What are Sagittarius with Virgo moon people like

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by MissM on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 and has 8 replies.
I'm just curious. I've been seeing a guy with sagi sun and virgo moon. The seem contradictory so I was wondering if anyone with this placement could tell me a bit about themselves.

I'm a sag with virgo moon, but I'm a girl so I'm not sure how much help I'd be to you... I am pretty contradictory though, it's exhausting. Is there anything specific you're wondering about?
One of my friends (probably, maybe he's a Libra moon) has this combo and he's the type of guy that every girl wants. Incredibly handsome and social.

Well he only wants what he can't have. Are you like this? If I ask him to do stuff he's always like I'm busy maybe next week then if I do that to him he won't leave me alone. Sometimes he's romantic but then when we aren't together so distant. Can you explain this?
Haha omg yes I understand some of that, but unfortunately I don't have a very good explanation for it. It really just has to do with my(our?) moods at the time. I mean, I certainly don't play games with people, and pretend I'm busy if I'm not, I just tend to have moods where I don't feel like doing things. Add that to the way ALL guys act when dating and it can be frustrating I'm sure! smile

I don't know alot about what having a virgo moon means for me, but as a sag, I tend to get bored easily, so keeping things interesting is necessary. however be careful about playing games or pushing too many buttons, because if he's anything like me, we can literally decide at ANY moment that we don't feel like dealing with it anymore, and then we are done.

I thinking the distance when not together is more of a guy thing in general. I'm not sure how long you've been together or if you're both looking or a serious relationship, but it kind of sounds like he might not be "all in" yet, so to speak. I'd just try to keep things fun and easy going for now, that way he wont feel pressured to commit which will probably make him flee, which is another Sag trait! Tongue
I'm not sure about the houses. I just looked it up online though and his moon is in the first house and sun in the third.
We've been casually seeing each other for around 7months but we don't see each other that often like 2ce a month. We do go out and stuff though so its not just FB's but its definitely not serious. I think I keep going back to him cause I'm so curious about him. I got annoyed at him so haven't seen him for 2 months, i then ignored him when he txt'd me then he tried again the next wk at which stage I was over being annoyed (being a gem, I can't hold a grudge) then he was txting me everyday last wk then when I asked if he wanted to do something he's "busy". I'm pretty sure he had a date on the wknd which doesn't really annoy me cause I've been seeing other ppl... maybe slightly annoys me... It just if frustrating that he's never around when I want him and then when I'm over it he won't leave me alone.
At this point I'd have to say that this has little to do with his chart and more to do with the fact that neither of you are taking things seriously. If you want to keep seeing him you'll have to make an effort to stop playing games, or else not become annoyed by them. If you were really over it, he wouldn't be seeing you again, but a guy is only going to put in as much effort as he needs to, and if he's not actually making plans and meeting you in person than he's e-tethering you, while he's out dating other girls. I guess you'll just have to decide if that's what you really want with him.
The thing is I don't want anything serious. I had never heard of e-tethering before but your right he is doing just that. I've dated a few sag men and in my experiences they just love the chase but he's the most difficult I've delt with yet. I think I'm going to just say that I like talking to him and we should just be friends hahaha I wonder how long he'll stay around then Tongue