Tonite's Planet Conjunction

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Sisu1sun on Sunday, May 26, 2013 and has 3 replies.
Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are all visible after sunset in late May 2013. From May 24-29, they form a spectacular planetary trio. On May 26, these three will form the most compact grouping of planets you??ll see until the year 2021. Meanwhile, Saturn ??? shines noticeably brightly in the May 2013 evening sky all month long. And Mars is officially in the morning sky in May 2013, but not visible, having passed behind the sun from Earth last month.
conjunctions in Astrology and Vedic Astrology.
Conjunction simply means union of planets. In any birth chart, when two or more planets are sitting in the same house they are considered to be in conjunction. There are all types of conjunction; tight conjunction, exact conjunction, close conjunction and virtual conjunctions.
What does conjunction really do in a astrological birth chart? They give meaning to your life and set a purpose. They either take away thing or give you things. There are positive and negative effects of conjunction. Positive effects are known as Yogas and negative effects are known as Doshas.
Planets are simply energies and when two different type of energy come together they create a new type of a energy or a mutant energy. The new type of energy brings situation in your life that fulfills the destiny of that conjunction.
How is conjunction mathematically explained?
Each zodiac sign is about 30 degrees long or you think of it as 30 feet long. In those 30 feet section you can cramp up to nine planets. Since there are 12 zodiac signs which are 30 degrees long, it equals to the 360 sky around us (12 x 30).
The zodiac is comprised of an arc of 360 degrees. In Vedic astrology or Jyotish, we analyze how nine planets occupy this arc. Each planet has its own unique characteristics and enjoys having the room to do so. Venus and Jupiter will be within one degree of each other starting tonight about 6:30 PST. This is known as a graha yuddha or a planetary war in Vedic astrology. We have two planets vying for the same space.
Venus is the planet of beauty, love, romance, luxury, passion, and the arts. Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, knowledge, teaching, higher education, discernment and spirituality. Venus and Jupiter are considered the great ???natural benefics?? in Vedic Astrology, or those planets which usually deliver favorable experiences (all other factors being equal). While a war between two benefics is favorable than one between two malefics, as my Vedic astrology teacher says, ???Both planets in a war are bloodied.?? In terms of significators of people, Venus represents the spouse or romantic partner and Jupiter is the significator for children.
This battleground takes place in the sign of Aries, which is owned by Mars. Jupiter and Mars are friendly towards each other, while Mars and Venus are not. So, Jupiter is naturally more comfortable in Aries than is Venus. Who ???wins?? a war is determined by their astronomical magnitude and in this case, Venus ???wins?? the war.
This war is particularly of significance to those in a Venus or Jupiter planetary cycle. We are born into a planetary cycle based on the position of our Moon and then experience ongoing planetary periods throughout our lives. How this will impact a person individually depends on where Jupiter and Venus are placed in their natal charts as well as what house Aries represents in their charts as well (i.e. first house, fourth house, etc.)
Adding to this dynamic is the fact that Mercury, the planet of communication, has gone into retrogression today, while simultaneously being in its sign of debilitation. People may not be able to understand each other as effectively as they would like during this planetary transit.
A further dynamic is that the Moon, which represents the mind, has gone into debilitation today, and it??s with an exalted North node, Rahu. This hinders an individual??s capacity to think clearly; it??s easy to get caught up in the world of insatiable desires. The Moon comes out of debilitation on Wednesday night.
During this time, it??s best to be v
During this time, it??s best to be very mindful and not make any major agreements which could have a major impact on your life. Think twice before you give into fleeting desires. Do not enter into any major contracts in the next few days. Give yourself time to reflect on any key decisions so that you can make clear choices. The planetary war ends at 3:30 pm PST on Thursday.