i was recently rejected. the reason being given to me was that i was too smart for her. it sounds like bullshit to me, would someone please help me wrap my noodle around this?
Have you ever just daydreamed about the one that got away.
You didn't appreciate what you had before but now you want love so bad it feels like you're not lovable or forgot the meaning of it.
I can't remember the last time I feel butterflies in my s
Whirlwind instant chemistry. She'd chase for a while and even took a month to knit me a gift. First date heavy making out. Second date we slept together and did it til sunrise. Turns out it was her first time. Add being religious, the pill and she was a b
Hi everybody!
Im a virgo Man asc cancer. She is scorpio asc scorp.
We met in class and she told me she never felt anything stronger when she saw me for the first time.
Our 8 first months was awesome. Full of passions... Everything (sex etc..) was aweso
Maybe I am crazy, but I keep thinking of ways that my man cheats on me. I look for it. I make it up. For example, there is a mysterious light outside our back door and I automatically think it is some morse code his "mistress" uses to let him know she is