It is accepted that in a war and when it comes to strategizing, Scorpio is a sign that can defeat any sign, even Aries.
What are some of the weak spots of this sign that other signs can use to defeat them?
What signs have the natural make up to pummel and demolish Scorpios?
It is funny to see Scorpios on this board melt down whenever someone wants to know more about the most kissed up to zodiac sign out there, almost like seeing a dictator get paraoid.
No worries, I am getting my answer one way or another, tired of scumbags from this piece of shit sign who try ruin my life.
Its funny how desperately Scorpios are trying to derail this, looks like they have to try their best to play sociopathic mindgames with innocent people and when someone is on to them, they turn into full on 1984 dictator mode.
Censoring material? That's pretty low, even for a Scorpio.
First and Foremost, Scorpio's are not the strongest signs out there. There have been alot of blogs, articles, books that say that Scorpio's are the best this, and that and etc...But in reality, I have competed in sports against them or with them in team events on same teams or opposing teams and, they are not very good athletes, not great runners when it comes to longevity. Everytime I have been in a sporting event with my former boss who is a scorpio, she has no where-with-all, and usually would run out of steam long before we crossed any finish lines. Her, a former co-worker male who was a Scorpio sun and moon, and my step-son who has Scorpio sun and moon as well, seemed checked out when it comes to their jobs, businesses or professions. They tend to piggy-back off the self-willed, hardworking people to carry them through. My step-son, my former boss and former co-worker all had a hard time with grammar, spelling, including reading and comprehension. All 3 of them have confirmed ADD/ADHD, but Ibelieve it has alot to do with trying to take on more than they can handle, and they all seemed to abandon their missions before they were completed. Scorpio's are said to be the "best lovers," I dont know necessarily but, from what I was told by a customer who had been with my former boss, he alleged she was a "dead fish." The one thing all 3 of them could not hseem to handle well, was being ignored. Imade it a point with my former boss and former co-worker, to purposely not look at them and Iacted as if they didn't exist, it seemed to really upset them, as they want to be recognized. My former boss told me after doing this for about a week or so, when you come in, you don't even look at me, like I am not even there, she was visibly hurt. My former co-worker, I did the same thing, he would purposely try and get me alone and try and re-teach me my job, I wouldn't look at him, and you can tell, he didn't like it. In my experience, the most powerful sign is the male Capricorn. My father was an island all on his own. He had no emotions, I never saw him cry, even after my mother died. He could do anything and very well. He was extremely good at sports and shooting. The only guy I know who shoots any weapon without flinching and hits the target every time. His wwork ethic is unbelievable and he would cut anyone off including us kids, if he felt you weren't worthy. I know alot of Capricorns, even females, they are so ambitious, super logical, get along very well with everyone and will tactfully tell you where to go and how to get there without you getting offended. Another thing Inoticed about all Scorpio's too is, they are huge liars. If they get caught in a lie, they tend to turn and run, and also, my former boss was a big stalker of her ex boyfriends or sex buddies on Facebook. She use to call me to her desk just to ask me what I thought about this girl her ex was seeing, if I thought they were prettier than her and she would get really stressed about it too. If you can look at them dead in the eye too, without looking away, all 3 of my experiences with Scorpio people, they will look away first. I find a good technique I use when Ihave stared at allow yourself to be a vessel, like a fixture or a window or wall.. don't think of anything or tense up, but with a blank face, you stare into their pupils, they get nervous about that and look away. I am an Aries sun with a Taurus ascendent and a Capricorn moon, so I had to learn how to repress emotions when I was growing up, my mother died when I was young and my dad told us to keep moving on. I can sense energies and people's emotions, so, I have learned to wear a mask of armor. I know how Scorpio's feel when they are sad, or upset or mad, you can tell by their face and their body language. Also too Inoticed alot of times, they go through bouts of secret, closet addictions. They logicize them when you find them out too. But, they get defensive when you lead them to the realization that their addicts. My boss had a hard time quitting smoking. She would tell me she quit, even though I never asked, nor did I care if she did either and Iwould catch her outside with other co-workers or customers and she would say she just started again, is still weening herself off or the whole Native Spirits are much healthier with no additives. I don't know about ym face but, I guess when Iwould stare at her a little too long when Iwould catch her, she started to get defensive, she got real awkward, I would just walk back inside. This is just my experience but, they seem to get too much credit for things. Honestly though, Ihave yet to meet a Scorpio that has transcended past the more darker sides Scorpio's.
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May 25, 2012Comments: 122 · Posts: 5590 · Topics: 41
Lol I hope people aren’t seriously entertaining this
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Apr 12, 2017Comments: 261 · Posts: 1160 · Topics: 39
Also I'll say this and will say this over and over again, PISCES BEATS SCORPIO. STOP ASKING.
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36234 · Posts: 40739 · Topics: 321
Yes please ignore us....
We love the dark solitude of hells depths
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Jan 15, 2014Comments: 1622 · Posts: 2149 · Topics: 139
What r u trying to do, fight fire with fire? It can't be done. Best thing is to move on and smile about your life. The thing is, there are strong signs everywhere. You could be any other sign and who knows, they might be your worst enemy. Scorpio has weaknesses, but their biggest enemy is themselves or hatred and that's about it.
I am just waiting for more and more quality comments to come up on my threads, eventually I should be able to piece together information that points out weak spots of a Scorpio.
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Jan 15, 2014Comments: 1622 · Posts: 2149 · Topics: 139
honestly, no one has stung yet or even come close. Better to chill out