Just a post about how aqua men are sexy and compatible with cap women :p Actually its just an update on my life haha..
So, after a year of dating my man, today it just hit me that I do not need to worry about any other woman. Me and my aqua exchanged goo
This guy I work with is sooo Aries, he is a force that should not be reckoned with. I usually attract Leo men so it is a little strange that he is trying to court me. or maybe I am reading it wrong and it is not that at all. Please help lol.
We've worked
So for the trumplicans on dxp I have a question for you.
So you know that ole saying "Love it or leave it"?
With the way things are going in this country especially if roe vs wade gets overturned, I wanna bounce.
Living in a fascist, sexist, racist cou
I looked online, and haven't seen much of anything regarding this - always other signs/planetary influences. While I realize alcoholism is a cross spectrum issue, I have noticed all of the male Aquarians I know are (high functioning) alcoholics. Every sin
Both for men and women what placements or aspects show how they want to me treated in a relationship? Or what they consider romantic?
So for now chiron is in my 3th house but i would like to know what will happen the moment it's gonna enter my 4th house
Work his or her way back into your life / heart?
I thankfully have never seen an ep of the Bachelor or Bachelorette
But news websites and twitter seem very happy to update peeps in their feeds.
And they said that the Bachelorette walked out when the nfl guy told her he was still a virgin.
Two things-
i’m a leo female, 26 years old ... & i have this aries guy friend who’s only few months older ... who i knew since mmmm 3,4 years ago ... and with time we became closer and closer .. you can say we became best friends ... the thing is we used to shar