Things that make you go 'hummm'

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by juwanapla on Sunday, September 3, 2006 and has 30 replies.
I found this very interesting...
hen the Sun Falls in the First House
Sun in the first house makes person be anger-prone and lazy. The main native's challenge is to develop a fully individualized identity. Nothing else is more important than that the native realize the full potential of his unique ego as embodied in the personality. This native could never be overly encouraged to follow the "me first" attitude. To the native the conditions of fate always act as a challenge. Usually such people don't have patience and mercy.
hen the Sun Falls in the Second House
When Sun is in the second house the native ill have less wealth and also less education. This person must solve his ego requirements through realization of successful earning powers. The nature of all types of supply that the native may use becomes a field of specialization. Usually all malefic planets in the second house are adverse for wealth.
hen the Sun Falls in the Third House
When Sun is in the third house the native will have high standard of comeliness. Such person must fulfill his/her ego through communication with others. This usually involves some form of free exchange or interaction of stimuli, where one side stimulates the other. This position of Sun is usually adverse for good relation with younger co-borns.
hen the Sun Falls in the Fourth House
When Sun is in the fourth house the native's heart may be afflicted. The person's concentration becomes more subjective. There is a looking backward and inward to the native's background or heritage, which in some way must be restored or reactivated for present-day purposes. The native gives much thought and subjective appraisal to methods and techniques as the best possible manner in which to attack significant problems or objectives.
hen the Sun Falls in the Fifth House
In case Sun is in the fifth house the native will be highly intelligent, and will be loved by the Government. Such people must express themselves in some creative form, which in effect becomes an extension of their ego. This can involve the art, all forms of entertainment, games, gambling, speculation, children and education. Usually This position is adverse for relationship with sons.
hen the Sun Falls in the Sixth House
In case Sun is in the sixth house the naive will have prosperity and enemies along with that prosperity. Such person needs to dedicate him/herself to some kind of duty. This usually involves some activity or function connected wi
hen the Sun Falls in the Sixth House
In case Sun is in the sixth house the naive will have prosperity and enemies along with that prosperity. Such person needs to dedicate him/herself to some kind of duty. This usually involves some activity or function connected with daily living?jobs, vocations, health, waiting on others, looking after requirements for housing, food, beverage, supply.
hen the Sun Falls in the Seventh House
If Sun is in the seventh house the native will be tormented by the Government and have to face defeat. Such person must look to other people for his primary source of direction. Since the Sun represents the individuality of the ego, this placement of the Sun is somewhat unfortunate. In the seventh house control passes to others. The native usually enters into open competition with others on most matters. Such people are usually travel a lot.
For placements of the sun in the eighth to twelfth houses, the ego has less need for personal substantiation. there is more interest to the native in what he can contribute to others.

hen the Sun Falls in the Eighth House
If Sun is in the eighth house the native will be devoid of relatives and wealth. This person is inordinately fascinated with other people's motivations and their probable reactions under test or crisis conditions. These conditions may be from the ancient past, as well as from the present. There is a tendency for these types to drift and satisfy their physical appetites until they are called for some emergency.
hen the Sun Falls in the Ninth House
When Sun is in the ninth house the native will probably have wealth, relatives and sons. This person has a desire to contribute in some meaningful way to the warehouse of knowledge, where the thoughts of many are formalized or codified into laws, religions, philosophy, politics and all higher forms of ritualized learning. The native should become affiliated with some cause or principle or outlet which furthers these concepts.
hen the Sun Falls in the Tenth House
If Sun is in the tenth house the native will be highly educated and will have paternal wealth. This person must assume a position of authority, command and executive control. This may not be easy because of the competition and domination of other strong ambitions standing in the way. This must be overcome and the native must eventually be recognized as a figure of importance in his own right. This dominance of Sun on the Meridian is capable of conferr
My sun is in the first house. The first thing that stuck out to me was the reference to laziness. I was offended! Then I thought for a minute and went 'hummm'.....Maybe a little.
"hen the Sun Falls in the First House
Sun in the first house makes person be anger-prone and lazy. The main native's challenge is to develop a fully individualized identity. Nothing else is more important than that the native realize the full potential of his unique ego as embodied in the personality. This native could never be overly encouraged to follow the "me first" attitude. To the native the conditions of fate always act as a challenge. Usually such people don't have patience and mercy."
Generally correct. I do have very good work ethics though, so I'm only lazy when it comes to my personal life, like organizing my room, etc.
The way it describes the Sun in the first makes us sound like Mob hitmen! LOL
the 11th house is missing Sad
Couple that with being a Scorpio sun...Tongue
When Sun is in the eleventh house the native will prabobly be wealthy with high education. Such person strives to express himself through a congenial group that shares his values, aspirations and sympathies. His/her purpose is their purpose and their purpose is his. These natives are destined for public life and wide associations. The individuality they pursue is not just their own but the embodiment of group values and collective hopes for which the native considers himself spokesman.
hen the Sun Falls in the Twelfth House
When Sun is in the twelfth house the native will have eye troubles and will be devoid of sons and wealth. Such person usually has two considerations to follow. He must solve or reacquaint himself with the ultimate values on which all things rest. This includes passing judgment on his fellow man, but it need not always be expressed to them. And he must resign him/herself to a position of isolation behind the scenes, which is the only suitable setting where he can contribute these truths to those who need them. Usually this position of the Sun is not good from the perspective of profession as a fall is indicated.
Sorry Purrrrrrrfect.....
Couple that with being a Scorpio sun...

Let me guess Yama, you are a scorp sun and ascendant?
smile Thanx! lol
"Let me guess Yama, you are a scorp sun and ascendant?"
Close, Libra at the 30th degree.
You know what's funny? They say the houses are supposed to be 30 degrees but when you watch the changes, the sign always changes after the 29th. It's possible your rising is at 0.
I don't understand the degree thing. I was reading on another site, it said if your sun is in the first house, chances are your rising and ascendent are the same sign. That's why I was asking.
So a degree is technically a day?
"I don't understand the degree thing. I was reading on another site, it said if your sun is in the first house, chances are your rising and ascendent are the same sign. That's why I was asking."
Yeah, I saw on one astrolohy site that a Scorpio sun in the first house is a "double Scorpio", so I guess the first house is intimately connected to the rising.
In some cases it could be the same, not always. As far as rising signs, I think the degree changes every few minutes. Figure about 2 hours for that particular rising to be in effect and 30 degrees until it changes again. You can still have the following sign in the first house if the first house begins at, say,....25 degrees libra. And the house is 30 degrees. Make sense?
How fast a degree moves depends on the planet.
It's starting to make sense. Since I've been really trying to understand astrology it's more complicated than just picking up the paper and reading your daily horoscope.'s more complicated than just picking up the paper and reading your daily horoscope....
Yes, it is.

It's hard to watch people read theirs because I know they aren't going to understand me if I try to explain it's best to read for your rising sign. I'm the one who looks lame lol I get a blank look. for your rising juwana smile
what's your rising purrfect?
I have Virgo rising. And yours is scorpio? All that Libra and Sag in your chart help bring you out in some ways?
All that Libra and Sag in your chart help bring you out in some ways?
I have no idea. I'm slowly researching. I was surprised to see so much libra in my chart. Maybe that's why I'm such a good debater. smile
Debates are fun. smile
I can see why you would be though. Libra has the ability to see and weigh both sides of a situation. I can see how it would be difficult to win against strong Libra influence. Throw in your Scorpio placements and you have one passionate argument.
You should see how fired up I get when I'm "debating" with Brahn! I hope he doesn't read this, but he gets me so fired up I just want to jump through cyberland and force him to agree with me!
notso, you would be considered 5xs Scorpio. Why base it only on the rising? You're as scorpy as it gets hun.
juwan, ha! I've seen some of your run ins with Brahn lol! ::sigh::
k you guys, nice chatting. See ya laters!
Virgo rising-
....usually the zodiac's greatest communicators. 'Hummmm' interesting!
C ya!
Yes notso, it would be interesting to hang out with you. My bestfriend is a Sag (we get along very well) and my boyfriend is Cappy. Along with all your scorpios, you would be a very interesting person to get to know.
I do have a guy at work CRAZY about me, he is a Virgo. I am more drawn to water signs, though. They just seem so deep, I have to get under their surface and find the still waters.
I didn't know much about virgos until I start dxping. The guy at work is very much a virg. I don't know what his chart is like, though.
'I know what I'll do!!! I'm gonna stick my thumb up his bum,that'll really piss him off!!!'

ROFLMAS!!!!!! I've missed you Bling Bling!!!
Pluto, it's starting to make sense. I couldn't read a chart yet, but I can understand it better now. Thanks!
Virgo rising-
....usually the zodiac's greatest communicators. 'Hummmm' interesting!...................
juwana...I also have mercury in a water sign, so we can downplay that a little bit. lol It's something I actually have to work on.