This Is Why You’re Afraid Of Love....

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by LostinmyMind11 on Saturday, November 17, 2018 and has 20 replies.
Posted by Gobby

Bullshit! It's because most people are fucked-up and, in some way, and unpredictable (especially in the long-term). That's enough to put anyone off committing...

But is that really how you feel? 😜
Yeah lol
Posted by Gobby

Posted by LostinmyMind11

Posted by Gobby

Bullshit! It's because most people are fucked-up and, in some way, and unpredictable (especially in the long-term). That's enough to put anyone off committing...

But is that really how you feel? 😜

Not how I feel but the sad reality. My rose tinted glasses fell off, and smashed into pieces, years ago...

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I feel you on that!
I read my venus and that was more accurate for me.
Posted by s_i_e_r_r_a

"you embark on a pattern of attracting the emotionally unavailable, the hot messes, the fixer-uppers, and lost ones, because they feel like a safe bet..."

and honestly, aren't we all fixer-uppers?
The first part is so true though. Second part...naw...I'm perfection 😂😜

Posted by stillstillwater

I read my venus and that was more accurate for me.
I read mine and it was true as well.
I agree with my one. I push everyone away then regret it after. I've started doing this with my current relationship and I'm trying hard to keep myself in check. I suck at love.
Posted by ACsquarepluto

relate to the Cancer description (my Mercury)

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I’m a Libra, but the Scorpio one sounds more like me. Scorpio venus. INTENSE in love 😉
If I look at my moon sign its more accurate
Posted by Gobby

Bullshit! It's because most people are fucked-up and, in some way, unpredictable (especially in the long-term). That's enough to put anyone off committing...

I agree with you.
I can relate myself to it, Taurus male. Good read, thanks
This part is very true for me!

You’re eternal singledom not only stems from your fear of the humdrum but because you feel like you have to fiercely guard your freedom. You’re innately restless and nomadic, scared to be in one place for too long. You can’t stand still, and you’ve ran before when you’ve felt yourself getting too close to another person. Your commitment issues aren’t so much a fear of commitment as they are that you associate commitment with being trapped in monotony. You’re afraid love only means you will be slowed down by someone else and you don’t want to sacrifice the things you consider most dear. To have to give up traveling, meeting new people, and having new experiences, would mean to have to give up the life you love.

You’re afraid of love because you don’t want another person to feel like the old ball and chain. The truth is, you’re aware that if anyone has anything to fear it’s your significant other, not the other way around. They have to put up with you because you won’t be the one doing the tolerating. The only right way is your way. You need someone who’ll let you thrive and shine, and will let you do all those things you want, and who will be along for the ride.

While you have a reputation for being a player when it comes to love you’re extremely devoted
Posted by Gobby

Bullshit! It's because most people are fucked-up and, in some way, unpredictable (especially in the long-term). That's enough to put anyone off committing...

It IS pure bullshit! You right! Never been afraid of love! Bring it on!

The more the merrier! Afraid of what?

Right? Lmao...
Posted by brzzz

I have a lot of love to give but no guy gives a shit
Wrong guys!
Posted by SpaceBird

Posted by LostinmyMind11

Umm...this was a little too accurate....does it ring true for you?
no not scared of love.
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Good girl! Keep it real! Love isn’t death. Though sometimes it seems like it but it isn’t!
well, the Sag part and freedom stuff sound very familiar.
Yeah the Pisces description does ring true for me, as cliche as it is🤷‍♀️
Hm.. Taurus and Scorpio parts definitely fit me as part of my Sun/Moon combination. Also given that I'm highly idealistic about the idea of being in a relationship, yet I'm like a bull in the china shop when it comes to my job, and given that I'm so used to being by myself, I'm not sure how to adapt to the idea of navigating around someone else in my life.