Virgo and his Saturn Return.

This topic was created in the Saturn Return forum by joanne_p on Sunday, January 28, 2018 and has 12 replies.

one of my friends that i have been talking about here finally contacted me.

This is the Virgo guy.

He will start his saturn return soon, next month.

I do not know if it is possible but i am very curious about his chart and saturn return period.

He has changed after some trip to Asia as i said before her ein the thread.

I do not know why but i feel heis becoming a different person.

I have had struggles with him since 2015 when we had an affair then he abandoned me for other girls, then he wanted to come back... I was immature as well as him, i had a big pride and a big ego. I couldnt forgive.

Now... After almost 3 years...

What happened? WHat person will he become?

Since 2015 he has become very party person, i couldnt believe. Before he was a normal, oridinary man. Then even drugs came into his life. He is an artist. Very creative.

He was a bit show off, since the end of the last year he has been calming down.

His chart is here.

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Thank you
he is not with me. we have never been together officialy for longer period of time.

after a break up he was jealous STILL of me, like he didnt want me to move on or didnt let me flirt with common friends.

thats weird.

i am venus in aqua
Saturn hit his Uranus already, Thats almost as troubling as sr
Posted by Toti
Posted by joanne_p
he is not with me. we have never been together officialy for longer period of time.

after a break up he was jealous STILL of me, like he didnt want me to move on or didnt let me flirt with common friends.

thats weird.

i am venus in aqua
Nothing is weird with a virgo who has Venus in libra. If he was ever into you , you are "his" whatever that means, yet he doesn't belong not commit to anyone. They can be gorgeous, artistic and very smart and "deep". But, usually many short term relationships, no real success there. He is a workaholic type, married to what he does, find his relevance through his job. From his partner he just wants beauty and to do what he says. It never lasts with them. But while it lasts, it is heaven. Hurts a lot afterwards though.
click to expand
yea i felt that. i know he is prone to beauty. i am attractive i have a pretty baby face. let me assume that.

he liked that.

everyone knew he was into me.

he was stalking me a lot , even 6 months before our 'relation started'. but he was a player i didnt want to be ONE of his girls. i wanted to be THE ONE. so when i assumed that helikes to party with other girls, BEST FRIENDS, female friends , being with me idecided to back off. and then he got scared.i started to work hard on myself as well as on my studies and career.

when i moved on and i started to flirt with common friend i felt he DIDNT let me. he made a big drama.

that was weird. i felt like in a kindergarten. so i dont know if i can move on to another guy with Virgo knowing about it because maybe he will never let me move on.

he is the 1st to LEAVE the relationship and it was me to LEAVE him first because i didnt want to be hurt. then he came back and make a big drama and left me officially.

so in everyone's eyes its official he left me in bad circumstances being an a**hole. but generally i think he felt neglected by me.

when we met in october he was with another girlfriend. older, party type. when he saw me he got scared, i dont know i felt like he was explaining himself to me. i just didnt care.

now he is single again.
Posted by bricklemark
Saturn hit his Uranus already, Thats almost as troubling as sr
what does it mean generally?

for me he thought he could eat a cake and had a cake in the same time.

when i said _ NO ( not verbally) he started to be very weird. i thought he became my enemy.
Posted by joanne_p
Posted by bricklemark
Saturn hit his Uranus already, Thats almost as troubling as sr
what does it mean generally?

click to expand
Your individuality is brought out, you can seem weird, eccentric
i told him i was interested in noveber 2016 after our 'dissapearing and reappearing acts'. he already had other gfs then.

totally different than me, he ususally chooses taurus, scorpio, gemini or virgo.

i remember when we left each other in 2015 i saw him with other taurus gf- she was praising him, head down, like he would be a king with his charm.

i have never acted like that to him.

i either screamed at him that i didnt like his behaviour, tell the truth and he would act like furious , scream at me but then come back.

i didnt want to play those games anymore.

i have never acted like a 'subject' to him.

i think that deep inside he likes me and maybe thinks i am different. i have never followed him. he followed me. i have never wanted to be his subject, i wanted to be an equal partner. but he didnt want.

in november 2016 when i told him i was into him and why didnt it worked out ( yes i was keeping that info more than 1 year LOL). we exchanged many texts but next day at work he acted like he would be a freak, like he would be scared. then on party he totally ignored me.

when i decided its over and didnt want to play mental games i moved on to out common friend. who STILL is interested in me.

Virgo realised that. was obssesivly jealous, started being a j***erk even an ass*hole to this guy. like he didnt want me to move on.

then it all ended because i left the country for work for 6 months. now its nothing but he just remembered me and contacted me.

so thats why i built this thread.

do you think i should let him go or we should stay friends?
even thought before in 2013, 2014 i had other affairs as well those men never made me feel as he made me.

with this Virgo i felt i needed to cure him. i needed to be his doctor. that he opened up himself and with his all sould he wanted to be cured. but i didnt have a power THAT power to cure him.

i am clean. i am even sometimes a teetotaller (?).

and it doesnt mean i am weak and fragile. some years ago i just told myself i didnt want to have a life like i used to have in high school or at the beginning of my studies. i wanted to heal. to feel myself deeply.

i lost a lot of weight, i am 'clean'. even inside. even my mind and my personality changed.

and he met me in 2015 when i was changing. i was maybe drinking alcohol but i was not as party type as other women... i was only going to parties to chase him.

and i think he understood that.

he knows i am different.

different and 'clean' doesnt mean bad.

all of his girls drink like men and party like men, they are very very laid back. they are 'dirty' in a mental way.

maybe that is why he didnt want to be with me.

i can be dirty as well but he didnt let me.

he assumed with his friends, from the beginning i didnt match to the company.

and that is better maybe.

i dont want to change.

but it doesnt mean i am weak or a mental virgin.

i dont need to show off to people with my 'periods of life'. i dont need to do it.

its bad that when i wanted to move on and kind of change my situation he realised that and really, didnt let me. he would disturb, and talk behind my back.

he knew i was leabing my country for 7 months.

the guy that i was into, the next one, was one of our common friends. also his friend.

but after 1.5 year of nothing, dissapearing and reappearing i decided i COULD move on. because i didnt want to waste my time.

and Virgo noticed. he was very harsh. all of his actions were supposed to be shown as i have been his.

but i am not an object.

that is why he didnt like my behaviour. i am aries. that is why i cant be controlled.

he wants to controll and be possesive.

all of those taurus and scorpio women have been subjective, passive.

i saw that . i wanted to have a boyfriend. i wanted someone who would treat me with respect.

allof those girls agreed to be unofficial and agreed that they would search for official bf, but having fun with virgo.

i didnt agree and that was the problem. but even though he didnt want to be official i still dont understand that he didnt want me to move on to common friend.

we saw each other in october when he had a scorpio older party girl. now he is again single.

since that moment i havent talked or seen him.

in december he went to asia with his friend. when back he is more calm.

ist weird but i even see this in his facebook posts. they are normal. not show off, vulgar.

like something would happen in asia.

but i dont want to analyse. i am surprised he contacted me.

i was silent. i just liked 2 of his pictures from asia. i havent done it in 2 years. i got cold as ice.

but now i can.

i dont know what to do.
this is sad that actually i do not meet new people.

i have put myself in a very difficult environment of artists and freelancers in 2015 . even though i study something different.

this made me a bit more mature and i grew up. but actually it gave me strenght and power inside of me.

then i left for 7 months and came back. i am doing my diploma , its been 4-5 months i am hoping i will finish soon... its master degree so i need to do well..

i do not go out i do not meet new people.

i decided not to be present on social media. its a very weird period of my life.