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Jun 10, 2016Comments: 215 · Posts: 1458 · Topics: 161
Post your Best friend or Closest Friend chart next to yours... & Explain what you feel makes you both great friends..
My Chart:
Sun- Pisc, Moon- Aries, Mer- Aqua, Ven- Aqua, Mars- Leo, Jup- Sag, Sat- Pis
My best friend's (Female and Male)
Sun- Cap, Moon- Virg, Mer-Cap, Ven- Scor, Mars- Virg, Jup- Sag, Sat- Pis
Sun- Can, Moon- Lib, Mer- Leo, Ven- Virg, Mars- Cap, Jup- Pis, Sat- Sag
I feel that their calming nature makes us great friends. They have this soothing affect on me.. There are other reasons that we are great friends, but the main reason is because of their calmness
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Feb 14, 2013Comments: 552 · Posts: 18848 · Topics: 149
Hmm... interesting
Moon Pisces
Merc LEO
Venus Virgo
Mars Taurus
Asc Taurus
Sun Gemini
Moon Aries
Merc Taurus
Venus Cancer
Mars Gemini
Asc Pisces
I love this woman, and probably against her better judgement, she loves
me back... it's that Pisces rising, and the fact that we love the endorphins
from laughing uncontrollably better than almost anything, except maybe
really good coffee and sex.
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1911 · Posts: 16981 · Topics: 108
Me: Leo sun, Scorpio moon, Cancer rising
Him: Libra sun, Cancer moon, Leo rising
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Jan 31, 2015Comments: 1573 · Posts: 6705 · Topics: 16
I have a few very close friends. Calling any of them "best" wouldn't feel quite right.
But here is info about two people I've been close friends with the longest (20-25 years):
Me: Scorp sun, Gem moon, Taurus rising, Sag Mercury, Scorp Venus, Libra Mars
F: Pisces sun, Libra moon, rising unknown, Pisces Mercury, Pisces Venus, Taurus Mars
M: Sag sun, Cap moon, Virgo rising, Scorp Mercury, Libra Venus, Aqua Mars
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Mar 19, 2012Comments: 273 · Posts: 5457 · Topics: 33
Pisces sun
Pisces moon
Pisces mercury
Aries venus
Cancer Mars
Taurus Rising
Friend #1:
Leo Sun
Leo/Virgo moon
Leo mercury
Cancer venus
Libra Mars
Friend #2
Virgo sun
Aquarius moon
Virgo mercury
Cancer venus
Aries mars
Cancer Rising
I get along with the leo because we have similar hobbies so we can be weird around each other. We also don't flake out on each other. I get along with the virgo because we can say whatever to each other and we won't get offended. I guess neither of us handle sensitive people well. Overall, both extremely awesome people. The leo is artistic and hard working and the virgo is confident and great at any job she does.
Asc : Gemini
Sun: Leo
Moon :Aries
Mercury :Leo
Venus :Gemini
Mars: Aries
Jupiter ;Gemini
Friend #1
Sun: Taurus, Moon: Cancer, Mercury: Geimini, Venus: Cancer, Mars: Aqua, Jupiter : Taurus, Asc libra
Friend #2
Sun: Sagittarius, Moon: Libra, Mercury: Sagittarius, Venus: Scorpio, Mars: Aries, Jupiter: Taurus
Friend #3
Sun: Sagittarius, Moon Taurus, Mercury: Scorpio, Venus: Cap, Mars: Scorpio, Jupiter: Aries