what sign is the most feminine? (in the general sense)

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by scorpeeo on Thursday, February 2, 2017 and has 13 replies.
cancer, pisces, taurus, virgo or libra?
Libra or Pisces
I always thought from what I've read Scorpio was the 'Man' and Pisces was the Woman of the zodiac, which is partly why we are so naturally drawn to each other normally? Idk ?
Taurus and Libra men omg. That venusian energy. I find it super adorable tbh.
pisces and libra
cancer is more motherly but not necessary feminine.
Posted by whatisthisallabout
pisces and libra
I would say definitely PISCES hands down.

even Pisces with strong Aries energy are still feminine looking.

something about Neptune just does it for them.

they're ruled by both Neptune and Jupiter but Neptune seems to dissolve the masculinity.

Libra gives off that beautiful look of Venusian archetype, but there is a strong masculinity about it.

Although a Pisces with strong Aquarius energy also, still gives off some strong feminity.
Posted by whatisthisallabout
cancer is more motherly but not necessary feminine.
they have a beautiful motherly strength about them.
all the air signs and also virgo
I find that the male water signs look very butch, masculine.

but the females, are feminine. I think it's about the way they are more emotional, so that's why the feminity, but physical looks-wise, they are very very ala- Rocky, Tyson, scary. lol


Pisces but I am Libra dominant. I'm a girly girl but I ask also ride a motorbike.