Which horoscope to read for different time zone?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by LadyE on Sunday, November 11, 2012 and has 3 replies.
Hey all! So I am an American, but I am currently in China and will be staying for the next few months. China is a day ahead of US time, and most sites I like to browse are US sites so for example today right now it's Monday the 12th in China, but all the sites are providing Sunday the 11th horoscopes. Should I read Sunday the 11th horoscopes, or read "tomorrows" Monday the 12th horoscopes?
Posted by MzSag
First off, are you reading the,
You will find 20 bucks."

type of horoscope?
Ehhhh, I wouldn't waste my time, personally.
As far as transits, you should go to a neutral site like astro.com. It shows current planetary positions as they are in the sky. The time is irrelevant.

haha no I'm not, I actually don't even really follow my horoscopes much or anything I just think they're fun to keep up with. Since usually they always have somewhat positive words like "be more open minded today" or "don't stress out too much" I usually use them more like that, little reminders. Thanks for the site! Even though I don't have much time for it I am interested in astrology so the more accurate the better!
U always read from the timezone you are at..