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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
N node in Taurus HOUSE 1: Personality
Welcome to a lifetime of claiming the strong, solid, and grounded Taurus energy you??re learning about and asserting those qualities in every area of your life. Welcome to the idea that taking care of yourself and giving yourself what you need to feel safe and secure is more than okay, even when it might seem self-indulgent to someone else. Welcome to getting to know yourself and to discovering that you like being just who you are.
As part of the learning process, you might be asked to support someone as they live through difficult times, times when every morning feels like an earthquake is rumbling just below the floorboards as they get out of bed. Maybe you can be the strong shoulder they need to rely on; the practical, caring person they can both literally or metaphorically lean on. Your rock-solid strength, reliability and common sense can provide a secure lynchpin to help stabilize the chaos. Just don??t wait to be invited. This is a lifetime for putting yourself out there and offering your support. Win/win outcomes can happen for everyone involved: for you, because you get to experience your own strength and recognize that you have everything it takes to provide your own safety and security; for others, because of the help you can give them in trying times. And don??t let yourself get distracted by suggestions move at anything but your own pace.
A look back to your Seventh House South Node in the sign of Scorpio reminds us that you??ve come into this lifetime with a karmic history of passion and drama and intensity in the partnership arena. This can get easily stirred in this lifetime if you??re not on the alert. If it does, and you succumb to the intoxicating high of living on some kind of intense, emotional, larger-than-life relationship roller coaster, the effect can be disruptive and unsettling, and distract you from this lifetime??s business.
Look for the signals. The Universe will let you know if you??re stalled on the journey North, most likely using a Seventh House partner-type person as the messenger. If you find yourself in chaotic relationships involving ???drama queens?? of either gender, it??s probably time to step back and take a personal inventory. Are they trying to tell you something about yourself?
Good job!
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Dec 28, 2012Comments: 14 · Posts: 1482 · Topics: 13
North Node Aries in the 12th House
Come on in, it??s okay. I know you might be having second thoughts about having knocked at this door. The busy, fiery Aries energy you??re learning about is bound to be a little uncomfortable with the idea of setting up housekeeping for a lifetime in the cool, nebulous waters of the Twelfth House, where intuition and feeling are what works in guiding you toward spiritual consciousness, and the ram-charging pursuit of your goals won??t take you very far. You probably already sense the paradox infusing this assignment, and you??re absolutely right, but it??s going to be just fine, and I??ll tell you why.
To begin with, Aries knows lots about getting things started and has the courage to plunge right in, no matter how challenging the situation may seem be, so although you probably would rather be living out your karmic assignment in the real-world equivalent of an action/adventure movie, if water is the order of the day, you can handle it. What??s more, the strong ego you??re developing will help you enormously with the challenge of not losing your sense of self as you seek to merge with higher consciousness and Spirit.
Your Sixth House South Node provides another measure of challenge. The Libra energy there brings a legacy of knowing about the importance of balance and harmony, and that can help you settle into languid, peaceful Twelfth House waters. But Libra can over-achieve when it comes to adjusting to others. In the Sixth House, that energy suggests drastic compromises made in the karmic past out of a sense of duty: compromises that depleted confidence and diminished vitality, leaving you at the bottom of the Sixth House self-sacrificial booby trap, feeling in this lifetime that you can never break free to become your own person.
Close your eyes, hold your nose, and jump into the pool. Don??t worry: the Universe has you covered in the water department, and the Aries part of you knows what to do once you hit it.
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Aug 16, 2011Comments: 3 · Posts: 7849 · Topics: 52
North Node in Aries 1st house
A double ???Welcome Home?? to you, dear voyager. Aries is the sign naturally associated with this part of the chart, so the message and call of your North Node is particularly loud and clear: to cultivate Arian initiative, courage, confidence, and optimism, and to integrate these qualities into the very definition of who you are. Then, using those qualities, you need to go where you, and perhaps no one, has ever gone before and create something where nothing previously existed. This is a lifetime for making your own decisions and standing behind them, even if you don??t always wind up getting your own way. A major part of the assignment is to learn to use your phenomenal energy to assert yourself in the world without going overboard.
With the doubled-up opportunity, the challenge side of the coin is double-thick as well. For starters, once you start to make progress, ???too much of a good thing?? becomes a definite possibility. Without scrupulous attention, assertiveness could cross the line to aggression; courage to foolhardiness; confidence to arrogance. In other words, it??s great to be the first to climb a real or metaphorical unclimbed mountain, but you??re not going to make it to the top if a blizzard comes along and the rest of the team has returned to the base camp. Including lots of physical activity in your life style is an extremely effective strategy with this placement. It sparks that Aries, First House energy and brings it forth, and burns off the excess that might otherwise translate to anger or pushiness or rashness.
Your karmic history provides additional help to smooth the path. Your Seventh House South Node in Libra tells us that you??ve had doubled-up opportunities to become sensitized to others and acquire skills in getting along with them. What??s more, you probably acquired a huge dollop of sociable charm as well. All of this can be really helpful now in the relationship department if you call on it. But that Libra energy is very comfortable in the House of Partnership, its own part of the chart, and that presents a real challenge. The doubled-up need for peace, harmony, and balance can make it hard for you to get started on this lifetime??s assignment of self-assertion and initiative, never mind stay the course with it.
You can rest assured that the Universe will send you plenty of signals if you go overboard in either direction. Too much Arian push of your own agenda and you??ll f
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Aug 16, 2011Comments: 3 · Posts: 7849 · Topics: 52
You can rest assured that the Universe will send you plenty of signals if you go overboard in either direction. Too much Arian push of your own agenda and you??ll find yourself butting heads and locking horns with a whole bunch of in-your-face-I-want-it-my-way types. On the other hand, if too much of Libra??s graciousness and accommodation are verging on doormat behavior, you??ll find yourself surrounded by no end of wishy-washy, apathetic, sell-themselves-for-peace characters.
Check in with yourself: How you feel at the end of the day? Strong? Confident? Excited about life? Optimistic? Full of ideas? Way to go!
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Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
North node-Gemini...which is retro
HOUSE 7: Partnership
Welcome to a lifetime of discovering how your quick mind, silver tongue, and sociable nature can find expression in partnership and nurture it, even if your partner is someone who??s view of life??s realities may be totally different from your own. It wouldn??t be surprising at all if you find yourself attracted to smart, quick, communicative people who could help bring out those qualities in yourself. Sharing Gemini-type activities like taking a course together, or going on a day-trip somewhere you??ve never been are sure-shot ways to get the ball rolling; so is heading to the local boutique coffee shop and chatting about the latest books you??ve read, movies you??ve seen, and people you??ve met over a grande mocha latt?. The goal is to connect up with someone who can help awaken your curiosity and love of all kinds of conversation and information exchange, and hold your interest for the long haul. In this lifetime you??re not supposed to go it alone. An alternative point of view is essential to the process of learning what you need to learn, and the exploration needs to be done in the safe space of committed partnership where you can make a few mistakes along the way.
A look over to your South Node takes us to an important issue. The restless, freedom-loving Sagittarian energy there combined with the First House??s over-arching call to be oneself can make the give-and-take and commitment part of this lifetime??s assignment more than a little challenging. And Sagittarian restlessness only amps up Gemini??s own itch to be constantly on the move. So when you encounter the inevitable bumps in the relationship highway, you??ll have to discipline yourself not to gallop off immediately to new horizons.
The Universe will be happy to let you know if you??re wandering off-track, most likely sending its message via potential or actual partners. If you find yourself sitting over that grande mocha latt? with someone whose eyes are darting nervously and whose fingers are tapping on the table, it??s time to finish your scone, smile politely, settle the check and retreat. You need to figure out whether it??s you who??s trying to gallop back to your First House South Node.
Make a date. It??s time to get out there and share your words.
Wait, I know my North Node, but what is meant by what house it's in? Does it mean if my North Node is in Gemini, than it's in the 3rd house? Or is the house decided by my sun sign?