Ok so I went out with this cancer male about 3 days ago. We got super close to each other on the date we kissed. And he even said I could be his soulmate which I did not find it weird because I have known him for 4 years now and we been friends. But we ki
The cap(f) and taurus(m), who is more unreasonable here??
This makes me wonder if Caps are really really hard to love lol?
I watched the series a few years ago & thought it was pretty good at the time. Tried watching it last night & couldn't get through one full episode. I got so bored I started skipping through the series to find where I left off, with the hope of it getting
We haven't seen each other in 7 months we live in neighboring county's we have barley kept in contact through Snapchat, I sent him my last bowl of weed pic and he said come get some and pretty much invited me out to his house for a bunch of free weed this
I have this co-worker, he's a good guy, funny, nice, professional, but to everybody but me. I'm not sure why but he always finds his ways to like "put me down". He picks on my words for no reason and I've never seen him being this way with anybody else. I
So I know with this pisces guy with a gemini moon and we spend a lot of time together with friends. I know that he likes me because he always keeps an eye on me, gets jealous and tries to see me a lot, but I find it really hard to connect with him. We're
Wha kind of things do you eat? What made you want to make that switch?
Here is s cool video I found on what this family eats in a day to help with their lifestyle.