Which sign would......

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Sn1p3r187 on Saturday, November 23, 2013 and has 26 replies.
Have a character that is sweet, shy, very reserved in temperament. But when it comes to their job, they're the best at it, they're basically superman at their job. But they don't brag about their job or say anything about it for that matter. They wouldn't do it because the want to, but because they're told to and they want to service someone. And, they never talk unless someone spoke to them first. It kinda had me thinking it would be a Water sign or something like that, but I'm in doubt about that. What do you think?
Water sign for sure. Trust me on that. smile
Earth signs *maybe*.
Posted by size zero superhero
Based on the description, my best guesses are Virgo, Scorpio or Taurus.

I'd vote out Taurus. Most of the ones I've seen in the workplace tend to be self promoters behind the scenes.
Come to think of it, Aquas are good that way as well.
Posted by Impulsv
I've notice Taurus aren't team players but are good at whAt they do.

If they're the honest type.
If they're not, step lightly.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Cancers and Capricorns actually.

Capricorns are good as well.
Virgos let their neuroses get in the way of being star players.
I can count on one hand the Taurus people who were actually good and not playing office politics.
Posted by Impulsv
Scorps don't give a fuck about office politics. As we don't care what others think but Perhaps to A detriment for obvious reasons.

Generally no. But I've known a couple of Scorpios who fit the smile up and kick down category. They tend to be IMHO office place bullies.
The good ones I respect. Very competent.
Not being offense but Cancers are too moody to fit this. Someone would say something or look at them wrong and that's it Confused Was engaged to one & they are MOOOOOOODY!
I thought of Virgo or a Cappie.
Posted by Redbull
This sounds like somebody's been observing me at work or something I keep it simple. Its business. While everybody else is joking and fraternizing at lunch, i go by myself to keep from getting involved in any distracting workplace nonsense and because i like the calm. When working, i go hard and keep it civil. I amaze people but im still learning and make big mistakes too. Virgos and water signs seem to be standouts but they tend to be much more sociable at work. Any sign is capable of being outstanding.

Yeah, I look at how everyone else behaves, decide how I feel about it and decide whether or not I want to disappear myself so as to not be attached to whatever bullshit I see. All the people being negative are beyond me, but you can't like everyone!
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Have a character that is sweet, shy, very reserved in temperament. But when it comes to their job, they're the best at it, they're basically superman at their job. But they don't brag about their job or say anything about it for that matter. They wouldn't do it because the want to, but because they're told to and they want to service someone. And, they never talk unless someone spoke to them first. It kinda had me thinking it would be a Water sign or something like that, but I'm in doubt about that. What do you think?

I would guess a Virgo woman-- or Pisces-- 'being of service'.
He couldn't keep a job more then 5 weeks.. typically was fired for his attitude every. single. time. There's a reason he is my ex smile Maybe he is not a typical cancer, but my step sister is also a cancer and she was pretty moody as well, however that's family and what family isn't messed up LOL
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by justagirl
Not being offense but Cancers are too moody to fit this. Someone would say something or look at them wrong and that's it Confused Was engaged to one & they are MOOOOOOODY!
I thought of Virgo or a Cappie.

dating a cancer and working with one is two different things, we don't fuk with our money!
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I thought that was the Caps line- "we don't fuk with our money".
I guess since I have no first hand experience when it comes to a work place. Not sure if anyone that I have ever worked with or any employees that I have had have been cancer. Sounds like they wooudl make for good employees smile I still think it's a Virgo or cap however. The service part sounds very virgo.
The shy thing is mostly for virgo and pisces.Reserved in temperament is mostly for virgo, so pisces is out if the equation. Virgo are stereotyped as hardworkers, so I could say she is a virgo
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Have a character that is sweet, shy, very reserved in temperament. But when it comes to their job, they're the best at it, they're basically superman at their job. But they don't brag about their job or say anything about it for that matter. They wouldn't do it because the want to, but because they're told to and they want to service someone. And, they never talk unless someone spoke to them first. It kinda had me thinking it would be a Water sign or something like that, but I'm in doubt about that. What do you think?

This actually describes my female leo boss. She is quite reserved.
Posted by justagirl
Not being offense but Cancers are too moody to fit this. Someone would say something or look at them wrong and that's it Confused Was engaged to one & they are MOOOOOOODY!
I thought of Virgo or a Cappie.

You call it moody, I call it bipolar lol. This is a tough one, I would say maybe a *good* pisces. There are more than one kind
Virgo or Taurus would fit the bill IMO.
Posted by Synapse
Posted by CluelessCancer
SCorpio women and Libra women are definitely not team players.
When i read the description i immediately thought Cancer.

You think Cancer for everything..
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I noticed that too lol
Pisces Smug

In general, Pisces have sweet and reserved personalities but are not particularly driven by work unless they have some heavy earth influences.
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Synapse
Posted by CluelessCancer
SCorpio women and Libra women are definitely not team players.
When i read the description i immediately thought Cancer.

You think Cancer for everything..

I noticed that too lol
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That's where you're wrong!! If you say something negative, she won't ever mention them. Have you noticed that pattern?Laughing
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Pisces Smug

In general, Pisces have sweet and reserved personalities but are not particularly driven by work unless they have some heavy earth influences.

Dude people with pisces placement are f??cking workoholic , Winking they love their jobs & serving other's a lot !

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Ain't that the truth! (DXP Hive five!)
I can be a workaholic but only if I like the job. I hate serving people and if I'm good at the job, I want it to be acknowledged.
Posted by 2N3R
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Synapse
Posted by CluelessCancer
SCorpio women and Libra women are definitely not team players.
When i read the description i immediately thought Cancer.

You think Cancer for everything..

I noticed that too lol

That's where you're wrong!! If you say something negative, she won't ever mention them. Have you noticed that pattern?Laughing
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yeah that's what I was getting at
I've known an Aries to be a workaholic and a servicer but she still bragged a lot.
1-sun pisces
there is nothing else
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by 2N3R
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Synapse
Posted by CluelessCancer
SCorpio women and Libra women are definitely not team players.
When i read the description i immediately thought Cancer.

You think Cancer for everything..

I noticed that too lol

That's where you're wrong!! If you say something negative, she won't ever mention them. Have you noticed that pattern?Laughing

I'll defend them if i have too, but if they're dummies i won't. Anyways the best people are cancers.
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See? This is the reason I avoid answering these things; too much bias either for or against. Not gonna lie though, when Cancers get pissed, their behavior is hilarious and slightly adorable because of how they express themselves. There's one at work who verbalizes my thoughts on the stupidity and ignorance running rampant here.

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