Tyche your asteroid of luck

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Season on Sunday, February 19, 2017 and has 25 replies.
Where is your Tyche? It's asteroid number 258. What sign? What house? Do you feel lucky in this placement? Is it accurate?

My Tyche is in Pisces at 25 degrees conjuncting Venus. I have no idea what all this means but I've always felt lucky in Pisces related pursuits. I'll have to look up what it means when it conjuncts Venus.

So, where's yours?

Posted by Nevermore
Btw, Tyche is not only luck out there.. Fortuna (asteroid 19) as well.

And that conjunct my Mars (1 orb), Chiron (3 orb), MC (2 orb), SN (2 orb)

Trine Pluto (1 orb)

Sextile Sun exact (0 orb)

Square Mercury & ASC (Both 4 orbs away)

Opp Neptune (3 orb)

I have a strong Fortune too. It conjuncts my Asc. Sun. Moon and Merc. In the first house for fortune, the others are in the 12th.

Thanx for sharing.
Wait a sec. Fortune and Fortuna are different? I have Fortune in Taurus 1st house and Fortuna in Aqua 10-11 house. Can't say I feel lucky there.
Posted by Nevermore
Posted by Season
Wait a sec. Fortune and Fortuna are different? I have Fortune in Taurus 1st house and Fortuna in Aqua 10-11 house. Can't say I feel lucky there.

Part of fortune comes from a calculation from sun, moon and asc. Whereas Fortuna is an asteroid.

In which I have:

29 degree Leo.

Sextile Venus by 3 orbs away

Sesquiquadrates Uranus by 1 orb away.
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Wel,l my Fortuna is in the 10th close but not conjunct to Chiron which may be why I don't feel particularly lucky here.

There's also Felicitas which is happiness, obviously. I'll have to look up that placement as well. So many asteroids. It's amazing how many DXPers say they have empty houses. They obviously don't count their asteroid placement.
Tyche in pisces at 22'32 degree in 5th house.

What does that mean?
TYCHE Capricorn ^ 9th/10th HS conjunct Cap Venus / Cap MC

The profits of life are increased through truth and honour; therefore you might find that it is easier to be autonomous, as in this way you have more control over the integrity and quality of your work. Self employment or at least working to your own schedule might suit you well, as the summit of excellence is reached by finding the highest standards in yourself, not following the criterions of others. Luck lies in being aware and responsible for what needs to be done, even if you feel inadequate or ill-equipped. Yet nothing could be father from the truth, but this is unable to be known at the time. Over the course of time the truth is revealed through hard work, dedication, commitment and responsibility. Your best Luck and Success comes when you TRULY Love (tyche conjunct venus) WHAT you do.

-- As Winston Churchill once said, “Responsibility is the price of greatness.”


FORTUNA Aquarius/11th

When Fortuna presents herself to us through an air sign, we may take an intellectual approach to our destiny and try to reason out each and every twist and turn in the road we have before us. It might be that we get so caught up in analyzing all the whys and wherefores of what a possible course of action might bring to us, that we get bogged down in the details, and find it impossible to decide what to do.

-- Fortuna in Air signs may need to rely on their inner intuitive selves more

IN SYNASTRY, your partners Fortuna conjunct your Sun or AC will make them feel like a lucky star to you. That just being in their presence brings you luck. Their Saturn on your Fortuna on the other hand may feel like they are a curse more than a blessing, or that they are dishing out some heavy karma back at you.

~ Asteroid Fortuna 19 is the Roman Goddess of luck, good and bad! She represents the tide turning for or against you according to life's whims.

Along with Asteroid Tyche, it may be highly useful to see how transits effect Asteroid Fortuna, especially with Jupiter/Venus at exact to half orb.
Posted by Nepturanus
Posted by Season
Wait a sec. Fortune and Fortuna are different? I have Fortune in Taurus 1st house and Fortuna in Aqua 10-11 house. Can't say I feel lucky there.
yeah they're different.

there are also two types of Eros. one is Asteroid, the other is Arabic Point.

and i count there are four or five Lilith. one of them is an Asteroid.
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I know there's true Lilith and Mean Lilith. I don't know of any others though.

Posted by Cyclone
Tyche in pisces at 22'32 degree in 5th house.

What does that mean?
You should be an extremely creative person and may have luck with children or anything related to procreation. Midwifery, having kids of your own etc. IMHO.
Posted by ~mystic_fish
TYCHE Capricorn ^ 9th/10th HS conjunct Cap Venus / Cap MC

The profits of life are increased through truth and honour; therefore you might find that it is easier to be autonomous, as in this way you have more control over the integrity and quality of your work. Self employment or at least working to your own schedule might suit you well, as the summit of excellence is reached by finding the highest standards in yourself, not following the criterions of others. Luck lies in being aware and responsible for what needs to be done, even if you feel inadequate or ill-equipped. Yet nothing could be father from the truth, but this is unable to be known at the time. Over the course of time the truth is revealed through hard work, dedication, commitment and responsibility. Your best Luck and Success comes when you TRULY Love (tyche conjunct venus) WHAT you do.

-- As Winston Churchill once said, “Responsibility is the price of greatness.”


FORTUNA Aquarius/11th

When Fortuna presents herself to us through an air sign, we may take an intellectual approach to our destiny and try to reason out each and every twist and turn in the road we have before us. It might be that we get so caught up in analyzing all the whys and wherefores of what a possible course of action might bring to us, that we get bogged down in the details, and find it impossible to decide what to do.

-- Fortuna in Air signs may need to rely on their inner intuitive selves more

IN SYNASTRY, your partners Fortuna conjunct your Sun or AC will make them feel like a lucky star to you. That just being in their presence brings you luck. Their Saturn on your Fortuna on the other hand may feel like they are a curse more than a blessing, or that they are dishing out some heavy karma back at you.

~ Asteroid Fortuna 19 is the Roman Goddess of luck, good and bad! She represents the tide turning for or against you according to life's whims.

Along with Asteroid Tyche, it may be highly useful to see how transits effect Asteroid Fortuna, especially with Jupiter/Venus at exact to half orb.
May I ask where you found this? My usual sources had nothing to say about Tyche and Fortuna in the houses, signs, etc. Since my Tyche conjuncts my Venus in Pisces, I'd especially like to know what this means. I know it's not as lucky as a sun, or AC or MC conjunction but it's so close; it must mean something and I'd love to know what.
Posted by hollyhock
Besides being good luck, do you know what this asteroid is supposed to do/represent?

I have it in the 2nd house and opposite my venus and mars.

I have fortune conjunct my ASC in the 1st house.

This is all NATAL though.
Tyche represents easy good fortune in life but many discount it because they look to Jupiter instead believing the two to be so similar why bother with it, but I like to know because my natal Jup is in the fourth and I am lucky there, but I'm also lucky in matters of creativity, health and metaphysics such as would be indicated by having Tyche in Pisces in the 12th.

Having Tyche in the second should be good for real estate or financial matters. Since it's similar to the luck of Jupiter it would be like having Jupiter in the second or Jupiter in Taurus. Tyche is one of several asteroids of luck or fortune.

My Fortune also conjuncts my Asc. in the 1st house which is Taurus. It does give me mega doses of confidence in life and luck in matters pertaining to self. Having fortune conjuncting the ascendant is always a good thing from all I've read about it. Are you a Tau Asc also or Aries? If Saturn is in your 7th it must be around there?

Posted by Nepturanus
oh and my Tyche is in the 8th house Libra. what do you think of this @Season ?
I honestly don't know what an eighth house Tyche in Libra means. I'd think you might be a lucky gambler, but with another person because Libra rules partnership while the eight house is sex and other people's money. Maybe you'll marry or partner up with someone who brings you financial fortune.You could be lucky in undercover work, analysis and psychiatry. Just some thoughts.
I have it in the Midheaven- conjuct venus- and chiron so it probley makes it aids-

or not so aidsey lol

In Gemini

Edit- seems to be a common theme in conjucting to Chiron- maybe because of the rotaton?

The nodes are totally diffrent in implication

Your luck or your strength being so close to your uncurable weakness

Really illustrates free will and choice.

...in Gemini at 0 degrees.. in 11th house.

It's opposite pluto.

What does it mean?

Posted by RumiL
...in Gemini at 0 degrees.. in 11th house.

It's opposite pluto.

What does it mean?

Absolutely nothing.
Posted by Palerio
Posted by RumiL
...in Gemini at 0 degrees.. in 11th house.

It's opposite pluto.

What does it mean?

Absolutely nothing.
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Pal! Long time no see : D

Happy birthday to you.. whenever it is smile

(when is it?:p)

Posted by RumiL
Posted by Palerio
Posted by RumiL
...in Gemini at 0 degrees.. in 11th house.

It's opposite pluto.

What does it mean?

Absolutely nothing.
Pal! Long time no see : D

Happy birthday to you.. whenever it is smile

(when is it?:p)

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I'm an Arcadian Green, well at least according to Pantone :p

Posted by Palerio
Posted by RumiL
Posted by Palerio
Posted by RumiL
...in Gemini at 0 degrees.. in 11th house.

It's opposite pluto.

What does it mean?

Absolutely nothing.
Pal! Long time no see : D

Happy birthday to you.. whenever it is smile

(when is it?:p)

I'm an Arcadian Green, well at least according to Pantone :p

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Elusive fish you :p

14th march?

That was one of my very good friends birthday! Sad

Posted by RumiL
Posted by Palerio
Posted by RumiL
Posted by Palerio
Posted by RumiL
...in Gemini at 0 degrees.. in 11th house.

It's opposite pluto.

What does it mean?

Absolutely nothing.
Pal! Long time no see : D

Happy birthday to you.. whenever it is smile

(when is it?:p)

I'm an Arcadian Green, well at least according to Pantone :p

Elusive fish you :p

14th march?

That was one of my very good friends birthday! Sad

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Thanks for calling me Einstein, I appreciated it! We indeed share the same sun/moon combo; however, I cannot claim to be born the same day too - check out Bruce Willis' if you really want to know :p

A propos, are you a March 23rd Pisces? Random guess here Big Grin

Tyche 6th house Sag

Fortuna 2nd house Leo

Posted by Nepturanus
Posted by Season
Posted by Nepturanus
oh and my Tyche is in the 8th house Libra. what do you think of this @Season ?
I honestly don't know what an eighth house Tyche in Libra means. I'd think you might be a lucky gambler, but with another person because Libra rules partnership while the eight house is sex and other people's money. Maybe you'll marry or partner up with someone who brings you financial fortune.You could be lucky in undercover work, analysis and psychiatry. Just some thoughts.
i'm already married.

lucky gambler, more money ehehe i like it.
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It's possible. I'm thinking of what the eighth house rules and it does rule other people's money. There's also taxes, what you owe and are owed by others, and inheritances, because the eighth house is also traditionally the house of death. I added some Libra particulars because although Libra is the natural ruler of the seventh house of partnerships, in your chart it rules the eighth.
Posted by RumiL
...in Gemini at 0 degrees.. in 11th house.

It's opposite pluto.

What does it mean?

Luck with friends of Gemini skilled traits, like logicians, and writers, maybe. Having Tyche opposite your Pluto would be the same as having Jupiter opposite Pluto. So just pretend your Tyche in Gem is actually Jupiter and you'll understand the meaning more easily.
Posted by Deedee86
Tyche 6th house Sag

Fortuna 2nd house Leo

Firey luck.

Posted by Palerio
Posted by RumiL
Posted by Palerio
Posted by RumiL
Posted by Palerio
Posted by RumiL
...in Gemini at 0 degrees.. in 11th house.

It's opposite pluto.

What does it mean?

Absolutely nothing.
Pal! Long time no see : D

Happy birthday to you.. whenever it is smile

(when is it?:p)

I'm an Arcadian Green, well at least according to Pantone :p

Elusive fish you :p

14th march?

That was one of my very good friends birthday! Sad

Thanks for calling me Einstein, I appreciated it! We indeed share the same sun/moon combo; however, I cannot claim to be born the same day too - check out Bruce Willis' if you really want to know :p

A propos, are you a March 23rd Pisces? Random guess here Big Grin

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:O i didn't know Einstein was Pisces/Sag!! makes sense.

..Haha.. your guess about march is correct :p But PISCES? ARIES HERE Big Grin

Posted by Season
Posted by RumiL
...in Gemini at 0 degrees.. in 11th house.

It's opposite pluto.

What does it mean?

Luck with friends of Gemini skilled traits, like logicians, and writers, maybe. Having Tyche opposite your Pluto would be the same as having Jupiter opposite Pluto. So just pretend your Tyche in Gem is actually Jupiter and you'll understand the meaning more easily.
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Gemini skills huh smile hmm, my best friend is a Gemini, all my friends are mostly air suns too..

I'll read up on Jupter opp Pluto, thanks :-)
Posted by RumiL
Posted by Season
Posted by RumiL
...in Gemini at 0 degrees.. in 11th house.

It's opposite pluto.

What does it mean?

Luck with friends of Gemini skilled traits, like logicians, and writers, maybe. Having Tyche opposite your Pluto would be the same as having Jupiter opposite Pluto. So just pretend your Tyche in Gem is actually Jupiter and you'll understand the meaning more easily.
Gemini skills huh smile hmm, my best friend is a Gemini, all my friends are mostly air suns too..

I'll read up on Jupter opp Pluto, thanks :-)
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That's the best advice I can think of because Tyche is considered superfluous. It's just another "Jupiter". But it's interesting because it can be in a different sign and house from your natal Jupiter and it still will bring luck and fortune to that house as well. I notice this with my Tyche in the 12th.

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