aries/taurus cusp. But cancer rising, and leo moon. She's a lovely lady.
Posted by tiziani
It's kind of a gateway drug aspect to a life of crime. But not as much as Moon conjunct Jupiter.
Life of crime? As in getting away with things?
Posted by tiziani
Posted by clippityclop
Posted by tiziani
It's kind of a gateway drug aspect to a life of crime. But not as much as Moon conjunct Jupiter.
Life of crime? As in getting away with things?
As in always wanting more, not knowing where the line is.

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I can see that :/

Posted by tiziani
Posted by clippityclop
Posted by tiziani
Posted by clippityclop
Posted by tiziani
It's kind of a gateway drug aspect to a life of crime. But not as much as Moon conjunct Jupiter.
Life of crime? As in getting away with things?
As in always wanting more, not knowing where the line is.

I can see that :/

(Dials MI6 because you've already taken your crime racket across two different continents)

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Its okay. Straya just brings out my indulgent inner fat kid. Gluttony is my crime. ?

Posted by clippityclop
Posted by AstroMike
Posted by clippityclop
My jupiter is 22 degrees, and my sun is 29 degrees. Does this qualify?
Personally yes I feel so. Certain astrologers have different orbs for different aspects but only you would know... After all it's your energies. So what do you feel??
As a Jupiter /Sun person.. i feel like i like indulging. I can easily drink a lot, eat a lot, spend a lot... like to be in love and like the finer things in life. I feel like even if I'm feeling unlucky.. that things always seem to pan out. So i feel like I'm kind of lucky in things that I do.

I do feel like an old soul.. but I think a lot of people can say that about themselves. Especially on a place like dxp.

And as for the love/hate thing..I'm not quite sure what you mean!!!

And @copperdove, we seem to share some similar placements. You're a taurus rising as well?
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Thanks for the response! By love or hate I mean that they're ideas or how them communicate can go over people's heads. Some will get it others won't. Sometimes authority figures likes to butt heads with them even if their being compliant. (In hindsight...I should have said this to begin with! What I said before sounds so vague now?)
Posted by CopperDove
I have this aspect, ScorpIo sun conjunct Scorpio Jupiter, 4 degree orb.

What you wrote fits me reasonably well, I'd say. I don't think I communicate in a way ahead of my time, though, and I don't have the love them or hate them thing going, unless people aren't letting on that they hate me, lol.

I think I can have a chipper energy that you wouldn't expect in a Scorpio person, but that could come from other things in my chart, like my Gem moon and Sag Mercury. I can feel kind of Sag-like at times.

Not sure what else to say about having this aspect. I guess any conjunction with the sun really can change it's expression. I have Venus conjunct my sun and Jupiter too, so they're a trio.

Oh I love Gemini moon people. Generally I have always spotted them before looking up their chart. Them and sag moons are almost always vibrant. Laughing, smiling , joking, sometimes a little blunt, and just from looking at their eyes or body language... You can tell they're minds are moving too fast (co-worker). It's so beautiful.
Posted by clippityclop
Posted by AstroMike
Posted by clippityclop
My jupiter is 22 degrees, and my sun is 29 degrees. Does this qualify?
Personally yes I feel so. Certain astrologers have different orbs for different aspects but only you would know... After all it's your energies. So what do you feel??
As a Jupiter /Sun person.. i feel like i like indulging. I can easily drink a lot, eat a lot, spend a lot... like to be in love and like the finer things in life. I feel like even if I'm feeling unlucky.. that things always seem to pan out. So i feel like I'm kind of lucky in things that I do.

I do feel like an old soul.. but I think a lot of people can say that about themselves. Especially on a place like dxp.

And as for the love/hate thing..I'm not quite sure what you mean!!!

And @copperdove, we seem to share some similar placements. You're a taurus rising as well?
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Do you feel like an old soul?

I have this natally along with it conjuncting my venus as well - it's a packed house, I have a stellium there - but yes old soul, I can get high on happiness, love doing those things - drinking, laughing, maybe shopping too ?and I always tell ppl, I'm the luckiest person you'll ever meet, I win contests, door prizes, vacations, it's crazy and things ALWAYS work out for me!
Posted by tiziani
Posted by TaurusinTexas
I have this natally along with it conjuncting my venus as well - it's a packed house, I have a stellium there - but yes old soul, I can get high on happiness, love doing those things - drinking, laughing, maybe shopping too ?and I always tell ppl, I'm the luckiest person you'll ever meet, I win contests, door prizes, vacations, it's crazy and things ALWAYS work out for me!
All funded by crime, amirite?
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Only if it's a crime to be this awesome! ?
Posted by TaurusinTexas
I have this natally along with it conjuncting my venus as well - it's a packed house, I have a stellium there - but yes old soul, I can get high on happiness, love doing those things - drinking, laughing, maybe shopping too ?and I always tell ppl, I'm the luckiest person you'll ever meet, I win contests, door prizes, vacations, it's crazy and things ALWAYS work out for me!
You have your sun and Jupiter and Venus in your first house?
Posted by AstroMike
Posted by TaurusinTexas
I have this natally along with it conjuncting my venus as well - it's a packed house, I have a stellium there - but yes old soul, I can get high on happiness, love doing those things - drinking, laughing, maybe shopping too ?and I always tell ppl, I'm the luckiest person you'll ever meet, I win contests, door prizes, vacations, it's crazy and things ALWAYS work out for me!
You have your sun and Jupiter and Venus in your first house?
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No, it's in my 6th, I'm a sag rising.... does it have to be in your first to be a part of this club? If your taking applications, I'm pretty freaking great....
Posted by TaurusinTexas
Posted by AstroMike
Posted by TaurusinTexas
I have this natally along with it conjuncting my venus as well - it's a packed house, I have a stellium there - but yes old soul, I can get high on happiness, love doing those things - drinking, laughing, maybe shopping too ?and I always tell ppl, I'm the luckiest person you'll ever meet, I win contests, door prizes, vacations, it's crazy and things ALWAYS work out for me!
You have your sun and Jupiter and Venus in your first house?
No, it's in my 6th, I'm a sag rising.... does it have to be in your first to be a part of this club? If your taking applications, I'm pretty freaking great....
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Ah thanks for clearing up my misunderstanding! Ok so your a6th houser. May I ask if your a workaholic?

Are your big on keeping things organized clean or balanced?

Do you feel your energies are strongly tired to how well you work and how your appreciated to what you bring to the table(granted with a super optimistic energy underspecification may go unnoticed).

Sorry for being so aggressive?with the questions
Posted by AstroMike
Posted by TaurusinTexas
Posted by AstroMike
Posted by TaurusinTexas
I have this natally along with it conjuncting my venus as well - it's a packed house, I have a stellium there - but yes old soul, I can get high on happiness, love doing those things - drinking, laughing, maybe shopping too ?and I always tell ppl, I'm the luckiest person you'll ever meet, I win contests, door prizes, vacations, it's crazy and things ALWAYS work out for me!
You have your sun and Jupiter and Venus in your first house?
No, it's in my 6th, I'm a sag rising.... does it have to be in your first to be a part of this club? If your taking applications, I'm pretty freaking great....
Ah thanks for clearing up my misunderstanding! Ok so your a6th houser. May I ask if your a workaholic?

Are your big on keeping things organized clean or balanced?

Do you feel your energies are strongly tired to how well you work and how your appreciated to what you bring to the table(granted with a super optimistic energy underspecification may go unnoticed).

Sorry for being so aggressive?with the questions
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My ego and work are tightly intertwined and I work very hard to keep balanced there - I work in the nonprofit sector, so knowing that the harder it work puts more money into my mission does drive me and I have to watch that. When I was young, this was a problem but the older I get the more I appreciate life outside of work - but it's always there in the back of my mind and I can be highly competitive.

Posted by TaurusinTexas
Posted by AstroMike
Posted by TaurusinTexas
Posted by AstroMike
Posted by TaurusinTexas
I have this natally along with it conjuncting my venus as well - it's a packed house, I have a stellium there - but yes old soul, I can get high on happiness, love doing those things - drinking, laughing, maybe shopping too ?and I always tell ppl, I'm the luckiest person you'll ever meet, I win contests, door prizes, vacations, it's crazy and things ALWAYS work out for me!
You have your sun and Jupiter and Venus in your first house?
No, it's in my 6th, I'm a sag rising.... does it have to be in your first to be a part of this club? If your taking applications, I'm pretty freaking great....
Ah thanks for clearing up my misunderstanding! Ok so your a6th houser. May I ask if your a workaholic?

Are your big on keeping things organized clean or balanced?

Do you feel your energies are strongly tired to how well you work and how your appreciated to what you bring to the table(granted with a super optimistic energy underspecification may go unnoticed).

Sorry for being so aggressive?with the questions
My ego and work are tightly intertwined and I work very hard to keep balanced there - I work in the nonprofit sector, so knowing that the harder it work puts more money into my mission does drive me and I have to watch that. When I was young, this was a problem but the older I get the more I appreciate life outside of work - but it's always there in the back of my mind and I can be highly competitive.

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Oh wow this is so 6th houses! Am generally with sun in the 6th house it makes certain souls competitive. They can be Leo like in their work environment. With Jupiter there is there an expansiveness to your work? Working with foreigners, helping people collectively, being a sort of bridge to other businesses or people?
Posted by AstroMike
Posted by TaurusinTexas
Posted by AstroMike
Posted by TaurusinTexas
Posted by AstroMike
Posted by TaurusinTexas
I have this natally along with it conjuncting my venus as well - it's a packed house, I have a stellium there - but yes old soul, I can get high on happiness, love doing those things - drinking, laughing, maybe shopping too ?and I always tell ppl, I'm the luckiest person you'll ever meet, I win contests, door prizes, vacations, it's crazy and things ALWAYS work out for me!
You have your sun and Jupiter and Venus in your first house?
No, it's in my 6th, I'm a sag rising.... does it have to be in your first to be a part of this club? If your taking applications, I'm pretty freaking great....
Ah thanks for clearing up my misunderstanding! Ok so your a6th houser. May I ask if your a workaholic?

Are your big on keeping things organized clean or balanced?

Do you feel your energies are strongly tired to how well you work and how your appreciated to what you bring to the table(granted with a super optimistic energy underspecification may go unnoticed).

Sorry for being so aggressive?with the questions
My ego and work are tightly intertwined and I work very hard to keep balanced there - I work in the nonprofit sector, so knowing that the harder it work puts more money into my mission does drive me and I have to watch that. When I was young, this was a problem but the older I get the more I appreciate life outside of work - but it's always there in the back of my mind and I can be highly competitive.

Oh wow this is so 6th houses! Am generally with sun in the 6th house it makes certain souls competitive. They can be Leo like in their work environment. With Jupiter there is there an expansiveness to your work? Working with foreigners, helping people collectively, being a sort of bridge to other businesses or people?
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Watch the insults there - I'm never like a leo ? but yes work is my 2nd home! And yes my work has that Jupiter touch, helping ppl, bringing ppl together - being that bridge. 6th house is also where my south node sits with my north sitting in my 12th, so I work on letting it go and embracing the spiritual side versus the material but it's hard with so much energy in this house.
Posted by TaurusinTexas
Posted by AstroMike
Posted by TaurusinTexas
Posted by AstroMike
Posted by TaurusinTexas
Posted by AstroMike
Posted by TaurusinTexas
I have this natally along with it conjuncting my venus as well - it's a packed house, I have a stellium there - but yes old soul, I can get high on happiness, love doing those things - drinking, laughing, maybe shopping too ?and I always tell ppl, I'm the luckiest person you'll ever meet, I win contests, door prizes, vacations, it's crazy and things ALWAYS work out for me!
You have your sun and Jupiter and Venus in your first house?
No, it's in my 6th, I'm a sag rising.... does it have to be in your first to be a part of this club? If your taking applications, I'm pretty freaking great....
Ah thanks for clearing up my misunderstanding! Ok so your a6th houser. May I ask if your a workaholic?

Are your big on keeping things organized clean or balanced?

Do you feel your energies are strongly tired to how well you work and how your appreciated to what you bring to the table(granted with a super optimistic energy underspecification may go unnoticed).

Sorry for being so aggressive?with the questions
My ego and work are tightly intertwined and I work very hard to keep balanced there - I work in the nonprofit sector, so knowing that the harder it work puts more money into my mission does drive me and I have to watch that. When I was young, this was a problem but the older I get the more I appreciate life outside of work - but it's always there in the back of my mind and I can be highly competitive.

Oh wow this is so 6th houses! Am generally with sun in the 6th house it makes certain souls competitive. They can be Leo like in their work environment. With Jupiter there is there an expansiveness to your work? Working with foreigners, helping people collectively, being a sort of bridge to other businesses or people?
Watch the insults there - I'm never like a leo ? but yes work is my 2nd home! And yes my work has that Jupiter touch, helping ppl, bringing ppl together - being that bridge. 6th house is also where my south node sits with my north sitting in my 12th, so I work on letting it go and embracing the spiritual side versus the material but it's hard with so much energy in this house.
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Lol @leo comment.
Watch the insults there - I'm never like a leo ? but yes work is my 2nd home! And yes my work has that Jupiter touch, helping ppl, bringing ppl together - being that bridge. 6th house is also where my south node sits with my north sitting in my 12th, so I work on letting it go and embracing the spiritual side versus the material but it's hard with so much energy in this house.

Ok you hit an interesting topic. I know digestive with a12th house north node. How is this energy for you? Does it feel like your journey is supposed to be able the intangible journey and detaching from the tangible world? When did you feel this transition? Do people sometimes give off like you're too spiritual or abstract for them (a little shaman - like)?
Posted by AstroMike
Watch the insults there - I'm never like a leo ? but yes work is my 2nd home! And yes my work has that Jupiter touch, helping ppl, bringing ppl together - being that bridge. 6th house is also where my south node sits with my north sitting in my 12th, so I work on letting it go and embracing the spiritual side versus the material but it's hard with so much energy in this house.

Ok you hit an interesting topic. I know digestive with a12th house north node. How is this energy for you? Does it feel like your journey is supposed to be able the intangible journey and detaching from the tangible world? When did you feel this transition? Do people sometimes give off like you're too spiritual or abstract for them (a little shaman - like)?
It does feel very much like my journey is to let go of the familar/the material - I work to embrace the journey more than the results - started in my late 20s but really picked up its pace in my 30's. I don't think that ppl think I'm too spiritual but ppl tell me everything (even strangers) and I feel like I'm everyone's confessor and counselor and ppl tell me I have incredibly enjoyable and calming energy ?

Posted by TaurusinTexas
Posted by AstroMike
Watch the insults there - I'm never like a leo ? but yes work is my 2nd home! And yes my work has that Jupiter touch, helping ppl, bringing ppl together - being that bridge. 6th house is also where my south node sits with my north sitting in my 12th, so I work on letting it go and embracing the spiritual side versus the material but it's hard with so much energy in this house.

Ok you hit an interesting topic. I know digestive with a12th house north node. How is this energy for you? Does it feel like your journey is supposed to be able the intangible journey and detaching from the tangible world? When did you feel this transition? Do people sometimes give off like you're too spiritual or abstract for them (a little shaman - like)?
It does feel very much like my journey is to let go of the familar/the material - I work to embrace the journey more than the results - started in my late 20s but really picked up its pace in my 30's. I don't think that ppl think I'm too spiritual but ppl tell me everything (even strangers) and I feel like I'm everyone's confessor and counselor and ppl tell me I have incredibly enjoyable and calming energy ?

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I know someone with nnode in 12th (spell check put "digestive" for whatever stupid reason). They same exact thing happens to him. People feel "safe" around him. Like they can confide in him. Remember to work on your connection with source. I think They use 12th housers (and a few other placements, Pisces risings, etc) to communicate down to those in need.

Posted by clippityclop
Posted by CopperDove

Yes, I have Taurus rising! That's very interesting that we share some key placements. What is your moon? Sorry if you've posted that somewhere and I'm forgetting or missed it.

Edit: okay, your moon is Leo, if I read correctly in another thread. My sister is a reverse of you in one way (she's Taurus sun, Leo moon, Cancer rising).

Yeah I don't remember all of your placements either! I know you're a Scorpio sun.. and I remember seeing you had the same four angles as me in one thread. There have been other things I've seen that I can't quite remember lol.

And that's cool. My bestie has those placements! Although she is on the aries/taurus cusp. But cancer rising, and leo moon. She's a lovely lady.
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Yes, I'm a Scorpio sun, Gemini moon, and Taurus rising. smile

Cool that we have the same angles! Sometimes even with the same rising sign that isn't the case, though usually it's close.

Oh wow, your bestie is even more like my sister because my sister is on the Aries/Taurus cusp too. My sister is a lovely person as well.

Posted by AstroMike
Posted by CopperDove
I have this aspect, ScorpIo sun conjunct Scorpio Jupiter, 4 degree orb.

What you wrote fits me reasonably well, I'd say. I don't think I communicate in a way ahead of my time, though, and I don't have the love them or hate them thing going, unless people aren't letting on that they hate me, lol.

I think I can have a chipper energy that you wouldn't expect in a Scorpio person, but that could come from other things in my chart, like my Gem moon and Sag Mercury. I can feel kind of Sag-like at times.

Not sure what else to say about having this aspect. I guess any conjunction with the sun really can change it's expression. I have Venus conjunct my sun and Jupiter too, so they're a trio.

Oh I love Gemini moon people. Generally I have always spotted them before looking up their chart. Them and sag moons are almost always vibrant. Laughing, smiling , joking, sometimes a little blunt, and just from looking at their eyes or body language... You can tell they're minds are moving too fast (co-worker). It's so beautiful.
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That's interesting! I have noticed that Gem moon people I've known can have a very lively quality in their eyes, even sparkling.

Definitely my mind moves quickly - much faster than I can talk. Sometimes I try to keep up verbally with the speed of my mind, but not everyone can follow that so I try to catch myself and slow myself down.