virguy, cancerlady and tauruslady love triangle

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Avalan32 on Thursday, December 10, 2009 and has 4 replies.
Here's the situation:
Virgo guy is a new transfer to college. He transferred to the college recently mainly because he was already involved with a Cancer lady who was serious about him. Being a cancer she was a very clingy woman and wouldnt let him out of site this even before they started dating. Soon the virguy became friends with a rather beautiful Taurus lady. He saw her as a perfect girlfriend in all ways, hot, supportive, loyal, a great friend, and extremely funny. However soon after the two became friends the cancer woman started pressuring him to date her(cancer herself) and im not talking about regular pressuring, this is more like the cancer pressuring, for example she started becomeing more of a doormat for her virguy.Even though the virguy saw her as a great friend she started doing him way too many favors, doing all his homework, wasting her own valuable time to find him internships and furthering his progress in college. she would occasionally cook for him, buy him some rather expensive gifts. She soon started to control his friendships and a big part of his interests was this Taurus lady. Despite the virguy's many great attempts to set things straight with his cancer friend trying to tell her that he sees her only as a great friend and nothing else, the cancer woman still fails to understand. Soon the cancer started pulling guilt trips on the virguy the day she finds out about his interest in the Taurus lady. Guilt is a very heavy thing for any virgo to deal with and he eventually forcefully starts dating the cancer lady. The taurus girl confronts the virguy about her feelings for him. Things for the past few months have frozen, the virguy is still interested in the taurus lady but in a relationship with the cancer. the taurus lady is still waiting (wont get into a relationship with another) to hear something positive from the virguy. The cancer woman is oblivious to anyone else's needs except her own. Virgo is way to scared to confront the cancer about his true feelings. What should the virgo do?
They all go to the same college. see eachother everyday.
This shit is a hot ass mess.
Posted by The-Dream
This shit is a hot ass mess.

LOL Truer words have never been spoken...
the virguy should man up and tell it like it is. guilt-tripped into a full blown relationship? seriously? that's so incredibly lame. the taurus gal is really just waiting around on the sidelines, for months, for virguy? that's super lame as well.
where's the strength of character in these ppl? virguy needs to cut cancer off pronto. if she's not getting subtle hints then don't be so subtle! be direct! she needs to know that she allowed herself to become a doormat.
i think there is more to the story. i think virguy is not confessing every detail. i don't think virguy would feel so racked with guilt if there wasn't. what did virguy do? take cancer's virginity or something?
in the end, dear virguy, someone is gonna get hurt. virguy is just gonna have to accept that fact. virguy made his bed now he must lay in it. the longer virguy waits the uglier it will be as well.