What sign would you say is slow to anger?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Panela on Sunday, March 5, 2017 and has 19 replies.
first off I sencerily apologize if this has been done before. its unfortunate I don't remember if this project's been done before.

so what sign would you say is slow to anger? I would have to go with Gemini. and not because I'm one. I don't play favortisms. but because it does seem to me like I and some gems I know personally is slow angered. of course I do know some rude cranky ones too.

it takes a lot to get me angry. as if you kind of have to put effort in it. and let's say if I do get angry to a boiling point as to where you've pushed me over the limit. you will no doubt get all the pent up emotions and intense rage I have built up. and it won't be pleasant. therefore I tend to shy away from confrontations just to keep everything smooth.

Posted by shakedown
Mars in Taurus?
Everything related to Taurus - is slow at making choices (or making changes). But anger is not a choice. : )

Someone with ASC + all personal planets in Pisces (in 12th house too). That Ego - would be way to dissolved to take anything personally (or to live in this world : ).

I'm a Capricorn and I'm not slow to anger, however, I'm EXTREMELY slow to react.
Posted by neves
Posted by shakedown
Mars in Taurus?
Everything related to Taurus - is slow at making choices (or making changes). But anger is not a choice. : )

Someone with ASC + all personal planets in Pisces (in 12th house too). That Ego - would be way to dissolved to take anything personally (or to live in this world : ).

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Unless all that 12th house stuff conjuncts their asc. like it does in my chart. LoL.


I think Taurus is pretty slow to anger though.
Posted by P6X58DE
Mars in Taurus.... but don't keep on us because we will physically destroy you.

Capricorn is exalted and seems to have no anger at all.
I've been told that I'm slow to anger, but those people didn't know the rage I was suppressing lol.
Posted by P6X58DE
Posted by Bricks195
Posted by P6X58DE
Mars in Taurus.... but don't keep on us because we will physically destroy you.

Capricorn is exalted and seems to have no anger at all.
I've been told that I'm slow to anger, but those people didn't know the rage I was suppressing lol.
Taurus... we hate to be angry, but when we do it's devastating, we can take a lot of shit until you push us too far, then i't GG and game over.

Talking mars here though.

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I am Mars Taurus. Conjunct Sun and Mercury. The anger is there, but I must hide it well.

my Libra rising is why I'm slow to anger. I just come off nice to everybody Sad. yeah I hate that aspect in me. that's why I gets taken advantage of and my kindness gets taken for weakness. sometimes I do wish I can be quick to anger.
Posted by Vageenka
Posted by Panela
my Libra rising is why I'm slow to anger. I just come off nice to everybody Sad. yeah I hate that aspect in me. that's why I gets taken advantage of and my kindness gets taken for weakness. sometimes I do wish I can be quick to anger.

Being quick to anger is an awful trait imo

You don't have to be an angry person to not be taken advantage of. Just be firm and clear. "Not doing that."
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yeah.. you guys are stronger than I am.

Slow to anger: Cap's, Virg's

In my experience these are signs that doesn't react angerly, instead they'll channel it elsewhere..

Like work, designing, reading, writing, etc...

I have yet to see these signs come out of their character...

But this is MY opinion
Posted by P6X58DE

Usually powerfully built with tremendous physical stamina, Mars in Taurus people have a defensive, ‘tough it out’ fighting style . By nature they’re quite laid back, non-aggressive and even-tempered. However, the one thing that never fails to provoke their anger is any kind of threat to their material comfort or security – to these Mars types, the fear of losing their money, their home, or their possessions is like a red rag to a bull!

Even when they come under attack they’re very slow to react, patiently deflecting assaults and provocations and calmly waiting until their opponent eventually runs out of steam (which is always before they do). When you pick an argument with a Mars in Taurus individual, you’ll meet with a solid wall of unyielding resistance that is virtually impossible to break down.

Intractable stubbornness is these people’s deadly weapon. When they’ve decided they’re right and you’re wrong, there’s no easy way to make them change their mind. It takes a lot for Mars in Taurus types to finally lose their cool, but when they do, their temper is fearsome to behold.


Mars in Capricorn people are exceptionally good at controlling their anger, but that doesn’t mean they’re willing to just walk away from a challenge. These Mars types are shrewd and highly calculating warriors who employ a carefully devised game-plan to accomplish their worldly goals and bring their enemies to heel. Those who try to thwart their ambitions or endanger their hard-won achievements will be ruthlessly disposed of without a trace of remorse or sentimentality – but only when the time seems right.

Never too bothered about losing a minor skirmish, Mars in Capricorn people are skillful long-term strategists who will wait patiently for the final victory, however much time and scheming it might require. Since they always expect the worst, they’re careful to make appropriate provisions for every eventuality, which sets them ahead of the pack.

However, their weakness lies in their tendency towards excessive cautiousness and over-deliberation, which can cause them to hang back too long before making a move. Mars in Capricorn people frequently miss out on the opportunities of the moment, because they’re too fixated on their long-term plans.

what about mars in cancer. are they quick to anger? or slow?

Posted by P6X58DE
Posted by Panela
Posted by P6X58DE

Usually powerfully built with tremendous physical stamina, Mars in Taurus people have a defensive, ‘tough it out’ fighting style . By nature they’re quite laid back, non-aggressive and even-tempered. However, the one thing that never fails to provoke their anger is any kind of threat to their material comfort or security – to these Mars types, the fear of losing their money, their home, or their possessions is like a red rag to a bull!

Even when they come under attack they’re very slow to react, patiently deflecting assaults and provocations and calmly waiting until their opponent eventually runs out of steam (which is always before they do). When you pick an argument with a Mars in Taurus individual, you’ll meet with a solid wall of unyielding resistance that is virtually impossible to break down.

Intractable stubbornness is these people’s deadly weapon. When they’ve decided they’re right and you’re wrong, there’s no easy way to make them change their mind. It takes a lot for Mars in Taurus types to finally lose their cool, but when they do, their temper is fearsome to behold.


Mars in Capricorn people are exceptionally good at controlling their anger, but that doesn’t mean they’re willing to just walk away from a challenge. These Mars types are shrewd and highly calculating warriors who employ a carefully devised game-plan to accomplish their worldly goals and bring their enemies to heel. Those who try to thwart their ambitions or endanger their hard-won achievements will be ruthlessly disposed of without a trace of remorse or sentimentality – but only when the time seems right.

Never too bothered about losing a minor skirmish, Mars in Capricorn people are skillful long-term strategists who will wait patiently for the final victory, however much time and scheming it might require. Since they always expect the worst, they’re careful to make appropriate provisions for every eventuality, which sets them ahead of the pack.

However, their weakness lies in their tendency towards excessive cautiousness and over-deliberation, which can cause them to hang back too long before making a move. Mars in Capricorn people frequently miss out on the opportunities of the moment, because they’re too fixated on their long-term plans.

what about mars in cancer. are they quick to anger? or slow?


Mars in Cancer people get angry when faced with threats to their emotional security, home or family. For this reason, despite their strong family loyalties, they tend to be involved in more than their fair share of domestic arguments and disputes with relatives. However, when under personal attack, Mars in Cancer people don’t go openly on the offensive, resorting instead to passive aggressive or emotionally manipulative tactics.

Due to their extreme sensitivity to even the most minor of personal slights, many of these types are chronically moody and irritable. But since their primary motive is to protect, not fight with, others, they’re prone to containing their anger rather than letting it out. Alternatively, they may use emotional blackmail as a weapon to get what they want, playing on their opponent’s guilt or sympathy.

Mars in Cancer people have no problems, however, in giving full vent to their anger when they’re defending others’ rights rather than their own. Champions of the weak and downtrodden, these Mars types will fight to the death to protect those who are incapable of fighting for themselves.

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yep. that's me right there. the bold print.

Posted by P6X58DE
Posted by Panela
Posted by P6X58DE

Usually powerfully built with tremendous physical stamina, Mars in Taurus people have a defensive, ‘tough it out’ fighting style . By nature they’re quite laid back, non-aggressive and even-tempered. However, the one thing that never fails to provoke their anger is any kind of threat to their material comfort or security – to these Mars types, the fear of losing their money, their home, or their possessions is like a red rag to a bull!

Even when they come under attack they’re very slow to react, patiently deflecting assaults and provocations and calmly waiting until their opponent eventually runs out of steam (which is always before they do). When you pick an argument with a Mars in Taurus individual, you’ll meet with a solid wall of unyielding resistance that is virtually impossible to break down.

Intractable stubbornness is these people’s deadly weapon. When they’ve decided they’re right and you’re wrong, there’s no easy way to make them change their mind. It takes a lot for Mars in Taurus types to finally lose their cool, but when they do, their temper is fearsome to behold.


Mars in Capricorn people are exceptionally good at controlling their anger, but that doesn’t mean they’re willing to just walk away from a challenge. These Mars types are shrewd and highly calculating warriors who employ a carefully devised game-plan to accomplish their worldly goals and bring their enemies to heel. Those who try to thwart their ambitions or endanger their hard-won achievements will be ruthlessly disposed of without a trace of remorse or sentimentality – but only when the time seems right.

Never too bothered about losing a minor skirmish, Mars in Capricorn people are skillful long-term strategists who will wait patiently for the final victory, however much time and scheming it might require. Since they always expect the worst, they’re careful to make appropriate provisions for every eventuality, which sets them ahead of the pack.

However, their weakness lies in their tendency towards excessive cautiousness and over-deliberation, which can cause them to hang back too long before making a move. Mars in Capricorn people frequently miss out on the opportunities of the moment, because they’re too fixated on their long-term plans.

what about mars in cancer. are they quick to anger? or slow?


Mars in Cancer people get angry when faced with threats to their emotional security, home or family. For this reason, despite their strong family loyalties, they tend to be involved in more than their fair share of domestic arguments and disputes with relatives. However, when under personal attack, Mars in Cancer people don’t go openly on the offensive, resorting instead to passive aggressive or emotionally manipulative tactics.

Due to their extreme sensitivity to even the most minor of personal slights, many of these types are chronically moody and irritable. But since their primary motive is to protect, not fight with, others, they’re prone to containing their anger rather than letting it out. Alternatively, they may use emotional blackmail as a weapon to get what they want, playing on their opponent’s guilt or sympathy.

Mars in Cancer people have no problems, however, in giving full vent to their anger when they’re defending others’ rights rather than their own. Champions of the weak and downtrodden, these Mars types will fight to the death to protect those who are incapable of fighting for themselves.

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I always defend/protect the animals/children/elderly. It's my job.

As for emotional blackmail, I would have to be in a very bad place to go there. Same with manipulation. I'm entirely too direct for that. As for passive/aggressive behavior... It can come across like that at some times, but in actuality, I'm just mirroring the person's behavior.
Posted by P6X58DE
Posted by Walkergrl
Posted by P6X58DE
Posted by Panela
Posted by P6X58DE

Usually powerfully built with tremendous physical stamina, Mars in Taurus people have a defensive, ‘tough it out’ fighting style . By nature they’re quite laid back, non-aggressive and even-tempered. However, the one thing that never fails to provoke their anger is any kind of threat to their material comfort or security – to these Mars types, the fear of losing their money, their home, or their possessions is like a red rag to a bull!

Even when they come under attack they’re very slow to react, patiently deflecting assaults and provocations and calmly waiting until their opponent eventually runs out of steam (which is always before they do). When you pick an argument with a Mars in Taurus individual, you’ll meet with a solid wall of unyielding resistance that is virtually impossible to break down.

Intractable stubbornness is these people’s deadly weapon. When they’ve decided they’re right and you’re wrong, there’s no easy way to make them change their mind. It takes a lot for Mars in Taurus types to finally lose their cool, but when they do, their temper is fearsome to behold.


Mars in Capricorn people are exceptionally good at controlling their anger, but that doesn’t mean they’re willing to just walk away from a challenge. These Mars types are shrewd and highly calculating warriors who employ a carefully devised game-plan to accomplish their worldly goals and bring their enemies to heel. Those who try to thwart their ambitions or endanger their hard-won achievements will be ruthlessly disposed of without a trace of remorse or sentimentality – but only when the time seems right.

Never too bothered about losing a minor skirmish, Mars in Capricorn people are skillful long-term strategists who will wait patiently for the final victory, however much time and scheming it might require. Since they always expect the worst, they’re careful to make appropriate provisions for every eventuality, which sets them ahead of the pack.

However, their weakness lies in their tendency towards excessive cautiousness and over-deliberation, which can cause them to hang back too long before making a move. Mars in Capricorn people frequently miss out on the opportunities of the moment, because they’re too fixated on their long-term plans.

what about mars in cancer. are they quick to anger? or slow?


Mars in Cancer people get angry when faced with threats to their emotional security, home or family. For this reason, despite their strong family loyalties, they tend to be involved in more than their fair share of domestic arguments and disputes with relatives. However, when under personal attack, Mars in Cancer people don’t go openly on the offensive, resorting instead to passive aggressive or emotionally manipulative tactics.

Due to their extreme sensitivity to even the most minor of personal slights, many of these types are chronically moody and irritable. But since their primary motive is to protect, not fight with, others, they’re prone to containing their anger rather than letting it out. Alternatively, they may use emotional blackmail as a weapon to get what they want, playing on their opponent’s guilt or sympathy.

Mars in Cancer people have no problems, however, in giving full vent to their anger when they’re defending others’ rights rather than their own. Champions of the weak and downtrodden, these Mars types will fight to the death to protect those who are incapable of fighting for themselves.

I always defend/protect the animals/children/elderly. It's my job.

As for emotional blackmail, I would have to be in a very bad place to go there. Same with manipulation. I'm entirely too direct for that. As for passive/aggressive behavior... It can come across like that at some times, but in actuality, I'm just mirroring the person's behavior.
As Cancer sun i do tend to mirror someone.. not in anger but for ego usage, for example, i know someone is behaving like a total idiot, so i will do the same thing until they notice and say something, then explain how it's exactly what they have been doing.. i make people unstuck all the time with that lol.

Like trolling but not trolling.

I don't mean with everything though, usually annoyances.

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I think it's more of a self-protection thing for me.
Posted by Vageenka
Posted by Bricks195
Posted by P6X58DE
Posted by Bricks195
Posted by P6X58DE
Mars in Taurus.... but don't keep on us because we will physically destroy you.

Capricorn is exalted and seems to have no anger at all.
I've been told that I'm slow to anger, but those people didn't know the rage I was suppressing lol.
Taurus... we hate to be angry, but when we do it's devastating, we can take a lot of shit until you push us too far, then i't GG and game over.

Talking mars here though.

I am Mars Taurus. Conjunct Sun and Mercury. The anger is there, but I must hide it well.

Does it come out in the bedroom? ?

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If I'm getting laid, I have nothing to be angry about.

Pisces & Virgo
This Mars in Taurus is interesting. My boy has Mars in Taurus and he flips his shit at the drop of a hat. Calms down just as quickly though, thankfully.
Posted by P6X58DE
Mars in Taurus.... but don't keep on us because we will physically destroy you.

Capricorn is exalted and seems to have no anger at all.
I know a cap mars who moved out from his parents last year, but when he was still living at home, even if his mom made him angry, he would still be respectful and greet her properly.

Edit: also, when his girlfriend shoved pepperoni grease on his lips (turkey meat...but he didn't know) he didn't say anything disrespectful to her. Did not curse, just said he will not eat it because it's disgusting and chose to walk out of the apartment even when she tried to persuade him to eat it just like she did and tried to convince him to do it for her.
Posted by Season
Posted by neves
Posted by shakedown
Mars in Taurus?
Everything related to Taurus - is slow at making choices (or making changes). But anger is not a choice. : )

Someone with ASC + all personal planets in Pisces (in 12th house too). That Ego - would be way to dissolved to take anything personally (or to live in this world : ).

Unless all that 12th house stuff conjuncts their asc. like it does in my chart. LoL.


I think Taurus is pretty slow to anger though.
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Oky... so, let's say i'm a close friend (somebody you actually care for : ), and you call me to your house to show me your latest acquisition (some rare stuff you've been chasing for years - as you finally raised enough money and you were fortunate enough to find it / a rare china doll or whatever you're into... : ). I ask you if i can hold it to see it up close... and you're thinking NOOO! ...but you're saying: "ook, just be extra careful with it." You reach for it slowly... and you take it out of her velour cushioned box - handling it with the precise and gentle touch of a clocksmith (with surgical precision - as if you're doing a heart transplant). There's a long smile on my face - as i can barely hold my laughter from bursting out - while seeing how you're treating your baby toy... : ), even the way you stretch your arms while hand it over - makes me think of someone who's handling a real baby. ^ ^ And, while i try to grab it...you guessed it... i drop the damn thing - and it brakes. Which is something i obviously regret - and i try to express that too, with words... but since i was repressing my laughter in all that time - what comes out is a mix of being amused and regretful (at the same time : ).

User Submitted Image

Either way - your rare and precious baby doll is broken... Looking back (while thinking of a similar situation), did it took you more than a second to get angry - or is that way to long (maybe only nanoseconds - could measure the rise of your anger accurately)?! Big Grin