Posted by bubbythewhale1 is more accurate
You can put your birth info in here and it'll give you your natal chart, might have to create an account
Posted by bubbythewhale1
You can put your birth info in here and it'll give you your natal chart, might have to create an account
Posted by Yes
probably venus in scorpio. They seem to find this place faster/easier than others.
Posted by YesPosted by is more accurate
You can put your birth info in here and it'll give you your natal chart, might have to create an account to expand
Posted by MontgomeryTbh the simple cafeastrology chart would be the best option for a complete newbie, then move onto astrotheme and then maybe explore the extended chart selection on astro.comPosted by YesPosted by is more accurate
You can put your birth info in here and it'll give you your natal chart, might have to create an account
It is.
But its more complicated for some noobs,
I think.
I learned a lot though on the interactive to expand