What do you inherited for this life?...8th house

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by raad182 on Friday, February 15, 2019 and has 2 replies.
Sun - Prestige, talents, social position, authority and expression.

Moon - Home, land, Money or basic instincts.

Mercury - Knowledge, information, books or letters.

Mars - Cars, drive, power, sex appeal or motivation.

Venus - Money, beauty, manners, likes and dislikes, artistic skills or clothing.

Jupiter - Knowledge, wealth, religion or culture.

Saturn - Business, a job, discipline or social position.

Uranus - The collective conscious...What is trendy

Neptune - The collective unconscious... What is a fairy tale, the dream for most people.

Pluto - Secrets, power, occult knowledge, gut instinct or access to the underworld.
Posted by raad182

Mars - Cars, drive, power, sex appeal or motivation.

Uranus - The collective conscious...What is trendy

Pluto - Secrets, power, occult knowledge, gut instinct or access to the underworld.


The Eighth House - The eighth house is the house of first-hand transformative experiences and situations - those areas of life that we may not care to face, but we must face sooner or later... the so-called 'inevitables' of life, such as death and taxes. The eighth is also concerned with catharsis; the getting rid of excess parts of ourselves that we no longer need. This house covers initiations of all kinds, as well as activities where we find ourselves transformed toward a more integral position. Thus it also covers any jointly held resources, their problems and their benefits.

Virgo on the 8th House Cusp - Virgo energy is analytical and precise, always separating out what is worthwhile and worth supporting from that which is outmoded and of no further use. A mental earth sign, here the mind takes control over matter. This is the sign of 'ways and means', implementation, instrumentation, physical effectiveness and efficiency. Virgo energy is always facilitating, often caring more for others than for itself.

Mars in the 8th House - You have strong survival instincts and react quickly to threatening or risky situations. You can act recklessly and defiantly, yet you instinctively know how far to take things. Facing perilous situations can give you an adrenalin rush. You are also prone to arguments over money and shared resources with personal or professional partners. Problems and disputes could arise over legacies and inheritances. You may also be keenly interested in the occult or metaphysical subjects.

Uranus in the 8th House - You are attracted to metaphysical subjects and inclined to study and explore the mysteries of life. Unions and partnerships can bring sudden material gains, but they can also bring financial difficulties or sudden losses. Expect the unexpected with regard to other people's money; for example, partners may experience difficulties associated with bank loans, income or inheritance.

Pluto in the 8th House - You are likely to have a deep interest in arcane and esoteric knowledge. You may also develop a fascination for subjects that investigate the big questions of life, such as reincarnation, life after death and karma. Under certain conditions, you could experience problems with another's money or inheritance. Intense personal transformation and inner growth are lifelong habits.


Mars - Cars, drive, power, sex appeal, or motivation.

Uranus - The collective conscious...What is trendy.

Pluto - Secrets, power, occult knowledge, gut instinct or access to the underworld.

Mars: I INHERITED if I worked my ass off! Of course, cars (2018 SUV). Drive? Yep! At work (I'm VERY tenacious)..Sex appeal, of course! Motivation: yep!

Uranus: Not too much of what is trendy. As I am NOT materialistic. My house looks nice (inside and outside), but I can easily shop for furniture and NOT pay $ 10,000 for one love seat. I DO dress for success and I get compliments at work from both men and women.

Pluto: Too easy! I have had my third eye (chakra) opened. My dreams have "meaning" and they come true. I've seen images in my coffee cup and still waiting for those to come true (back in December 2016). I've lit candles (as per my spiritual advisor) and something told me (after three days) to take a picture (3 images) of said candle (white; solid candle). And I saw: a clown...I called said spiritual advisor and he said, "It means happiness; you will be happy" :-) In the same picture I sent him he said, "I see a ladder....it means you will soon get your promotion" (again, I am still waiting for that). I light my white candles "monthly" and one month I ACTUALLY saw Roman Columns (Italy). Spiritual advisor told me, "You are going to travel"....Italy here I come!! (told ya here I want to travel with my SO). Again, when my left hand itches it means money. When my right hand itches it means sex (even if I use MY right hand). When my nose itches it means someone wants to see me. When my left ear rings/hurts it means someone is talking about me (positive; since it's near my heart), but when my right ear rings/hurts it means someone is talking bad (gossip) about me.

Enough for now. I'm ready to go home! Thanks for creating this topic.

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Hug cyber hugs!

