I have very strong feelings for this leo girl. We know each other from almost 5 years but have met only once back in my
Recent post I have explained this situation between me and this virgirl. I have disappointed her a lot and been inconsi
Ok, so, my ex called me at work the other day re: a lawnmower that I have at his house. He said it did not work and I to
My libra guy doesn't seem to want to hang out with me. He texts me everyday to see how my day is going but he doesn't i
I need some experienced thoughts on this please! This guy and I (same age and we work together) went on one date and hun
Can anyone provide input on the compatibility between our charts - me Scorp, him Taurus... Sun Scorpio 11.29 Ascenda
In your opinion are Libra's good match for us or are Aqua's the best for us. All are welcome to comment
his signs: venus is taurus, sun aries, mars is virgo. those are the only three i know. and im a gemini, venus cancer, mo
i have been with this aries girl sum months nw n we have been through alot n we love each other very much but sometimes
My mind is a total clusterfuck right now. I need to have control of my inner self and have a balance in my life otherwi