weird tension between me and my boss - aries/virgo relation

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by joanne_p on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 and has 5 replies.

could you tell me what is between me and this man?

he is 11 years older than me and sometimes we can not communicate properly, sometimes i think he hates me- sometimes i think he hits on me.

before i felt he was jealous of some other people at work- i am an intern, new one.

he was born 17.09.1979 in Brussels, Belgium.

i dont know his exact birth time but i assumed 12:00 would be the simplest one.

we work on a project. he sometimes acted like my dad liek i would be his trophy - no idea, he was even teaching me how to clean hands...

on the other hand he hates me being nonchalant and energetic.

but he likes me and the result of my work- he hates the process and way i work...

and he likes me as a person. personally - this is what i understood.

i have no idea what is going on because its the 4th virgo in my life that i have weird relation with.

before i had one sexual relation and 2 platonic relations with virgo.

and this one is professional BUT SOMETIMES HE ACT UNPROFESSIONAL. and it is me to have a distance, very big distance. i never flirt with people at work. i am very strick about that.

before he was even buyng me flowers and lollipops... and we remained at the same level and then he started offending me...

what do you think??

i can not communicat ewith him properly, he doesnt talk to me, only when i inniciate - thats so weird.

this is the chart.

i dont know how to make a tension dissapear.

i dont want to have problems at work.

Inner Theme: M, 03/21/1990, Lódz (Lodz), Poland

Outer Theme: E, 09/17/1979, Brussel > Bruxelles (Brussels), Belgium

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Mars opposite Saturn, disharmony with authority. Also trines...lots of oppositions...typical boss-employee relationship.

You're more open-minded (Aries-Aqua), he's down to earth, virgo leo cancer...

Just head down and do the work...again and again. Listen very carefully, anticipate every possible thing you can. Make the work environment pleasant for him, that's how it is...if you focus all your energy on that, after a while it will get easier. This dude's just down to earth, theres nothing you can do but focus on the work.
ok thank you for your words.

it helps me.

sometimes i can not focus on work.

he works too much 9-19 sometimes 20:00

inever worked like that and i am an intern Straight Face
He just sounds like a typical Virgo haha! God help you!
Posted by LibraLovesHim
He just sounds like a typical Virgo haha! God help you!
Hahaha it is okey im finishing my internship soon.