Posted by ACsquareplutoTo be fair its late here so I'll talk more about it tomorrow but in short I asked because I was expecting much worse since we despised each other a lot 😂 Like cats and dogs almost, and my obsession towards her has stalled on for a long time now and I was wondering what aspects might have caused this obsession and resentment :p but thanks anyways, your analysis is very well done and detailed!!Posted by EtherealTraveler
What do you all think of this chart relationship wise? Is it prone to obsessive tendencies?![]()
House overlays:
-Her Jupiter in his 7th house; your moon in her 7th house
-Your Jupiter and Saturn in her 8th house; her Venus in your 8th house
-Your Mercury, sun, and Neptune in her 5th house
-Her Neptune, moon and Mars in your 1st house (1st house overlays seem favorable for synastry, and I believe they are considered so in online calculators. Her moon in your 1st might make the dynamic emotionally rich)
-Her Uranus in your 2nd house (this could imply eventual rebuilding of foundations to accommodate the relationship if it progresses to something serious; supported favorably by your Saturn in her 8th)
Her Pluto (3rd) quincunx his Saturn (4th) by 2 degrees
His Pluto (12th) square her Saturn (9th) by 3 degrees
Both can sometimes struggle to recognize passion within and for each other.. her depth of feeling may feel especially outside of detection due to the Gemini/Sag energy of her Pluto and Saturn. I believe with all of the relationship house overlays between you, you'll both value each other and the relationship enough to work through the hard times which could result from difficult aspects such as these. These aspects can also indicate that the relationship will take a long time to evolve, due to the themes of the planets.
His Pluto quincunx her Jupiter (11th) within 2 degrees
You may become impatient with her preferences for self-expression, and other quirks and character traits she possesses, relating to how she communicates with you and with others in detached social or professional settings. This aspect may take some compromise and forgiveness between you, and I don't believe it is defining or important within the relationship.
His Neptune (1st) trine her sun (1st) by 1 degree 👍🏻
Excellent aspect for mutual respect, compassion, and appreciation.
His Neptune quincunx her Venus (12th) by 1 degree
This could imply that you tend to confuse her in defining the relationship or in whether you wish to continue getting to know her, due to suddenly imposed breaks of communication or emotional bonding you may instill on her. Some explanation when this occurs should ease this aspect, which is helped by your strong 1st house stellium.
His Neptune conjunct her Neptune (5th) within 3 degrees 👍🏻
This could imply shared preferences regarding space, faith, spirituality, and the bounds of emotional sharing/compassion. I like that both Neptunes fall in fire houses.
His Uranus (2nd) quincunx her Jupiter within 2 degrees
This difficult aspect may be soothed somewhat due to her Jupiter falling in your 7th, which could lend some selflessness and willing to accommodate one another for the sake of the relationship.
His Uranus trine her Saturn within 1 degree 👍🏻
His Uranus sextile her Pluto within 3 degrees 👍🏻
His Uranus quincunx her ascendant by 3 degrees
I believe this aspect is tempered by more harmonious aspects, but you may be disruptive to her established daily routine in some ways and it could demand sacrifice from her (involving habits and her natural way of presenting herself to others) to accommodate your presence in her life. She will likely be willing to make compromises and the aspect will be adjusted to over time, as you grow together in the relationship.
His Saturn trine her moon tightly on the degree 👍🏻
This is an ideal aspect for relationship stability, maturity, and emotional fulfillment.
His Saturn trine her Mars by 1 degree 👍🏻
Excellent aspect for appreciation of each others character, drive and will to act. You understand each other and respect each other.
His Saturn trine her ascendant within 2 degrees 👍🏻
Mutual respect, trust and the willingness to allow each other a healthy amount of freedom.
His Jupiter opposite her Mercury within 2 degrees
This aspect could imply the need to develop maturity and compassion in communicating with one another or in acceptance of each other's ideas. This aspect should be helped by her Mercury falling in your 10th house. If you state emotional needs which may arise in you which she can reasonably accommodate (affirmations that she cares; checking in regularly; reducing behaviors which may cause negative feelings in you) it should help master this opposition. After some time, I bet she will be willing to make compromises for you.
His Jupiter sextile her Uranus by 4 degrees 👍🏻
Mutually encouraging and motivational aspect.
His Mars opposite her Venus within 2 degrees
Your Mars falling in your 2nd house and falling in her 6th house may ease this opposition. It could indicate difficulty adjusting to each other in your natural style s of affection and intimacy within the relationship, and there could also be difficulties understanding each other for your natural style s of relating with others or acting on instincts. I don't believe this aspect should be too defining in the long run, time, mutual effort and growing with one another should help it a lot.
His Mars quincunx her sun within 4 degrees
This aspect could indicate power struggles and reluctance to compromise: however, the orb isn't too wide, and knowledge of potential strife between you as a result of this aspect (your instinct and drive disparate from or at odds with her ego) may take you strides in overcoming it as fights spring up. Awareness=going in prepared, having already considered the potential costs of feeding a fight and considered ideas for keeping the dynamic positive (and there's a lot of positivity in this synastry).
His Venus opposite her Saturn on the degree
This aspect can imply that she may seem discouraging and cold within the relationship, but it could also be a good aspect for longevity (some astrologers claim that any tight orb with Saturn=longevity of a relationship, even involving hard aspects). The dynamic may feel that you give more and lavish more affection and encouragement toward her: the aspect may imply that after a long time, this will even out and you'll feel fulfilled in affection from her, but for a while you might move forward on faith for a better future.
His Venus conjunct her Pluto within 2 degrees 👍🏻
Awesome aspect for synastry. May lend passion and a conciliatory attitude from her to take away some of the difficulty of her Saturn opposing your Venus.
His Mercury quincunx her midheaven tightly on the degree (and sun by 2 degrees)
This lends to some of the disruptive effect of your Uranus in her 6th quincunx her Jupiter: your influence may cause her some necessity to readjust her personal goals and professional/social self-projection. You may prefer for her to develop domesticity. Scheduling could be the answer to this quincunx (as well as compromise and patience with one another).
His North Node sextile her sun within 1 degree:
Excellent aspect indicating that your relationship could push your self-development forward in the best way.
His North Node opposite her Neptune within 3 degrees:
Some of her perceived ambivalence toward you could cause you to feel held back from your independent purpose. This can be solved by facing your insecurities in the healthiest and most productive ways you can and having faith in the ultimate benefit of the relationship on your life.
His Chiron opposite her Saturn by 2 degrees:
Her lack of warmth, unwillingness to share emotionally with you, and seemingly judgmental attitude toward you may cause childhood-set insecurities to come to the front of your mind. She may be unwilling to be a source of comfort through this to the degree you wish for, so you may need to be your own strength by developing healthy coping skills and productive habits. The knowledge of this aspect may be useful in understanding that she might not intend to be cruel: I don't believe Saturn represents unfairness or cruelty, but synastry can cause it to hit the other person in a sensitive spot. Hard aspects to Saturn seem to be overcome in time, and after a while I'm sure she'll be willing to work with you in being a source of support.
Hope this helps(:click to expand
Posted by ACsquareplutoI woke up!!Posted by EtherealTraveler
What do you all think of this chart relationship wise? Is it prone to obsessive tendencies?![]()
House overlays:
-Her Jupiter in his 7th house; your moon in her 7th house
-Your Jupiter and Saturn in her 8th house; her Venus in your 8th house
-Your Mercury, sun, and Neptune in her 5th house
-Her Neptune, moon and Mars in your 1st house (1st house overlays seem favorable for synastry, and I believe they are considered so in online calculators. Her moon in your 1st might make the dynamic emotionally rich)
-Her Uranus in your 2nd house (this could imply eventual rebuilding of foundations to accommodate the relationship if it progresses to something serious; supported favorably by your Saturn in her 8th)
Her Pluto (3rd) quincunx his Saturn (4th) by 2 degrees
His Pluto (12th) square her Saturn (9th) by 3 degrees
Both can sometimes struggle to recognize passion within and for each other.. her depth of feeling may feel especially outside of detection due to the Gemini/Sag energy of her Pluto and Saturn. I believe with all of the relationship house overlays between you, you'll both value each other and the relationship enough to work through the hard times which could result from difficult aspects such as these. These aspects can also indicate that the relationship will take a long time to evolve, due to the themes of the planets.
His Pluto quincunx her Jupiter (11th) within 2 degrees
You may become impatient with her preferences for self-expression, and other quirks and character traits she possesses, relating to how she communicates with you and with others in detached social or professional settings. This aspect may take some compromise and forgiveness between you, and I don't believe it is defining or important within the relationship.
His Neptune (1st) trine her sun (1st) by 1 degree 👍🏻
Excellent aspect for mutual respect, compassion, and appreciation.
His Neptune quincunx her Venus (12th) by 1 degree
This could imply that you tend to confuse her in defining the relationship or in whether you wish to continue getting to know her, due to suddenly imposed breaks of communication or emotional bonding you may instill on her. Some explanation when this occurs should ease this aspect, which is helped by your strong 1st house stellium.
His Neptune conjunct her Neptune (5th) within 3 degrees 👍🏻
This could imply shared preferences regarding space, faith, spirituality, and the bounds of emotional sharing/compassion. I like that both Neptunes fall in fire houses.
His Uranus (2nd) quincunx her Jupiter within 2 degrees
This difficult aspect may be soothed somewhat due to her Jupiter falling in your 7th, which could lend some selflessness and willing to accommodate one another for the sake of the relationship.
His Uranus trine her Saturn within 1 degree 👍🏻
His Uranus sextile her Pluto within 3 degrees 👍🏻
His Uranus quincunx her ascendant by 3 degrees
I believe this aspect is tempered by more harmonious aspects, but you may be disruptive to her established daily routine in some ways and it could demand sacrifice from her (involving habits and her natural way of presenting herself to others) to accommodate your presence in her life. She will likely be willing to make compromises and the aspect will be adjusted to over time, as you grow together in the relationship.
His Saturn trine her moon tightly on the degree 👍🏻
This is an ideal aspect for relationship stability, maturity, and emotional fulfillment.
His Saturn trine her Mars by 1 degree 👍🏻
Excellent aspect for appreciation of each others character, drive and will to act. You understand each other and respect each other.
His Saturn trine her ascendant within 2 degrees 👍🏻
Mutual respect, trust and the willingness to allow each other a healthy amount of freedom.
His Jupiter opposite her Mercury within 2 degrees
This aspect could imply the need to develop maturity and compassion in communicating with one another or in acceptance of each other's ideas. This aspect should be helped by her Mercury falling in your 10th house. If you state emotional needs which may arise in you which she can reasonably accommodate (affirmations that she cares; checking in regularly; reducing behaviors which may cause negative feelings in you) it should help master this opposition. After some time, I bet she will be willing to make compromises for you.
His Jupiter sextile her Uranus by 4 degrees 👍🏻
Mutually encouraging and motivational aspect.
His Mars opposite her Venus within 2 degrees
Your Mars falling in your 2nd house and falling in her 6th house may ease this opposition. It could indicate difficulty adjusting to each other in your natural style s of affection and intimacy within the relationship, and there could also be difficulties understanding each other for your natural style s of relating with others or acting on instincts. I don't believe this aspect should be too defining in the long run, time, mutual effort and growing with one another should help it a lot.
His Mars quincunx her sun within 4 degrees
This aspect could indicate power struggles and reluctance to compromise: however, the orb isn't too wide, and knowledge of potential strife between you as a result of this aspect (your instinct and drive disparate from or at odds with her ego) may take you strides in overcoming it as fights spring up. Awareness=going in prepared, having already considered the potential costs of feeding a fight and considered ideas for keeping the dynamic positive (and there's a lot of positivity in this synastry).
His Venus opposite her Saturn on the degree
This aspect can imply that she may seem discouraging and cold within the relationship, but it could also be a good aspect for longevity (some astrologers claim that any tight orb with Saturn=longevity of a relationship, even involving hard aspects). The dynamic may feel that you give more and lavish more affection and encouragement toward her: the aspect may imply that after a long time, this will even out and you'll feel fulfilled in affection from her, but for a while you might move forward on faith for a better future.
His Venus conjunct her Pluto within 2 degrees 👍🏻
Awesome aspect for synastry. May lend passion and a conciliatory attitude from her to take away some of the difficulty of her Saturn opposing your Venus.
His Mercury quincunx her midheaven tightly on the degree (and sun by 2 degrees)
This lends to some of the disruptive effect of your Uranus in her 6th quincunx her Jupiter: your influence may cause her some necessity to readjust her personal goals and professional/social self-projection. You may prefer for her to develop domesticity. Scheduling could be the answer to this quincunx (as well as compromise and patience with one another).
His North Node sextile her sun within 1 degree:
Excellent aspect indicating that your relationship could push your self-development forward in the best way.
His North Node opposite her Neptune within 3 degrees:
Some of her perceived ambivalence toward you could cause you to feel held back from your independent purpose. This can be solved by facing your insecurities in the healthiest and most productive ways you can and having faith in the ultimate benefit of the relationship on your life.
His Chiron opposite her Saturn by 2 degrees:
Her lack of warmth, unwillingness to share emotionally with you, and seemingly judgmental attitude toward you may cause childhood-set insecurities to come to the front of your mind. She may be unwilling to be a source of comfort through this to the degree you wish for, so you may need to be your own strength by developing healthy coping skills and productive habits. The knowledge of this aspect may be useful in understanding that she might not intend to be cruel: I don't believe Saturn represents unfairness or cruelty, but synastry can cause it to hit the other person in a sensitive spot. Hard aspects to Saturn seem to be overcome in time, and after a while I'm sure she'll be willing to work with you in being a source of support.
Hope this helps(:click to expand