What do you think

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Gemini.its.true. on Monday, March 23, 2009 and has 8 replies.
The worst possible zodiac signs to be together in a relationship are?
Cancer and Sagittarius would be a Disaster. Aries and Scorpio also.
Taurus and Sagittarius uhh...just hell no! lol
Posted by satori
It's better with the man being a Scorp and woman being a Cancer, Kisses, but the combo still generally sucks ass... sorry.

I can't really explain why but I would actually say it'd be better vice versa.
worse could probably be aries/taurus. gemini/leo, theyre supposed to be compatible but ive seen this match a few times and its straight out not pretty. ehmm can't really think of any others right now.

Posted by XoKissesXo
Cancer/Aquarius. Cancer/Aries. Cancer/Sagittarius. Cancer/Gemini.
Every relationship I've been in Winking
click to expand

probably because you aren't compatible in the least with any of those Tongue lol
"Aries and Scorpio also"
Hahahaha I'm marrying my Aries in October smile
^^ Aww, congracts gingersmile
The worst matches:
Aries & Scorpios (They'd either kill for eachother OR kill each each other. It's either 1 or the other.)
Cancer & Sagg.
Aquarius & Cancer
Aquarius & Scorpio (They'd both try to outsmart & out-manipulate eachother)
Leo & Taurus
I couldn't see Pisces and Sag working out for more than a friendship.
Or Capricorn and Libra.