what sign do you fantasize having sex with....

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by red_aries on Monday, February 16, 2009 and has 41 replies.
mostly I can fantisize having sex with an aqua or a scorp.
Another virgo scorpio and aries
Another virgo scorpio and aries
Scorpio. All day everyday ha just kidding.......................not.
^ yeah, sounds hot.
I've only ever met one real-life scorpio guy though. He's too young.
I don't think there are many around here...
I know several females. But only one male. :/
"Aries. They are hot mothafuckas." True. Them too.

"The men must be sitting in their caves at home plotting murder on all the little people who piss them off" LOL that must be true. The one I knew disappeared on me. He was the finest man ever. He was half cherokee and had really dark intense eyes. He always use to sing rolling stone lyrics to me. But than bam gone. It's cool though gonna find him and we gonna get married haha!
Scorp... to see if it's true that... well you know, if... THAT... really is the body part they're ruled by.
Cancer because I wonder if we really are that awesome, or if people are just saying that to make us feel better.
But personally TAURUS!!! No women are attractive in more ways to me than a taurus.
I've only had PIS (seductive) and ARI (the most fun)... And one sign I'll never know.
1 Scorpio
2 Leo
3 Virgo
4 Taurus
5 Aries
hehehe, no one wants a capricorn I see.
tsk, tsk Winking
We aren't bad either. We'll shock the hell out of you if we're into yee Tongue
*grins* @ GB
Recently: Aries
Before: Scorpio

What can I say- I like warriors!

Thats cute
are ytou dating an aries ,Kunoichi?
The Queens of raw and original sexuality the Leo girls, Virgos, Libras and Aries.
That'd have to be scorpio, lol.
"We aren't bad either. We'll shock the hell out of you if we're into yee "
That's certainly true. I just wouldn't want another cappy though, I wouldn't necessarily want to be shocked, lol.
Oh and I forgot, Cancer tooWinking
i can't choose between a
leo boy, aries boy, sag girl, aries girl or scorp girl
I don't really.

My sexual fantasies wouldn't involve me having sex, so this question I couldn't answer.
What turns me on would be to 'watch' my lover ... when I used to fantasize, I would conjure up him getting ridden or sucked off by somebody else.
Nowhere in my fantasies am I participating in any sexual activity.
can u imagine fantasizing to have sex with a stop sign and before you are even there, it tells u to stop Straight Face
i like what virgoking said. i want to eff my double (aries sun, libra moon, gemini rising, etc) so i can see how it looks and whether im good at it or not
OoOoH a Scorpio and Virgo!
Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn. I want to say Scorpio minus the sting.
oh sweet jesus, ALL OF THEM. hahaha,Laughing but thats me, im like high on sex drive... hmm...
slow an sensual
Pisces apparently^^^
Posted by Lunamistress
i can't choose between a
leo boy, aries boy, sag girl, aries girl or scorp girl

As I'm an Aries boy, feel free to collect a congratulations romp for having such awesome avatars. Plus, mistress, leather, chains, whips, it's all good. Lol.
Wow Winter. I just read a thread where you were tearing up a Cancer man. But I guess sex and relationships are different things aren't they?
Virgo, most Virgo girls I know are wild, from what I've heard.
i've never fantasized about having sex with a sign before.....?
all you people saying your own are disturbingly incestuous.
...you know what?
after last weekend (since this is still getting bumped) I would like to add SAGs to my list. Winking
They turn me on quickly... but for some reason push away almost immediately... and I thought us cancers were bad with that.
funny how we want to try the ones we can't stand after its over or before its started... Winking
Haha, this one. As of late a cancer men. The men seem so "sex is not on my mind ma nar ma nar" it makes me hot and turns me on very quickly and makes me want to pounce on them ahaha
OMG ... Libras ... cause they LOVE to please. Well, the one I had did. like the energizer bunny and shit. FanFuckinTastic is all I can say ....
Standardly: Scorp + Virgo
Recently: One certain Pisces I met
Curious: A Cusp of some sort. You'll never know which side may pop out.
Scorpio and Virgo, most definitely... and maybe another Aries.
Posted by WaterBaby77
OMG ... Libras ... cause they LOVE to please. Well, the one I had did. like the energizer bunny and shit. FanFuckinTastic is all I can say ....

Pisces are used to do all the pleasing, so I guess it's a good change for once Winking
Posted by enfant_terrible
Posted by WaterBaby77
OMG ... Libras ... cause they LOVE to please. Well, the one I had did. like the energizer bunny and shit. FanFuckinTastic is all I can say ....

Pisces are used to do all the pleasing, so I guess it's a good change for once Winking
click to expand

Tell me about it ... I could crack walnuts with these thighs ... bout time someone wanted to please me Winking , I guess we gave each other a good working out.
Hmmm usually Aries n Leos for me. Not sure y!