I really like this taurus female, I'm a scorpio man. She is just so different from the others, I really don't know if s
Whether casually or seriously? I'm a Leo girl, and I always find myself dating two people at once without there knowledg
I recently dated two Cancer males, and they would both compliment me on my looks. They were very possessive too. They wo
Why is it that when you're into a leo ... they are kinda shy and stand-offish ... but then you tell them that you can't
The conversations within the threads concerning marriage got me thinking. What are our basic human needs, besides fo
I hear that Taurus get possessive/demanding when in relationships. Is this true? Do you want to control the relationship
I am officially dating a Taurus man whom I've been friends with for about a year. I am very comfortable with him, he is
The Leo character: Leos have an irritating smug aloofness and deal with everyone in a high handed manner. To them everyo
I have read across the boards and heard IRL about how women who have extramarital affairs will eventually get theirs.
If a Virgo Man has children from a previous relationship, does this mean that he will be more cauious when it comes to w