Venus Rising, Sun, Moon, etc

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by phoenix1rising on Monday, April 15, 2013 and has 3 replies.
Does having a Taurus or Libra placement in your sun, moon, 1st house, etc make you somewhat shallow no matter what? I have a Leo rising, but being a double Scorpio makes it almost impossible for me to be shallow. I do seem to put a lot of pressure on myself to be "perfect" looking, but then the scorp in me is like "umm why??? that's not what matters in life!"
Relative to who's viewing it I guess. I have been called shallow before JUST because I do at times get fussy with how I present myself but honestly I don't do it to impress people... I do it to make myself feel good and comfortable.
Posted by phoenix1rising
Does having a Taurus or Libra placement in your sun, moon, 1st house, etc make you somewhat shallow no matter what? I have a Leo rising, but being a double Scorpio makes it almost impossible for me to be shallow. I do seem to put a lot of pressure on myself to be "perfect" looking, but then the scorp in me is like "umm why??? that's not what matters in life!"

Taurus Moon-- I am the total opposite of shallow. I can't even watch these stupid "desperate housewives" or "hip hop wifes" or "love and hip hop" shows cause EVERYONE comes off as shallow to me IMO.