background history-Me, almost 50 y.o, Leo, never married. He, 64 y.o, divorced over 10 years, 2 adult kids, Cancer. We knew one another when I was 17-18 and he was 31, I had a crush on him, but we were just friends back then. Life did it's thing and we
For me and voted for by my nation John Hume. He beat Micheal Collins, Bono, Mary Robinson ( although I admire her)
the first monday in a month that i'm not stuck at work for 17 fucking hours...
it feels like a good day....
i'm starting to wonder if it's normal to feel that way
I just called it quits with my Taurus. We are always off and now but i think we are done for good. He acted like he wanted a relationship but now he distant since i said im going my seperate way. He seen me with my guy friend i told him he was jus a frie
Any & all advice would be much appreciated on how to deal w. this particular Cancer guy. I say "particular" b.c of the simple fact that he's from what I know of in a stressful, 3yr long distance (5,000 miles) relationship. I don't know his star details
Leo woman here - don't know my othe me replacements as I'm relatively new to this.
I was seeking a sort of fun fling for the summer. I've been single for awhile and I was ready for something on the fun side so I naturally was attracted to the gem dude
An emotional aries is a cancer
A focused aries is a scorpio
An integrated aries is a libra
An anxious taurus is a virgo
A dreamy taurus is a cancer
An integrated taurus is a scorpio
An emotional gemini is a pisces
A matured gemini is a virgo
I need an objective outlook on this one...
So as you guys know. Im in love with a Pisces that doesn't love me back and Im currently "friends" with her and working on a music video starring her. All while trying to get over her. Masochistic. I know. She's
Do you expect for someone else to text you first, if they want to talk? What type of topics interest you when conversing? Do you prefer calling or texting, do you suck at multitasking? Signs your not interested? Thanks,
Worried Cancer!