Which sign or placement in each element would take the longest to get over someone they love ?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by ladylibra21 on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 and has 12 replies.
Just curious here is what I think

Fire- 1. Leo 2. Sag 3. Aries

Earth- 1. Taurus 2. Cap 3. Virgo

Air- 1.Libra 2. Aqua 3. Gem

Water- 1. Scorp 2. Cancer 3. Pisces
Oh good! I'm still an emotionless souless ho. Carry on.
Posted by LadyNeptune

Oh good! I'm still an emotionless souless ho. Carry on.

Lol I don’t think people who move on quickly or are hoes sometimes it’s codependent behavior or sometimes they’re able to rationalize it in their mind that it just wouldn’t work out like Aries and Virgo would.
Posted by HeartofTopazz

Yeah I think the guy I like is still in love with his ex. I think it’s because it takes them so long to fall in love . I like to compare their emotions to that of the vampire humanity switch from The Vampire Diaries. If they turn it off they can wreak all kinds of Mayhem but when they turn it back on they feel everything at once.
Cancerrrr I’m horrible at getting over an ex. Just horrible
Sags get over things faster than Aries, pretty much in any placement.

It’s like a reverse Gemini, except more flamboyant and dramatic about their ways of “getting over” a situation.
Posted by Amour

Posted by RamOfPeace

Sags get over things faster than Aries, pretty much in any placement.

It’s like a reverse Gemini, except more flamboyant and dramatic about their ways of “getting over” a situation.

So true! Geminis have the switch. I've seen it from the inside!
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Having a Gem stellium and a Taurus Venus is basically how nature decided to fuck with me forever.

I will get stuck up on a person badly for the longest damn time, and then my AS and Moon all of a sudden just go “Nah, bye Felipe”.

And my Venus is like:

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Posted by ariesbee

Posted by Sagicorn

You can arrange this as - 1.cardinal, 2. fixed, 3. mutable - for every element. Ofc 1 being longest, 3 being shortest to get over someone.
It's true. I am cardinal dominant and I'm stuck on ex's forever.

Why is that??? I f'ing hate it.
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Same here libra cancer and Capricorn make up most of my chart
Posted by ariesbee

Posted by ladylibra21

Posted by ariesbee

Posted by Sagicorn

You can arrange this as - 1.cardinal, 2. fixed, 3. mutable - for every element. Ofc 1 being longest, 3 being shortest to get over someone.
It's true. I am cardinal dominant and I'm stuck on ex's forever.

Why is that??? I f'ing hate it.
Same here libra cancer and Capricorn make up most of my chart
I'm all Capricorn with a Libra Moon. I get so crazy when I'm in love with someone. My best: generous, caring, affectionate. My worst: obsessive, jealous, bossy, controlling. It's ugly.

Are you like that, too?
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The very same. I’ll put myself at extreme inconvenience for someone I love.
Posted by ElvisStalinWoods

My Scorpio ex still isn't over our relationship and it's been almost two years now. I'm thinking it's likely her Libra moon.

I’m not sure what the rest of her chart looks like but you got some placements that would make her connected to you deeply . Who broke up with who ?
I move on extremely fast sometimes. One minute I am in love next I am not. I think it’s my Aries Venus
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. All of the water Suns, especially the first two.