Who are your sources?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by mysteriousTaurus on Saturday, July 25, 2015 and has 4 replies.
Hey astrology fam,

I first started reading astrology when I was around 13 or 14. I got into it because my mom and dad are really into it. I never really searched astrology online until a couple years ago. I have always relied on books as my sources because I felt they are more accurate and reliable. Some of my favorite books are "Love Signs" by Linda Goodman and "The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need" by Joanna Martine Woolfolk, those two are my 'go too' books. I learned a lot of information from a couple other Linda Goodman books as well, one about rising signs and moon signs and then another one she has is all about the characteristics of each sign, she doesn't discuss any love compatibility at all, I guess she left that all for "Love Signs".

Anyway, let me get to the point, I have been a member here on dxpnet for I think 6 or 7 months now? I don't know exactly, but I have read a lot on here and I realized that mostly everyone here is very insightful and I am impressed with the amount of information you all know about astrology from either experience or reading about it. I'm very curious as to who your sources are?! I would love to know, and read from it myself.

I've always been skeptical of learning about astrology from websites, blogs, etc.. because I feel that they aren't 100% reliable because literally anyone can be bs-ing or being biased, but who knows, am I wrong? Are there websites written by intelligent people who are 'real astrologers'? Please drop the link here! *I put 'real astrologers' in quotes because astrology is only recognized as a pseudoscience unfortunately.

- Thanks!
I mean I clearly have researched astrology before on the web, mostly about love compatibility. But I am started to become more interested in the whole chart, how every planet affects peoples' personality and to what degree. That is where I would like to find promising websites, if you know any, once again, drop the link here please & thank you!
Yes Tizani yess!!! That's what I want, the unfiltered and ancient astrology. Not the biased or bull crap info that many random people make up and put it on websites making it seem likes facts when it's not. I also kind of agree with you, the houses, and some placements are like taking it very far.. i'm like is this kind of a waste of time because a persons personality also depends on experience, up bringing, religion, culture, region on the world u are from... many many things, not just the date of your birth. but i do really enjoy chart interpretations and love compatibility.

It's just difficult to know what's real and whats fake.
Great I'll look them up. Thanks!