triple fire

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by MoonshineLeo on Saturday, January 23, 2016 and has 19 replies.
i have leo sun aries moon and sag rising. thats triple the fire
does anyone else have a triple water or air or earth or even fire?
if so how do you handle all the energy?
@OP- Taurus sun, Aquarius moon, Taurus in M, M and venus. Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Libra. Fixed Taurus stellium.
@OP- I am always changing but once I focus on something or one I am fascinated by it. I remain at it for awhile. Sometimes my energy is draining or I get exhausted. Other times I am always moving towards a goal or something positive..
Let's see what astrotheme says who had the same placements (not degreewise):

1) Madame Heutniger : one of the greatest winner in Loto

2) Youssouf Fofana (killer)

3) Menie Grégoire : French journalist and writer
Look, what she has in her chart to win (or did astrotheme make it right??)

Madame Heutniger, born August 4, 1950 in Forbach, is one of the greatest winner in Loto, Mars 26, 1980, 20:00 in Paris.

User Submitted Image

She had Sun, POF, Pluto, Mercury, Saturn and Vertex in the 8th house. Plus Jupiter in the 2nd house. And Sagittarius part of the 11th house. Venus in the 7th house.Venus conj. Uranus with an orb of 8.
Posted by TauroMale
Are you fearless with all that fire?

i have sun,moon,mercury in earth

i would like to think so! Big Grin
i do at times feel very drained but i seem to be doing better these days
Posted by cosmicbutter
Yea...triple air...sun aqua..gem moon..rising leeb. I guess it makes me very self aware? As in...I understand myself...the inner is aligned with outer..I dont really know how it affects. Or it makes me do a lot of intellectualising/theorising and very idealistic prob..

wow youre triple air, youre like my match made in heaven hahaha
Posted by dewiklaessen1991
Triple fire and triple air

Posted by cosmicbutter
I think I like it..since my few personal planets fall in water houses which really needs balancing with air..

i have water alsooo! where are you in boy format? lol
Posted by dewiklaessen1991
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by dewiklaessen1991
Triple fire and triple air

= 3 times Virgo Sun, Jupiter, Mercury 2 times sagg ascendant and Moon Leo in Venus Mars Libra, Saturn Aquarius and Midheaven Libra (don't know if that counts)

wow that is a very interesting chart, do you have any trouble balancing everything ?
click to expand
I am aries sun, moon and jupiter
Then I am Sagitarius saturn and Uranus

I have 2 water placement > Mercury and Venus in pisces
And 3 earth placement > Mars in Taurus, Virgo asc, Cap Neptune

I think I am pretty normal, although I think too much for an aries.
Someone here described me very well once saying that " even though the action can bring you laid back, yet your ego and emotions brings out the impatience a lot more"
Leo Sun
Sag Moon
Aries Rising
Sorry but sun moon rising arent everything.

Whats your ven mar jup sat?
Grand trine water and grand trine fire
Posted by cosmicbutter
I'm all air and fire and next ground to hold on to...!

No ground also but I hold on my family ground when I need it.
Posted by MoonshineLeo
i have leo sun aries moon and sag rising. thats triple the fire
does anyone else have a triple water or air or earth or even fire?
if so how do you handle all the energy?
I have Leo rising, Aries moon and sun sagittarius... people think I'm really mean but I'm actually not just don't rush me on anything and we won't have any problems, I also don't stay mad long at all
Cap moon, Cap mercury and Cap rising.
I have Aqua rising, sun and moon.