They just went ghost..

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Leobaby89 on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 and has 61 replies.
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Which zodiac sign is infamous for doing the disappearing act? I read online Aquarius, Pisces, Libra and Scorpios. What do you all think? Tell us your stories about someone disappearing on you or a story where you had to go ghost on someone.
Posted by Laurita

Really?! Taurus men or women or both?

I do it and I'm a Sag
Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by Laurita

Really?! Taurus men or women or both?

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Men if they are in certain or just don't want to fool with drama or situations that seem too complicated same with Taurus moon. They have to want you really bad to even bat an eye

Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by Laurita

Really?! Taurus men or women or both?

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the male
Posted by saggurl88
I do it and I'm a Sag
Same lol

I've actually never been ghosted really

But I've ghosted a few BAD

FYI you don't ghost a Cap - they will show up at your house they don't give a shit
Posted by Laurita
Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by Laurita

Really?! Taurus men or women or both?

the male
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taurus women ghost too.
I hear this a lot about Libra dudes

And showing back up months later like nothing happened ?

Thats called a haunting ? No?
Posted by brianafay
Posted by saggurl88
I do it and I'm a Sag
Same lol

I've actually never been ghosted really

But I've ghosted a few BAD

FYI you don't ghost a Cap - they will show up at your house they don't give a shit
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I do it cause I just don't care sometimes. But I guess that's why everyone does lol

Posted by topes
Posted by Cookieo
Libra men. All posts about libra men on the libra forum is about libra men ghosting. Tongue
My nick in rl is the Phantom. ♎️??
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What's the point of ghosting someone? Are you not interested or is that just something you do?

Posted by saggurl88
Posted by brianafay
Posted by saggurl88
I do it and I'm a Sag
Same lol

I've actually never been ghosted really

But I've ghosted a few BAD

FYI you don't ghost a Cap - they will show up at your house they don't give a shit
I do it cause I just don't care sometimes. But I guess that's why everyone does lol

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Lol, makes sense

Posted by Cookieo
Posted by topes
Posted by Cookieo
Libra men. All posts about libra men on the libra forum is about libra men ghosting. Tongue
My nick in rl is the Phantom. ♎️??
I hope you get ghosted. Tongue
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Posted by brianafay
I hear this a lot about Libra dudes

And showing back up months later like nothing happened ?

Thats called a haunting ? No?

Lol, sounds like haunting to me. I don't get it. Maybe they need some attention...?

Going ghost is an odd term of phrase.

Definitely aries tho, ever heard of Aries ice? Plus they get bored a lot.
Pisces, I've done it but only after I told them I wasn't interested and the didn't take the hint!
Posted by Leobaby89
Which zodiac sign is infamous for doing the disappearing act? I read online Aquarius, Pisces, Libra and Scorpios. What do you all think? Tell us your stories about someone disappearing on you or a story where you had to go ghost on someone.
Sag, Leo, Aries, Virgo
Posted by AA
Going ghost is an odd term of phrase.

Definitely aries tho, ever heard of Aries ice? Plus they get bored a lot.

Really? I've never had an Aries ghost me. I do know they get bored easily but I happen to get along with them pretty well and can't get rid of them. I have witnessed an Aries female friend of mine ignore men and change her number who she felt like they've done her wrong.

Posted by Brittnie
Pisces, I've done it but only after I told them I wasn't interested and the didn't take the hint!

Makes sense

Posted by EmotionalAries
Posted by Leobaby89
Which zodiac sign is infamous for doing the disappearing act? I read online Aquarius, Pisces, Libra and Scorpios. What do you all think? Tell us your stories about someone disappearing on you or a story where you had to go ghost on someone.
Sag, Leo, Aries, Virgo
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I can believe a Virgo going ghost and a sag. Just like someone said Sagittariuses don't really care. But Leo? Is it Leo men that go ghost?

Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by AA
Going ghost is an odd term of phrase.

Definitely aries tho, ever heard of Aries ice? Plus they get bored a lot.

Really? I've never had an Aries ghost me. I do know they get bored easily but I happen to get along with them pretty well and can't get rid of them. I have witnessed an Aries female friend of mine ignore men and change her number who she felt like they've done her wrong.

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It's simple, short and sweet, you know how to keep the typical Aries entertained and interested. Boom.
Mutable and cardinal signs mainly I'd say
They disappear for awhile... They ghost you completely if you hurt that ego deep.
It's disrespectful to do In a relationship that's for sure.
Posted by Rindaroo
Well my ex-bf ghosted me cuz he couldn't deal with problems. Only person ever to ghost me!! Either way I think it's the chickeny way.

I tend to deal with things straight up. So I don't ghost or block someone Unless I'm feeling threatened.

I agree. Definitely seems like the chicken way to me too. I'm too vocal just to go MIA. I'll speak my mind first and then if my directness does not do it then I'll cut you off.

Posted by EmotionalAries
They disappear for awhile... They ghost you completely if you hurt that ego deep.
From what you've experienced do they disappear for no reason at time? I can understand if you hurt their ego. That makes sense.
Posted by lesenfantterribles
i am a certified ghost ✌?? in the passed 4 months, i've ghosted... 3 people, i think?

i ghost people all the time (and have been ghosted). i am very communicative so, if i stop, you should get the picture.

i usually ghost if i think the person doesnt deserve an explanation (ie: i am REAL over you) or cant be bothered (ie: you really annoy me and i dont know you that well)

Why ghost and not just tell them?

Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by lesenfantterribles
i am a certified ghost ✌?? in the passed 4 months, i've ghosted... 3 people, i think?

i ghost people all the time (and have been ghosted). i am very communicative so, if i stop, you should get the picture.

i usually ghost if i think the person doesnt deserve an explanation (ie: i am REAL over you) or cant be bothered (ie: you really annoy me and i dont know you that well)

Why ghost and not just tell them?

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Nevermind you said they do not deserve an explanation.

Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by EmotionalAries
They disappear for awhile... They ghost you completely if you hurt that ego deep.
From what you've experienced do they disappear for no reason at time? I can understand if you hurt their ego. That makes sense.
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Leo's are normally very heartfelt and loving, if the disappear it means the need to re-energize to move forward. If they ghost you it means you have hurt or damaged their ego beyond repair... @Chuckem .... He has the best answers even though I know Leo's inside and out
Posted by Scorpio84
Does this include moon Virgo?
I'm a Virgo Moon! Thank You ....and its my Aries sun that ends up Ghosting after a million chances
Posted by EmotionalAries
Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by EmotionalAries
They disappear for awhile... They ghost you completely if you hurt that ego deep.
From what you've experienced do they disappear for no reason at time? I can understand if you hurt their ego. That makes sense.
Leo's are normally very heartfelt and loving, if the disappear it means the need to re-energize to move forward. If they ghost you it means you have hurt or damaged their ego beyond repair... @Chuckem .... He has the best answers even though I know Leo's inside and out
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After you explain it that way it makes sense. Before I would go MIA I personally would say something and that something would most likely be something to hurt you and make you feel like how i was feeling or worse.

Virgo they're Pro's
Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by EmotionalAries
Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by EmotionalAries
They disappear for awhile... They ghost you completely if you hurt that ego deep.
From what you've experienced do they disappear for no reason at time? I can understand if you hurt their ego. That makes sense.
Leo's are normally very heartfelt and loving, if the disappear it means the need to re-energize to move forward. If they ghost you it means you have hurt or damaged their ego beyond repair... @Chuckem .... He has the best answers even though I know Leo's inside and out

After you explain it that way it makes sense. Before I would go MIA I personally would say something and that something would most likely be something to hurt you and make you feel like how i was feeling or worse.

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Yes that's how Leo's are, if you love them for them you will understand that, if not, you miss the whole picture.
Posted by Rindaroo
Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by Rindaroo
Well my ex-bf ghosted me cuz he couldn't deal with problems. Only person ever to ghost me!! Either way I think it's the chickeny way.

I tend to deal with things straight up. So I don't ghost or block someone Unless I'm feeling threatened.

I agree. Definitely seems like the chicken way to me too. I'm too vocal just to go MIA. I'll speak my mind first and then if my directness does not do it then I'll cut you off.

Well in his case it's more like a shut down & overwhelmed with the problem I believe. He sends me a message 2 1/2 months later that he misses me & wont talk again!!

??????? drives me crazy! I would've thought if you ghosted, you were just done. He's a Cap & im a Sag. I face problems & he doesn't lol.

Leo's .. I know a guy who's just like you. More like he has to go off on me. Lol. But he always comes back. Ghosting is not in his vocabulary I don't think. ?

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Lol, I find myself returning to someone I don't talk to often only when I want some attention.

Posted by Scorpio84
Posted by EmotionalAries
Posted by Scorpio84
Does this include moon Virgo?
I'm a Virgo Moon! Thank You ....and its my Aries sun that ends up Ghosting after a million chances

lol im not assuming anything, just asked

*cyber hugs*
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I see! ?
Posted by Rindaroo
Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by Rindaroo
Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by Rindaroo
Well my ex-bf ghosted me cuz he couldn't deal with problems. Only person ever to ghost me!! Either way I think it's the chickeny way.

I tend to deal with things straight up. So I don't ghost or block someone Unless I'm feeling threatened.

I agree. Definitely seems like the chicken way to me too. I'm too vocal just to go MIA. I'll speak my mind first and then if my directness does not do it then I'll cut you off.

Well in his case it's more like a shut down & overwhelmed with the problem I believe. He sends me a message 2 1/2 months later that he misses me & wont talk again!!

??????? drives me crazy! I would've thought if you ghosted, you were just done. He's a Cap & im a Sag. I face problems & he doesn't lol.

Leo's .. I know a guy who's just like you. More like he has to go off on me. Lol. But he always comes back. Ghosting is not in his vocabulary I don't think. ?

Lol, I find myself returning to someone I don't talk to often only when I want some attention.

Lol. Probably it sometimes. He does pretty much a weekly check on me & has been for years. More him keeping in touch & being there for me.

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If he does it that often he truly cares about you and has nothing to do with him just seeking attention.

Posted by Cookieo
Libra men. All posts about libra men on the libra forum is about libra men ghosting. Tongue
Why do you feel like Libra men ghost? Is it because they get bored easily, they're hurt, or is it just something they do?

Posted by Rindaroo
Posted by EmotionalAries
Posted by Scorpio84
Posted by EmotionalAries
Posted by Scorpio84
Does this include moon Virgo?
I'm a Virgo Moon! Thank You ....and its my Aries sun that ends up Ghosting after a million chances

lol im not assuming anything, just asked

*cyber hugs*
I see! ?

Hmmm my ex-bf is also a Virgo moon!! ??

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So your blaming that?? Lol ?
Posted by melancholia
One might think that capricorn's ghost, and it may seem that way, but they come always come back way after the fact. like.... 6 months+ later. I've not experienced one disappearing forever lol.
Oh yes I know first hand...Caps always come back!
Posted by celestials
I love dissapearing on bitches. poof.

thats literally what ive done to every person Ive met... gemini sun virgo moon aries rising

Aqua dom and scorpio moon, so I can confirm I'm famous for my disappearing act
Guilty and not proud. Its actually very cowardly and cruel. My memory doesn't serve me well around that period.
Cancers Tongue
Cap/Sag cusp
Ophiuchus won't ghost.
Posted by EmotionalAries
Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by EmotionalAries
They disappear for awhile... They ghost you completely if you hurt that ego deep.
From what you've experienced do they disappear for no reason at time? I can understand if you hurt their ego. That makes sense.
Leo's are normally very heartfelt and loving, if the disappear it means the need to re-energize to move forward. If they ghost you it means you have hurt or damaged their ego beyond repair... @Chuckem .... He has the best answers even though I know Leo's inside and out
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Right, Leos typically ghost if we are truly hurt or forced to grow cold. Otherwise we may temporarily ghost if we become overwhelmed with our obligations such as a busy careers or personal issues.
Posted by Cookieo
Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by Cookieo
Libra men. All posts about libra men on the libra forum is about libra men ghosting. Tongue
Why do you feel like Libra men ghost? Is it because they get bored easily, they're hurt, or is it just something they do?

Because they don't have the balls to end it.
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But don't they end up returning?

Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by EmotionalAries
Posted by Leobaby89
Posted by EmotionalAries
They disappear for awhile... They ghost you completely if you hurt that ego deep.
From what you've experienced do they disappear for no reason at time? I can understand if you hurt their ego. That makes sense.
Leo's are normally very heartfelt and loving, if the disappear it means the need to re-energize to move forward. If they ghost you it means you have hurt or damaged their ego beyond repair... @Chuckem .... He has the best answers even though I know Leo's inside and out
Right, Leos typically ghost if we are truly hurt or forced to grow cold. Otherwise we may temporarily ghost if we become overwhelmed with our obligations such as a busy careers or personal issues.
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I agree.

Posted by Gob_Shite
Posted by brianafay

FYI you don't ghost a Cap - they will show up at your house they don't give a shit

*sound of doorbell*

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