Posted by Teena
Air .. I should say fire too. I always got along very well with Sags. Lately I'm liking a Leo (was never a fan of Leos before) Also a scorp with sag moon has caught my interest lately. Never was a fan of scorps.. I think it's the Sag moon.
Posted by GraceV15True. They always show it n make you feel special. All the fire signs in fact. You need not wonder where you stand with them. I've always hated how so egoistical,jealous n shady leo women n how aggressive n pushy leo men I came across have been. I wouldn't say hate..but Caps n Leos have always been on my not-so-favorite list. I'm liking this particular guy tho. Too bad he's too young ??Posted by Teena
Air .. I should say fire too. I always got along very well with Sags. Lately I'm liking a Leo (was never a fan of Leos before) Also a scorp with sag moon has caught my interest lately. Never was a fan of scorps.. I think it's the Sag moon.
I get along with all the fire signs, but Leos are by far my favorite out of them. I love that if they care about you, they won't be scared to show it, and they will go above and beyond for you. They truly make you feel specialclick to expand
Posted by TeenaPosted by GraceV15True. They always show it n make you feel special. All the fire signs in fact. You need not wonder where you stand with them. I've always hated how so egoistical,jealous n shady leo women n how aggressive n pushy leo men I came across have been. I wouldn't say hate..but Caps n Leos have always been on my not-so-favorite list. I'm liking this particular guy tho. Too bad he's too young ??Posted by Teena
Air .. I should say fire too. I always got along very well with Sags. Lately I'm liking a Leo (was never a fan of Leos before) Also a scorp with sag moon has caught my interest lately. Never was a fan of scorps.. I think it's the Sag moon.
I get along with all the fire signs, but Leos are by far my favorite out of them. I love that if they care about you, they won't be scared to show it, and they will go above and beyond for you. They truly make you feel specialclick to expand
Posted by YasmineMin
Heck if I know. Really depends on the person. I havent met enough people to know what signs I get the along with. Least would probably be Fire... Air or Earth the most easiest to get along with for me is my guess.
I dont know enough Water sign people. A lot of the other Pisces (like myself) that I have known were sketchy. One of my neighborhood friends was also a Pisces, bday was a week after mine, I could see through her fakeness. She was way too bubbly, and acting happy all the time yet I know she talked crap about me behind my back. Forget her. Another Pisces I knew at school gave me bad vibes. Idk she just annoyed me. She was just so different from me. She was one of the types of kids at school that I couldn't stand. I sound so bitter lol Im sorry. It's just funny how the Pisces Ive known are not like me, and since it's my sign I would assume we'd get along and be very similar, but no. They arent much like the Pisces description. My teacher is am exception though. She is the only Pisces I know that is like the description. She was my elementary school teacher and was the nicest teacher I ever had. I even volunteer in her class to help her. Really nice person. The other Pisces &/or water signs have not had a good memorable impression.