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Oct 19, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 396 · Topics: 74
he was helping me with stuff all the time when i asked. but when we were to arrange a meeting he went mia.
for a month. i had sth for him he didnt even bother to tell me withing amonth.
after that time on a party apologise to me, was interested very touchy but didnt tell the conclusion.
so i have no idea if i should propose the ( LAST) meeting and see if he will be into or not
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Oct 19, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 396 · Topics: 74
Yea you are roght ill see
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Aug 24, 2011Comments: 17 · Posts: 5119 · Topics: 78
His Venus and Mars in Virgo means he won't be overt in any displays of affections toward you. Instead he may seem a bit more subdued. He'll be more likely to analyze the situation between you to see if it makes sense to him. He will also show his affection in more mundane/consistent ways instead of flowery words. Granted he's a Leo, so he'll probably throw in some flowery words once he's more comfortable.
My advice is to not get too attached until you see more consistency from his end as well. If you want answers or responses from a Leo just speak to him directly. He'll respond more quickly that way.
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Oct 19, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 396 · Topics: 74
ok he didnt dismiss me but willbe away andis a bit flaky. idont know.
i suggested a meeting onwedtesday. he told me he would be in different city and offered a weekend. when i said-saturday he told me he doesnt know so we will arrange before because he may be or may be not in a city because he may have some work in a different city.
he works a lot mobile but he doesnt know when he will be available.
so i took it as being uninterested.
because he is not straight.
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Oct 19, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 396 · Topics: 74
yes i know.
its a bigger issue here because 2 years ago i was with his friend in some quick relationship. and noone knew that except different group of people and my friends.
after 2 years i had a focus on this leo man.
i didnt know that him and my ex were friends.
but its weird. i think that when my ex told him about me this leo man went a bit more flaky. because before he didnt know he was more open to me and so one.
he is nice but in a way like to a friend that he likes so much but not to a girlfriend type. it all changed after my ex told everything- do not know why. like bro code or sth.
iknow this leo guy likes me very much . i told him i will write to him on friday about the meeting but i dont wanna do it. i will not.
my ex was scared that his ex ( me) would date someone from his friends circle