Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428You ar half right, Planets are there always, and if you are born with that aligment of planets you will have that energy trough life, believe me. And Rising or other angular houses is how you delelop here in earth and as I explained you can change the houses, playing with their opposite sign, like you say we can teach ourselfs. And besides, rising and mideheavem helps to that big time, thats why is always the best angles to look for.
Well I read it's not about sun now it's Moon, Venus, and or Mars or rising.
Then I also found out its not any of these it's how you are when you were a wee baby. And able to self teach yourself, learn around other folks too.
Posted by Arielle83Cancer Sun is pure energy, you cannot change it, but external influences can intensify it or dorm it tough.
Cancer sun
Aries rising
Capricorn midheaven
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428I forgot to say, doesnt mean planets dont have external influences, they have, for instance this black moon intensified my astrological senses.
Well I have Taurus 9 degrees, Cancer rising 24 degrees, and Aries midheaven. My profession is in health care believe it or not and it's rewarding and challenging at the same time. I tell you I work hard and then go sit somewhere and snack alot. Then do it all over again for 12 hours. I feel I always have to reserve energy and it's draining at the end of my shift because I'm always moving or sitting.
Posted by Capri-sunYour scorpio midheaven urge to find exactly what you said, finding something more meaningful, living a life in full. My suggestion is to give a look to Taurus, taurus say to you simply gather some stuff first, to you to do it, since scorpio Ego thinks he is the best at living life fully. But youhave the vocation instead, but you need some stability from taurus first to find it.
Cap sun, cap rising, scorp midheaven
I pretty much understand the sun & rising.
Just recently started looking at midheaven because I don't particularly care for what I do for a living...would like to find something I'm passionate about and more meaningful...
Posted by LostPiscesGuess I'm dying alone then since I'm always at work.Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428I forgot to say, doesnt mean planets dont have external influences, they have, for instance this black moon intensified my astrological senses.
Well I have Taurus 9 degrees, Cancer rising 24 degrees, and Aries midheaven. My profession is in health care believe it or not and it's rewarding and challenging at the same time. I tell you I work hard and then go sit somewhere and snack alot. Then do it all over again for 12 hours. I feel I always have to reserve energy and it's draining at the end of my shift because I'm always moving or sitting.
Aries is your vocation, so you work hard by default, taurus makes you go take that snaks and the sense of possession, and cancer, well, makes you feel more emotional, the way you said it, you amost feel it like your work is your to expand
Posted by KoniuchaaI actually did a sort of that, relating people:
Just make sure you also look at aspects to each
That Will always give it a different flavor
Posted by ExplicitROFLMAO!!! I LOVE banana bread! cyber hugs!Posted by PlaguedPosted by ExplicitI think he'd make lovely banana bread
Don't really get it.
Gemini Sun, Scorpio Rising and Leo Midheaven though.
LOLclick to expand
Posted by LibrasettingYou may have some conflits because your Aries rising is helped by the Libra descendant, but then libra sun wants to impose that. But Capricorn vocation will mediate it, down to earth boys
Yeah I have fun times a head for me. I'm a Libra sun Aries rising with Capricorn MC.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428I dont believe so, you are simply so hard worker that an Aries/Cancer sun person will be good for you, they would get you big time.Posted by LostPiscesGuess I'm dying alone then since I'm always at work.Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428I forgot to say, doesnt mean planets dont have external influences, they have, for instance this black moon intensified my astrological senses.
Well I have Taurus 9 degrees, Cancer rising 24 degrees, and Aries midheaven. My profession is in health care believe it or not and it's rewarding and challenging at the same time. I tell you I work hard and then go sit somewhere and snack alot. Then do it all over again for 12 hours. I feel I always have to reserve energy and it's draining at the end of my shift because I'm always moving or sitting.
Aries is your vocation, so you work hard by default, taurus makes you go take that snaks and the sense of possession, and cancer, well, makes you feel more emotional, the way you said it, you amost feel it like your work is your to expand
Posted by Ram416You have almost my placements
This is interesting. Let's play
Aries sun
Gemini rising
Midheaven Aqua
Posted by LostPiscesThank youPosted by Ram416You have almost my placements
This is interesting. Let's play
Aries sun
Gemini rising
Midheaven Aqua
Aries sun energy is very strong, is ego multiplied by two, Gemini and Aqua feed the Ego even more, but makes you more then an simple Aries, you dont want to impose your reason anymore, you want to learn more and give others more credit. Its a powerful change, simply because Sag and Leo help. Gemini and Aqua feed Aries but they come with Sag and Leo to change Aries to a better personclick to expand
Posted by LibrasettingFor me rising grows from when you start to know yourself to the end of life, of course, at the time of 30 will be more noticed. sad to hear from your accident and consequences, since your vocation cant help there, your conflit libra sun/ aries rising rises.Posted by LostPiscesYep you are right but I got passed that part those were my teenage yrs and early 20s.from what I've read your rising sign will truly kick in around age 30 I'll be 34 next Wednesday and I was in a bad car wreck when I was 29 and smashed my head into the windshield never went to the hospital. then last year a few months after my 33rd bday I got extremely ill with a sinus infection and chest infection as well I would of most certainly of died if it wasn't for modern medicine..I was bed ridden for months..all due to tension and stress in my body that I was carrying around for yrs without really realizing it,I have many physical injuries that I carry very well and suffer from bad tension headaches I finally got help oddly enough on September 9th and have to take muscle relaxers now and slowly progressing everyday..Posted by LibrasettingYou may have some conflits because your Aries rising is helped by the Libra descendant, but then libra sun wants to impose that. But Capricorn vocation will mediate it, down to earth boys
Yeah I have fun times a head for me. I'm a Libra sun Aries rising with Capricorn to expand
Posted by starwarsWith virgo sun all has to be in order, aqua rising and Sag MC dont help to make house in order
Virgo sun, Aqua rising, Sag MC
Posted by DastardSag ego wants to travel, even to the unknown of thinking, aries knows the best adventures, leo likes to dominate, you have a spice of aqua and libra, but you simply want to dominate the world as you dominate fire.
Leo Rising
Sagittarius Sun
Aries Midheaven
Posted by dewiklaessen1991Libra vocation helps virgo ego trought relationships, sag to travel the unknown, pretty fine balance.
Virgo sun Sagittarius rising Libra midheaven rather had sagittarius midheaven
Posted by Saggi212Very indeed, you want to travel to where you may think of, capricorn organize your trip and scorpio knows how to enjoy it, Descendant and ic have few influence.
Sagittarius sun
Capricorn Ascendant
Scorpio midheaven
What you wrote to @capri sun about scorpio midheaven appeals great to me! I try hard to give meaning to things and life in general
Posted by bubbythewhale1You got it right, the names superego are the ones wrong, if not just see ego kicks girl and gets cookie, for me superego would get a bomb kill the girl and get cookies.
Virgo Sun
Sag Rising
Virgo Midheaven
In psychology we learned about the id, ego and sugerego. The way my professor explained it was similar to the way you explained it but he threw in some comical sprinkles. (wonder about his sign now)
Id (Sun)- tells you that you're hungry, you see a girl scout so you kick her and take the cookies (actions)
Superego (Rising)- warns you that her dad is there, bigger than you so you reconsider (you didn't change your morals, but you have to protect yourself) (actions but protecting self)
Superego (Midheaven)- maybe it'd be wrong to take cookies from an innocent girl scout, so you go find a cheesebuger (morals but a solution)
I might have them mixed up, not sure
Posted by starwarsEhehe, you spot it, i get pretty tired at end of the day and also i have a family
op better pull quarius_xy
Posted by dolluxeMidheaven just knows how to live a life in full, capricorn rising helps to that too.
Libra Sun, Capricorn Rising, Scorpio Midheaven
I kinda know about Sun and Rising but can you tell me more if you throw in my Midheaven into the mix?
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428Not direct attraction but with my co worker, why did i tend to him? Aqua mc and he has aqua sun. That is at work.
I wonder if people can be attracted to just this three aspects. Sun, rising, and midheaven alone. Lol.
Posted by draculaWell, your nickname says it all! Scorpio living a full life, and leo helps you dominate it but at same time pulls you more to calmness sometimes.
Scorpio Sun
Scorpio Rising
Leo Mid-Heaven
Posted by LostPiscesIn my daily circle I have air, and fire signs who actually are just as hard workers and care and wouldn't even know they do care but since I draw a level of comfort Ness they come to me. Because their tough ego or much of. There are all alpha males that are drawn to me.Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428Not direct attraction but with my co worker, why did i tend to him? Aqua mc and he has aqua sun. That is at work.
I wonder if people can be attracted to just this three aspects. Sun, rising, and midheaven alone. Lol.
With rising is outside work and also is attracted by sun.
Its like look at that ego, i can take care of him/her, people just feel good helping to expand
Posted by TauroMale22Not really, what i am saying is that with ac and mc sign. Opposite sign comes with the packadge
So...look to the opposite end of the axis to help your self?
I assume if you had a stellium in would be magnified?
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428Yes not easy, but aries coworker will come like natural. Or maybe you push your libra more.
But you can't go around asking these things so what's makes a person stand out hmm.
Posted by sakuraflowersYour cancer and pisces soft your aries sun, also with some source of reason of virgo and capricorn.
Aries Sun
Cancer Rising
Pisces MC
Please and thanks
Posted by PlaguedYou have alot of humanity within you, no wonder you feel plagued since what you see in this world is not good.
Libra sun
Gem rising
Aquarius MC
Posted by bubbythewhale1Posted by LostPiscesPosted by bubbythewhale1You got it right, the names superego are the ones wrong, if not just see ego kicks girl and gets cookie, for me superego would get a bomb kill the girl and get cookies.
Virgo Sun
Sag Rising
Virgo Midheaven
In psychology we learned about the id, ego and sugerego. The way my professor explained it was similar to the way you explained it but he threw in some comical sprinkles. (wonder about his sign now)
Id (Sun)- tells you that you're hungry, you see a girl scout so you kick her and take the cookies (actions)
Ego (Rising)- warns you that her dad is there, bigger than you so you reconsider (you didn't change your morals, but you have to protect yourself) (actions but protecting self)
Superego (Midheaven)- maybe it'd be wrong to take cookies from an innocent girl scout, so you go find a cheesebuger (morals but a solution)
I might have them mixed up, not sure
For me ac and mc are more like anti-ego
(Had to correct it, typed superego twice)click to expand
Posted by dewiklaessen1991Only if you let your midheaven opposite part of aries win.Posted by LostPiscesOne thing i hate it said i go up the ladder by support from others where as i want to be totally independentPosted by dewiklaessen1991Libra vocation helps virgo ego trought relationships, sag to travel the unknown, pretty fine balance.
Virgo sun Sagittarius rising Libra midheaven rather had sagittarius midheaven
Also i rather work for myself then a bossclick to expand
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428Makes sense, work is your motto, aries mc. Then cancer rising makes you care but also has capricorn who works hard too.
Even my vedic chart is Aries sun, Cancer rising, don't know midheaven in vedic. I still draw in people who hardworking, have this hard exterior inside, and softies inside so work is done and with care.
Posted by DualNaturedIIDual Gemini with a sense of learning, Sag helps to open a little bit more the horizons, pisces gives you alot of imagination, wich joining with gemini the result is alot of creativity.
Gemini Sun Gemini Rising Pisces Midheaven
Posted by Ayra
leo sun, gemini rising, aqua midheaven
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Capricorn only in descendent and 7th house that's it though. Money and play harder later that's the motto. But no dating life though. Just work and always looking for a class to take for certifications and see what I can get into. Still in the medical field though.