The pickeest of all when choosing a partner

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by username on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 and has 8 replies.
I've read in many articles about Virgos being one of the pickiest or second most pickiest.
i'm a virgo and i can be quite picky. i also know of some virgos who are the same.
now i wonder who can be more pickier than virgos?
any ideas? (i'm guessing it's a earth sign)
Just judging from the peeps around may sound crazy but Pisces would be the pickiest and then Leo
Posted by size zero superhero
I'm a Libra sun with a healthy amount of Sag & Virgo in my chart. Hell yeah I'm selective. Rather be single than in a relationship & dissatisfied. I waited a long time for someone of my current boyfriend's caliber to arrive, and he did--been together nearly three years.
So as far as I'm concerned, stay picky and it will serve you well once you find what you've been looking for all along. Worked for me smile

Ditto. I'm a Sag and yeah I can be picky. Not on looks, but character.
I am a Virgo male but I don't think I am particularly picky: maybe Virgo women are, though. I am attracted to plenty of women but as far as I can tell the feelings are not mutual.
Without a doubt....Capricorns
I am a Leo with a couple of Virgo placements. I wouldn't call it "picky". I simply know what I like....and what I don't for that matter.
Virgos and Capricorns