Who do Leo men like better? Aquarius, Aries ,Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini or Scorpio women better?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Easha23000us on Friday, January 29, 2016 and has 22 replies.
I wanna know....
Posted by Harukaa
They all like you, and only you

TRUE!!!! Blame it on my Sag Mercury!!!
Posted by TrueFantasy
Not sure depends on the chart overall. But why is Scorpio also there? I can understand the others since they are all reasonably compatible.

Because a lot of male lions are married to Scorpions.....
Posted by LeoAquaRuler
Probably one of the air signs

Who would you choose?
All of the above.
I've seen them with mostly Aries.
Def not Aries...I know that much.

From what I've seen, they like Sag women.
Haha woah I posted that before the previous two people said Aries. I just watched two Aries-Leo relationships dissipate, both by the make Leo's choice.
Out of the 6 listed, I've seen most with Sag.
Posted by Nevermore
It's depends of someone are capable of being their attention whore.

Seriously, what is a just like me? I hear it all of the time, but I never know what someone is speaking about.....
Are you guys trying to make me feel better? LOL!!!
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by TrueFantasy
Not sure depends on the chart overall. But why is Scorpio also there? I can understand the others since they are all reasonably compatible.

Because a lot of male lions are married to Scorpions.....
click to expand

i bet they have Sagittarius, or libra since Scorpio is in between and they have those two energies. and lots of leo suns have libra venus, or leo venus.
Posted by feby
Aquarius, of course. Love and hate, same thing Tongue


especially if they have other Obvious opposites. libra and aries moon.

W.h.or.e = just like me
leo men like aries and libra
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by TrueFantasy
Not sure depends on the chart overall. But why is Scorpio also there? I can understand the others since they are all reasonably compatible.

Because a lot of male lions are married to Scorpions.....
click to expand

I think this is mostly due to the fact that Scorpios, at least in my understanding, lust after the objects of their eyes. Their motto is supposedly "I desire," and if their desire is a Leo, you can expect that they will pursue it? I know a few Scorpios but not enough to speak authoritatively about it, but from what I know I wouldn't be surprised if they were the type to chase. Correct me if I'm wrong. And if they are the type to chase, Leo will always appreciate that attention. I think this dynamic is how they fall for each other, otherwise I couldn't understand it.

As an Aries, I get along with nearly all Leos.
i haven't seen a leo and scorpio married couple, just unevolved relationships...
Are there any famous Leo men and Sag women married couples?
Scorp. Ive seen soo many leo male scorp female couples
Posted by MoonshineLeo
i haven't seen a leo and scorpio married couple, just unevolved relationships...

Ive seen plenty. Starting from my parents . Married 6 months after meeting eachother and theyve been together for 26 yrs
Posted by Goldigold
Leo men are knight in shining armor for Sag girls

Meaning, Leo men always come to our rescue, in our time of need?