Synastry with your best friend??

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by DeeLovesRed on Saturday, September 3, 2016 and has 11 replies.
Post your Best friend or Closest Friend chart next to yours... & Explain what you feel makes you both great friends..

My Chart:

Sun- Pisc, Moon- Aries, Mer- Aqua, Ven- Aqua, Mars- Leo, Jup- Sag, Sat- Pis

My best friend's (Female and Male)


Sun- Cap, Moon- Virg, Mer-Cap, Ven- Scor, Mars- Virg, Jup- Sag, Sat- Pis


Sun- Can, Moon- Lib, Mer- Leo, Ven- Virg, Mars- Cap, Jup- Pis, Sat- Sag

I feel that their calming nature makes us great friends. They have this soothing affect on me.. There are other reasons that we are great friends, but the main reason is because of their calmness
me (girl)




merc: gemini








User Submitted Image

the guy is the best things since sliced bread Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Hmm... interesting



Moon Pisces

Merc LEO

Venus Virgo

Mars Taurus

Asc Taurus


Sun Gemini

Moon Aries

Merc Taurus

Venus Cancer

Mars Gemini

Asc Pisces

I love this woman, and probably against her better judgement, she loves

me back... it's that Pisces rising, and the fact that we love the endorphins

from laughing uncontrollably better than almost anything, except maybe

really good coffee and sex.

Posted by starwars
My chart:

Sun- Virgo, Moon- Capricorn, Mer- Libra , Ven- Scorpio, Mars- Cancer, Jup- Scorpio, Sat- Pisces, ASC- Aquarius

my buddies:

Sun- Scorpio, Moon- Virgo, Mer- Libra, Ven- Scorpio, Mars- Leo, Jup- Scorpio, Sat- Pisces , ASC- Capricorn

Sun- Scorpio, Moon- Libra, Mer- Scorpio, Ven- Sag, Mars- Sag, Jup- Sag , Sat- Pisces, ASC- Aquarius

Sun- Aquarius, Moon- Libra, Mer- Pisces, Ven- Aqua, Mars- Aqua, Jup- Scorpio, Sat- Pisces, ASC- Virgo

Sun- Pisces, Moon- Cappie, Mer- Pisces, Ven- Aries, Mars- Cancer, Jup- Libra- Sat- Aquarius, ASC- Sag

Sun- Cancer, Moon- Pisces, Mer- Cancer, Ven- Leo, Mars- Taurus, Jup- Scorpio, Sat- Pisces, ASC- unknown

they are trash.

I did our synastry charts in some site before, with the two scorpios I get a "you should get married if you aren't already" LOL yuck no. unless I didn't find true love by 40 then fuck it, I'm marrying one of them, who will it be? I don't know, whoever win the rock paper scissors battle.

how can you have five best friends? thats not how best works
Me: Leo sun, Scorpio moon, Cancer rising

Him: Libra sun, Cancer moon, Leo rising
I have a few very close friends. Calling any of them "best" wouldn't feel quite right.

But here is info about two people I've been close friends with the longest (20-25 years):

Me: Scorp sun, Gem moon, Taurus rising, Sag Mercury, Scorp Venus, Libra Mars

F: Pisces sun, Libra moon, rising unknown, Pisces Mercury, Pisces Venus, Taurus Mars

M: Sag sun, Cap moon, Virgo rising, Scorp Mercury, Libra Venus, Aqua Mars

Posted by starwars

don't make me choose.

if you all were in the same area right now, which would be your best friend?

Posted by starwars
Posted by Ophiuchus
Posted by starwars

don't make me choose.

if you all were in the same area right now, which would be your best friend?

if I have to choose, id choose the scorpios not because i love them more but because they were my 1st real bestfriends and without them I wouldn't have gotten out of my bubble and become friends with the rest. #TrashLove
click to expand
aw, thats sweet Big Grin


Pisces sun

Pisces moon

Pisces mercury

Aries venus

Cancer Mars

Taurus Rising

Friend #1:

Leo Sun

Leo/Virgo moon

Leo mercury

Cancer venus

Libra Mars

Friend #2

Virgo sun

Aquarius moon

Virgo mercury

Cancer venus

Aries mars

Cancer Rising

I get along with the leo because we have similar hobbies so we can be weird around each other. We also don't flake out on each other. I get along with the virgo because we can say whatever to each other and we won't get offended. I guess neither of us handle sensitive people well. Overall, both extremely awesome people. The leo is artistic and hard working and the virgo is confident and great at any job she does.

Asc : Gemini

Sun: Leo

Moon :Aries

Mercury :Leo

Venus :Gemini

Mars: Aries

Jupiter ;Gemini

Friend #1

Sun: Taurus, Moon: Cancer, Mercury: Geimini, Venus: Cancer, Mars: Aqua, Jupiter : Taurus, Asc libra

Friend #2

Sun: Sagittarius, Moon: Libra, Mercury: Sagittarius, Venus: Scorpio, Mars: Aries, Jupiter: Taurus

Friend #3

Sun: Sagittarius, Moon Taurus, Mercury: Scorpio, Venus: Cap, Mars: Scorpio, Jupiter: Aries
Posted by Ayra

Asc : Gemini

Sun: Leo

Moon :Aries

Mercury :Leo

Venus :Gemini

Mars: Aries

Jupiter ;Gemini

Friend #1

Sun: Taurus, Moon: Cancer, Mercury: Geimini, Venus: Cancer, Mars: Aqua, Jupiter : Taurus, Asc libra

Friend #2

Sun: Sagittarius, Moon: Libra, Mercury: Sagittarius, Venus: Scorpio, Mars: Aries, Jupiter: Taurus

Friend #3

Sun: Sagittarius, Moon Taurus, Mercury: Scorpio, Venus: Cap, Mars: Scorpio, Jupiter: Aries
I notice ALOT of Leo's get along w/ Sag's very well... more than they get along w/ Aries