But that's only my opinion. Still love those geminis
Most reliable probaly right a Cappy
Least; Definitely a Sag ....always making promises they don't keep (but usually intentions are good)
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Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
'..Always break promises, selective memory, completely ridiculous. Almost never say what they mean...'
i've never met a pisces whose broken a promise... i've found them true to their word.. infact if they organize sumthin' NO MATTER wat cumz they never cancel it... that amazes me ... i guess i've met da STRONGEST pisces out there... mayb u guyz have jus met all da lousy onez.......
Most- Scorpio.
Least- Gemini, Sagittarius. These two are terrible flakes.
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Feb 03, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 469 · Topics: 63
most reliable base on elements
1. earth
2. water
3. fire
4. air
most reliable base on qualities
1. fixed
2. cardinal
3. mutable
from least to most reliable signs:
1. gemini
2. libra
3. sagittarius
4. pisces
5. aries
6. cancer
7. leo
8. virgo
9. aqua
10. capricorn
11. scorpio
12. taurus
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Jul 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1472 · Topics: 151
I disagree,
in personal experiences almost all signs are idoit flakes besides virgo i know plenty of flaky caps even flaky taureans.
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 457 · Topics: 28
most reliable : scorpio, capricorn, virgo
least : gemini, sagittarius
I'm a reliable gemini, it's probaly because of my chart, maybe...
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May 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 257 · Topics: 11
My sun is Sag, My moon is in Gemini, and my ascending is Libra and I have always been extremely reliable, in personal and buisness aspects...
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Jul 03, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 874 · Topics: 121
Capricorn is the most reliable.
MOST: Scorpio
LEAST: **sniffle** Saggittarius.
Hey we may be flaky as hell, and do make promises filled with great intentions that we forget to keep.
But ya can't beat our honesty!! :-)
Signed Up:
Jun 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 394 · Topics: 18
Most - Scorps
Least - Sags, Pisces, Aqua
My sister is Gem and she is one of the most reliable people on the planet! More than me! Flaky Virgo here, well, too busy to deal with other people's problems, forget, and I procastinate (?spell?) way too much! Damn that rising Sagg of mine!