Any other monkeys had a kind of rubbish year so far? I'm not really sure if your animal year should bestow anything good, but I can confirm mine has not been great.
Do share.
Guess who's flying to visit me at home and spend Christmas and NY with me and family!!!!! :-D :-D
Stupid question really but still bugs my mind since there is many of them and they have different goals here.
What's your purpose on this site?
Your thoughts on this match?
It's been two weeks post breakup and I'm still having a hard time with all of this. I just need some help from you Aquas to move on.
This is the second Aqua I've dated and the 4th Aqua I've encountered.
First Aqua boyfriend I dated for years. My fir
Ok. I am watching rerun of old Jeffersons show.
Episode when George losing man power and goes to a shrink and she suggesting a surrogate.
He is confused.
Shrink explains. You meet the woman who you have Alex with and she is skilled...he said but I am m
What a day!
I am observing strangest behavior from members here.
People I thought are sensible jumping on innocent subjects and ripping posters for basically nothing!
Others are telling about rights! Like you can't talk to people like that! That
He has too much libra in his chart, but has Venus in Scorpio, and Mercury in Virgo.
What would he be like in relationship, flighty like libra or intense like Scorpio.
Are you the person who keeps quiet and observes , let's say, a street brawl from a corner.
Or are you the one who is in the center, with all the spotlight on you, giving a few punches yourself.
Or are you the one that silently sneakily the drama and h
Hello ask me anything, disclaimer, I might not respond, but I may, you will just have to hold out hope, hopefully forever ( *evil laugh* )