Sun, moon and rising contradict its other... What about balance?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Pathos on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 and has 5 replies.
Hello to all of you 😊

So I have been having this issue for a long time now.

My sun in sagittarius in 11th

My rising is Capricorn

And my moon is Capricorn too in 12th.

Everything else is mainly Capricorn, and Aqua

Saturn my chart ruler is in Aries in 3rd house.

The things is I have been really struggling to accept how Capricorn like I am.

Even now I find it difficult. I don't even know how to channel this energy. And it really plays both Sag and Cap out on me.... But a lot of times Cap is stronger.

When I was in school I was in full Capricorn mode. The one that you do what your parents and everyone else tells you cause thats what you are supposed to do and actually believe you are good if you accomplish the things that are expected from you, even though you really struggle.

But after that when I got in college 3 years ago Aquarius and 12th house planets (Moon, Mercury, Mars) came out and the girl who did everything she was been told to disappeared. A rebel came out and a girl lost in her thoughts, fears, and past issues got her place and made me even more confused about everything. For the first time the image I projected had really cracked.

Now I am really more confused than before.... Cause being Capricorn like is considered good.

I begin to recognize and learn Capricorn just like all signs has actually both good and bad qualities and I find in myself both.

I mean it has its own strengths I can tap into if I decide that I want to.

But in general I always felt i was supposed and expected to be someone.... I have had this expectation of myself too.... but all it feels like now is faking. Faking to be strong, to have it all together or whatever. Being closed, detached, withdrawn, alone and appear so full and self sufficient does not serve me anymore.

And now I really don't know even what I want.

I may want Capricorn things that it's more difficult to get and need more time but probably are more valuable. But then Sag sun and Venus, Mars conjuct Ascendant mentality come off and tell me just relax and try the easy and fast way out.

Plus I am 21 which is an age everyone around me is so cool about experimenting with everything while I am actually stuck to the things I want and not seem to easily get or properly go for in the first place.

A last example.... I have my rising, moon, mercury, venus, Mars and Neptune in Capricorn and I state all the time I want a relationship... Doesn't need to be long.. I dont want a marriage lol.... But it's going to be my first relationship and I would like it to last for some time.... As you understand I am talking about something real.... And then everyone else is like lets make out, have sex and that's it.

I am not like that.... And then I get anxious I miss out on smt or that I should experiment more with this life style even though I don't feel like I want to.

I don't know if this post makes any sense.

Do you feel or have you ever felt the same way. I would like to know. 😘
no worries, it makes sense; sorry to hear that you are struggling but have to put on a mask and fake being ok to get through the day :/ Perhpas you can take this time to figure out the "thoughts, fears, and past issues" that are plaguing you. seems like its been fermenting inside you for quite a while but you've been suppressing it maybe even unconsciously.

As for being alone, do you have friends or people you can trust? Sometimes it helps to open up a little and just trying to articulate the things you have in your head may help you clear them up or see them in a new light.

"I may want Capricorn things that it's more difficult to get and need more time but probably are more valuable."

Girl you are only 21! you have time its ok! lol that was meant to be reassuring but from personal experience i know those kind of words dont really help no matter how many times you tell them to yourself lol. i think for now try to enjoy what your sag sun and venus brings you, make a space for them. is it really an either/or situation btw your sag desires and cappy goals? think about that...

As for being cool and fitting in with your peers, dont let them get to you, as you said, you dont even really want that kind of life style anw. Forcing yourself to act some way because of fear of missing out or fear of regret - please reconsider.
Posted by Horsey
no worries, it makes sense; sorry to hear that you are struggling but have to put on a mask and fake being ok to get through the day :/ Perhpas you can take this time to figure out the "thoughts, fears, and past issues" that are plaguing you. seems like its been fermenting inside you for quite a while but you've been suppressing it maybe even unconsciously.
As for being alone, do you have friends or people you can trust? Sometimes it helps to open up a little and just trying to articulate the things you have in your head may help you clear them up or see them in a new light.
"I may want Capricorn things that it's more difficult to get and need more time but probably are more valuable."
Girl you are only 21! you have time its ok! lol that was meant to be reassuring but from personal experience i know those kind of words dont really help no matter how many times you tell them to yourself lol. i think for now try to enjoy what your sag sun and venus brings you, make a space for them. is it really an either/or situation btw your sag desires and cappy goals? think about that...
As for being cool and fitting in with your peers, dont let them get to you, as you said, you dont even really want that kind of life style anw. Forcing yourself to act some way because of fear of missing out or fear of regret - please reconsider.
Thanks for you answer! Well I try to be calm but always end up overanalyzing everything and getting stuck in my head. Oh not to mention that letting go of the past feels a little too difficult.

The basic difference between my Sag sun desires and Cap goals in relationships lets say is that... I feel following the Sag isn't going to bring me a relationship. Maybe it will hurt me emotionally. I don't know. Then I am not even sure I want to begin with a relationship cause it doesn't seem to happen that easily and I still want to be with men and really connect.

Astrology helps me put some things into place and gets me confused with others.

For example the last 3 years I have been trying to escape the stellium in my 1st house and everything Capricorn in general. I got really into the 12th and tried to heal issues that needed to be healed as soon as possible , I actually healed a lot, did some psychotherapy too. But other things came out lol. I had Saturn and Pluto transiting my 12th the last years too.

And also I was thinking I need to have a relationship so that the focus goes somewhere else instead of myself. Cause I seem self focused. The thing is I am working on myself to be able to be with others and for self improvement too ok.

And now I realize I left myself entirely putting all my focus into finding this relationship 😝
Posted by Pathos
Thanks for you answer! Well I try to be calm but always end up overanalyzing everything and getting stuck in my head. Oh not to mention that letting go of the past feels a little too difficult.
The basic difference between my Sag sun desires and Cap goals in relationships lets say is that... I feel following the Sag isn't going to bring me a relationship. Maybe it will hurt me emotionally. I don't know. Then I am not even sure I want to begin with a relationship cause it doesn't seem to happen that easily and I still want to be with men and really connect.
Astrology helps me put some things into place and gets me confused with others.
For example the last 3 years I have been trying to escape the stellium in my 1st house and everything Capricorn in general. I got really into the 12th and tried to heal issues that needed to be healed as soon as possible , I actually healed a lot, did some psychotherapy too. But other things came out lol. I had Saturn and Pluto transiting my 12th the last years too.
And also I was thinking I need to have a relationship so that the focus goes somewhere else instead of myself. Cause I seem self focused. The thing is I am working on myself to be able to be with others and for self improvement too ok.
And now I realize I left myself entirely putting all my focus into finding this relationship 😝
May i ask why is being in a relationship so important? from the message above im getting a sense of urgency from you to be in a relationship? sorry if im wrong...

Glad to hear you've gotten into the deep end (aka 12th house) and healing your issues, good for you smile i hate seeing another sag get kicked down by life lol. i know people think we are overly optimistic all the time but i truly believe we are born to be happy, if not now then someday in the future.

In the meantime how about enlarging your circle of friends or reaching out more to the friends you already have?

From personal experience i would caution against being hyperfocused on finding a relationship. This reminded me of my ex and it was one of the reasons i broke up with him. He was emotionally damaged yet immature. From my perspective it was like he saw a romantic relationship as a cure-all for all his mental/emotional issues. He said "As long as im in a relationship i'll be ok" ; whenever i asked him if he was feeling ok its "as long as i have you everything will be ok" things like that. I felt honoured (?) flattered?? but also quite pressurized. Its like im responsible for his emotional and mental health too and it didnt sit well with me. I felt like a parent/ older sibling and it didnt help that he was younger than me as well. Basically because of the pressure/responsibility i felt i was always conscious of doing and saying things that would lift his mood, inspire him to try new experiences, show that i understand him, curb my humour when it comes to things that he's sensitive about etc etc. got tiring real quick. its not that i didnt care about him but it was seriously draining. I get that some people feel like they have to/want to be in a relationship - can't stand being alone, likes attention from a partner, prove somthing to themselves, prove something to other people... but sometimes it may backfire because its just too much for the other person.
Posted by ValleysofNeptune
I'm pretty sure I know how you feel. And when I was 21 I also struggled balancing sun, moon, and ascendant. Though I was less into astrology back then so it's really only looking back that I realize it. I have a similar situation with those placements being contradictory. Sun in Pisces, moon in Virgo, ascendant in Leo. So my Pisces sun is dreamy and somewhat impractical, my Virgo moon is analytical and works. Pisces sun mixed with Virgo moon makes me pretty shy and just want to live a simple, modest life in peace. But then you throw Leo ascendant in 😂 which is often the center of attention and likes it and putting on a show...and it can be pretty contradictory at times. Though I'm usually pretty shy I've learned to embrace the feeling of being in the spotlight more as I've gotten older, and I've gotten better at reconciling the differences between Pisces sun and Virgo moon as well. Though sometimes I still struggle to balance these different natures
In your case I'm not really sure about what you should exactly do because I don't have and personal planets in Capricorn or Sagittarius...I would just say to try and notice what feels right and what doesn't and do your best to juggle the different aspects of your personality. Sometimes you need to "feed" certain placements and keep them satisfied
Thanks for the answer. Your combo is a interesting one too.

I try to balance it. Sag comes through a lot of things and my general personality. But in specific things and areas I am more Capricorn like cause I am sensitive and emotional, also reserved and a bit afraid, expect a lot from life at the same time too. Cap is like that. We just don't admit it.

So then Sag watches that and is like just go and have fun and be crazy. Like the ego (Sun) tries to ignore the rest of the personality that is apparently Cap and more emotional and sensitive. I don't know what to feed lol. I just try my best smile