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Nov 18, 2017Comments: 4 · Posts: 1588 · Topics: 129
so my niece had this placements and she rarely has sex in fact she is pretty much non sexual. she has this ideal of how love should be and if her needs are not met she's just very easily is this more the Venus in Pisces or the Mars in Aquarius showing. Do pisces fantasies and live in their own heads? and do they like to lie about things such as for example she had sex with a dude and would tell others he found it amazing and they had great chemistry while he thought there was nothing but just sex. Do they fall in love fast and are they naive? do they get used very often and what do they do when they have been hurt
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Nov 18, 2017Comments: 4 · Posts: 1588 · Topics: 129
fcking swype is a do Venus in Pisces fantasies I meant
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Nov 18, 2017Comments: 4 · Posts: 1588 · Topics: 129
she's at the moment with someone but before she was with someone she used to have many relationships and partners but fell in love too fast