Posted by JanMayMarryCool. May I ask your merc sign and house? And do you not work well with other Geminis?
Taurus, Cap, Aqua (with loads of Cap placements), Pisces and some Cancerians.
Cap mars are wonderful!
Gemini sun 10th house
Librat mars 2nd house
Love the hardworkings and reliable mofos.![]()
Posted by DiannaThank you! May I ask your sun and merc signs with houses?
Aries and I can get things done
I'm aries moon, 11th house
Aqua and I come up with great ideas and jump in head first with them (which drives the aries nuts)
(Maybe my 11th house stellium is why we click or the Gem rising)
Cap is a good worker and he makes me laugh. He and I together spend the entire day snort laughing. (I have zero earth in my chart so maybe he just brings what I lack so we compliment eachother)
Posted by aquarius_man_reloadedNice! Why do you think that is? May I ask your sun, merc and mars signs with houses?
Scorpio and Aries
Posted by Lala1393Hehehe. Must say most of the scorpios I've worked with have been heterosexual females, so they have not been flirting at all, but now that you mention it, the males have actually flirted a lot. lol
Anything Cap.
Scorpios are ALWAYS flirting at work and it gets on my nerves.
They go way overboard.
Posted by blvckphvseAh. Thanks.
Gemini Sun 8th House
Cancer Mars 9th House
I work best with Taurus.
Strongly dislike working with Virgos!
Posted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesNice!
Most of the people I work with are Scorp and Aries. I love working with them, they make me very competitive at work.
Posted by JanMayMarryInteresting! We both seem to like to work with the signs corresponding with our sun, merc and/or mars houses. And I've got a feeling we're not alone. Maybe worth researching. Thanks!Posted by HappyCapperGem merc in 11th.Posted by JanMayMarryCool. May I ask your merc sign and house? And do you not work well with other Geminis?
Taurus, Cap, Aqua (with loads of Cap placements), Pisces and some Cancerians.
Cap mars are wonderful!
Gemini sun 10th house
Librat mars 2nd house
Love the hardworkings and reliable mofos.![]()
Friendships are awesome but the Gems at my workplace is annoying..or maybe I'm annoying to them, Idk.![]()
I tends to get along more with the May Gems. The June Gems will be like either hit or to expand
Posted by blvckphvseNice! I like to work with Taurus too. And I like to work alone; I'm really good at communicating with myself - I just get what I mean every single time.Posted by HappyCapperI am not sure how well I work with the other signs. Previous to this job I was mostly working on my own, and now I only work with 3 other ladies (Taurus & 2 Virgos).. I had a job back in the day at a convenience store where I worked with a close Taurus friend of mine there as well, I love Taurus' many of my close friends are of this signPosted by blvckphvseAh. Thanks.
Gemini Sun 8th House
Cancer Mars 9th House
I work best with Taurus.
Strongly dislike working with Virgos!How do you like working with scorpios, sags and libras, if I may ask?
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Posted by MyStarsShineYou don't like to work with others at all? If you had to, though, who (astrologically) would you choose?
Posted by Capricorn91Cool. Did you list those in order? May I ask your merc sign and your sun, mars and merc houses?
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aries, Virgo, Libra, Gemini, Taurus
Cap sun, Taurus mars.
Posted by HappyCapperJust on sun sign alone?Posted by MyStarsShineYou don't like to work with others at all? If you had to, though, who (astrologically) would you choose?
Myselfclick to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineThat, or if you have noticed something else that seems to be common in these people. Like I like to work with cap marses, for instance. Or maybe an aspect or a house...or whatever you've noticed.Posted by HappyCapperJust on sun sign alone?Posted by MyStarsShineYou don't like to work with others at all? If you had to, though, who (astrologically) would you choose?
Myselfclick to expand
Posted by HappyCapperI guess so but I'll modify it a bit and put Gemini before Virgo.Posted by Capricorn91Cool. Did you list those in order? May I ask your merc sign and your sun, mars and merc houses?
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aries, Virgo, Libra, Gemini, Taurus
Cap sun, Taurus to expand
Posted by Capricorn91Thank you! Have you produced your chart at by HappyCapperI guess so but I'll modify it a bit and put Gemini before Virgo.Posted by Capricorn91Cool. Did you list those in order? May I ask your merc sign and your sun, mars and merc houses?
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aries, Virgo, Libra, Gemini, Taurus
Cap sun, Taurus mars.
Merc in Sag, Cap sun. Sorry don't know the houses. How to check?click to expand
Posted by HappyCapperWell some of the most difficult bosses and work colleagues I've worked with have been Aries, but have had good experiences with Cancers, Caps and Scorps, but I've only in the main known their sun signs, so i guess that doesn't count so muchPosted by MyStarsShineThat, or if you have noticed something else that seems to be common in these people. Like I like to work with cap marses, for instance. Or maybe an aspect or a house...or whatever you've noticed.Posted by HappyCapperJust on sun sign alone?Posted by MyStarsShineYou don't like to work with others at all? If you had to, though, who (astrologically) would you choose?
Myselfclick to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineNo, that's good info. Thanks! It seems to me sun would be of great interest in this. As I see it, it's mainly the sun (well, depending on the chart, but most often) that would order the mars to do its bidding, for instance. 7th house merc as well?Posted by HappyCapperWell some of the most difficult bosses and work colleagues I've worked with have been Aries, but have had good experiences with Cancers, Caps and Scorps, but I've only in the main known their sun signs, so i guess that doesn't count so muchPosted by MyStarsShineThat, or if you have noticed something else that seems to be common in these people. Like I like to work with cap marses, for instance. Or maybe an aspect or a house...or whatever you've noticed.Posted by HappyCapperJust on sun sign alone?Posted by MyStarsShineYou don't like to work with others at all? If you had to, though, who (astrologically) would you choose?
Sun 7th Scorpio
Mars 2nd Taurusclick to expand
Posted by HappyCapperYeah I have but long time ago but i don't focus much on these things.Posted by Capricorn91Thank you! Have you produced your chart at by HappyCapperI guess so but I'll modify it a bit and put Gemini before Virgo.Posted by Capricorn91Cool. Did you list those in order? May I ask your merc sign and your sun, mars and merc houses?
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aries, Virgo, Libra, Gemini, Taurus
Cap sun, Taurus mars.
Merc in Sag, Cap sun. Sorry don't know the houses. How to check?click to expand
Posted by Capricorn91Do you remember how you do it? If you don't and if you're interested, I'll guide you.Posted by HappyCapperYeah I have but long time ago but i don't focus much on these things.Posted by Capricorn91Thank you! Have you produced your chart at by HappyCapperI guess so but I'll modify it a bit and put Gemini before Virgo.Posted by Capricorn91Cool. Did you list those in order? May I ask your merc sign and your sun, mars and merc houses?
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aries, Virgo, Libra, Gemini, Taurus
Cap sun, Taurus mars.
Merc in Sag, Cap sun. Sorry don't know the houses. How to check?click to expand
Posted by DiannaThank you! May I ask how you work with virgos? Oh, and if you would, what's your mars, with house?Posted by HappyCapperPosted by DiannaThank you! May I ask your sun and merc signs with houses?
Aries and I can get things done
I'm aries moon, 11th house
Aqua and I come up with great ideas and jump in head first with them (which drives the aries nuts)
(Maybe my 11th house stellium is why we click or the Gem rising)
Cap is a good worker and he makes me laugh. He and I together spend the entire day snort laughing. (I have zero earth in my chart so maybe he just brings what I lack so we compliment eachother)
Both sun and mercury are scorpio 6th houseclick to expand
Posted by Lala1393Posted by HappyCapperYeah. Scorpio men are man wh00res really. Even at work. They don't care. And they often get away with it. I had this Scorpio man pissing me off during my internship. Because he was flirting with me IN FRONT OF THE OTHER WOMEN. He was very sexy and good-looking but obnoxious to say the least. And all the women hated me EVEN MORE.Posted by Lala1393Hehehe. Must say most of the scorpios I've worked with have been heterosexual females, so they have not been flirting at all, but now that you mention it, the males have actually flirted a lot. lol
Anything Cap.
Scorpios are ALWAYS flirting at work and it gets on my nerves.
They go way overboard.
So you have a cancer ASC. Does that make you a 5th house sun and merc? And maybe a 6th house mars? Looking at your chart, what is the reason why you would work well with caps, you think?
Lol. We share the same bday. 😑😑🙄
After many trials and tribulations trying to get it, I STILL don't quite understand this house system thing.
I don't know. I just know this is my chart. I don't know why I like Caps so much.
click to expand
Posted by Nathan912Nice! I can totally see that you would work well together. May I ask your merc and the houses your sun, merc and mars are in?
I'm a Virgo Sun, Libra Moon, Aries Mars and my best co-workers and I really enjoy working with are
Virgo Sun, Aquarius Moon
Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon
Libra Sun, Libra Moon
Taurus Sun, Aries Moon
Cancer Sun, Libra Moon
We are Team Work Smart, Not hard 😎😁
Posted by HappyCapperLibra sun in 12th housePosted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesNice!
Most of the people I work with are Scorp and Aries. I love working with them, they make me very competitive at work.May I ask your sun, merc and mars houses?
click to expand
Posted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesThank you! This is interesting! May I ask if you like to work with pisces and sag people?Posted by HappyCapperLibra sun in 12th housePosted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesNice!
Most of the people I work with are Scorp and Aries. I love working with them, they make me very competitive at work.May I ask your sun, merc and mars houses?
Merc in Virgo 29 degrees 12 House
Mars in Cancer in 9th house
:-)click to expand
Posted by HappyCapperLOL. It's funny you mention those two signs. They are the next most common colleagues I work with. I get on very well with them on a personal level.Posted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesThank you! This is interesting! May I ask if you like to work with pisces and sag people?Posted by HappyCapperLibra sun in 12th housePosted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesNice!
Most of the people I work with are Scorp and Aries. I love working with them, they make me very competitive at work.May I ask your sun, merc and mars houses?
Merc in Virgo 29 degrees 12 House
Mars in Cancer in 9th house
:-)click to expand
Posted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesHehehe Thank you!Posted by HappyCapperLOL. It's funny you mention those two signs. They are the next most common colleagues I work with. I get on very well with them on a personal level.Posted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesThank you! This is interesting! May I ask if you like to work with pisces and sag people?Posted by HappyCapperLibra sun in 12th housePosted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesNice!
Most of the people I work with are Scorp and Aries. I love working with them, they make me very competitive at work.May I ask your sun, merc and mars houses?
Merc in Virgo 29 degrees 12 House
Mars in Cancer in 9th house
So I do enjoy working with them.... however Sag I enjoy their optimism but I find they do like to complain a lot about how much work they have when I often think they should just get on with it. They tend to sometimes not finish what they start. Pisces are great but their heads are sometimes in the clouds and tend to focus on details I sometimes find irrelevant in work context .click to expand
Posted by FantamRoosterlol Thanks!
I'm in a relatively new job, so I don't know most of the birthdays yet. Three of my coworkers have had a birthday, though, so I know the know-it-all control freak who is always bitching is a Cancer, the messy dude who keeps fucking up my shit is a Gemini (way to make us look bad, asshat), and the boss who I like but everyone else can't stand because she's so blunt is a Taurus.
I'm guessing that the remaining four are a shy and neurotic Virgo, a Pisces who is too cool and has been doing this too long to care, a Scorpio or Capricorn (I get both vibes from him) who works hard and is quiet but bangs things around on his desk and makes noises like the devil when shit isn't going well, and a wild child who might be a Sag or just acts like that because she is young. I'm not cyber stalking my coworkers, so time will tell if I'm right about them.
Posted by raad182Thanks!
Mars ruled people = No BS, just do what they need to do.
Posted by GemLoverThanks!.) I love the virgo sense of humor! Intelligent! Are you able to co-operate as well? May I ask your sun, merc and mars signs with houses?
Virgo men hands fucking down. Virgo men.
They are comedians and can make me laugh on any job. This one job I had a very long time ago me and a Virgo dude worked together and it wasn't a night that goes by without laughing a lot. I mean a whole lot. Whereas other signs seem dull to work with Virgos got it going on. I wish I had their humor. That's what I like about jobs is to work with people with humor. That what makes work time fly by fast when you're having fun on the job.
Posted by FantamRoosterThank you very much!Posted by HappyCapperGemini sun in 1stPosted by FantamRoosterlol Thanks!
I'm in a relatively new job, so I don't know most of the birthdays yet. Three of my coworkers have had a birthday, though, so I know the know-it-all control freak who is always bitching is a Cancer, the messy dude who keeps fucking up my shit is a Gemini (way to make us look bad, asshat), and the boss who I like but everyone else can't stand because she's so blunt is a Taurus.
I'm guessing that the remaining four are a shy and neurotic Virgo, a Pisces who is too cool and has been doing this too long to care, a Scorpio or Capricorn (I get both vibes from him) who works hard and is quiet but bangs things around on his desk and makes noises like the devil when shit isn't going well, and a wild child who might be a Sag or just acts like that because she is young. I'm not cyber stalking my coworkers, so time will tell if I'm right about them.May I ask your sun, merc and mars with houses?
Cancer Merc in 2nd
Leo Mars in 3rdclick to expand
Posted by pisceswoman123Alright!
Aquarius, Taurus and Aries are best.
Posted by Lala1393Haven't meet any evil ones...yet...Posted by HappyCapperPosted by Lala1393Posted by HappyCapperYeah. Scorpio men are man wh00res really. Even at work. They don't care. And they often get away with it. I had this Scorpio man pissing me off during my internship. Because he was flirting with me IN FRONT OF THE OTHER WOMEN. He was very sexy and good-looking but obnoxious to say the least. And all the women hated me EVEN MORE.Posted by Lala1393Hehehe. Must say most of the scorpios I've worked with have been heterosexual females, so they have not been flirting at all, but now that you mention it, the males have actually flirted a lot. lol
Anything Cap.
Scorpios are ALWAYS flirting at work and it gets on my nerves.
They go way overboard.
So you have a cancer ASC. Does that make you a 5th house sun and merc? And maybe a 6th house mars? Looking at your chart, what is the reason why you would work well with caps, you think?
Lol. We share the same bday. 😑😑🙄
After many trials and tribulations trying to get it, I STILL don't quite understand this house system thing.
I don't know. I just know this is my chart. I don't know why I like Caps so much.![]()
Meh, there are scorp guys and there are scorp guys. Some are like that, agreed. And yes, they do seem to get away with it. But what would you know? With your chart, you seem pretty clueless about scorpio.![]()
If you want to understand your chart better, I would suggest producing it like a circular representation with the tables. is a great site for that, imo. Try "Free Horoscopes" in the top menu and then "Extended Chart Selection" if you haven't already. You get a whole other view of it, imo.![]()
Haha I think lots of Scorpio men are evil. My recent ex was one. Had a very "public" (as in on dxp)failure of a relationship. They're sexy yes. But evil.
Haha I just know a lot about Scorpio WOMEN. I know ENOUGH about Scorp men. Haha
Astro seek is goodi just recently found a breadown of all the houses and stuff. There's soooo many layers to just the sign. Damn. Luvin it.
click to expand
Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123Alright!
Aquarius, Taurus and Aries are best.In what house is your sun, if I may ask? 6th? 7th?
click to expand
Posted by AriquaUgh, that's bad! I would never have accepted that table. Bad cap!
Aries aqua libra scorpio sag taurus
I don’t like working with the caps at my job honestly or any that I know in real life. They put in long hours but their quality of work is subpar at best and they don’t seem to care when they’re doing sh*t wrong/won’t ask for help/get an attitude when you try to offer an easier more efficient way to do things.
I wanted a custom table built and a cap offered to do it. I showed him exactly what I wanted and instead of giving me what I wanted or telling me he couldn’t do it because he lacked the right tools...he gave me something entirely different 😑
The good-he got a table done in one weekend. He worked until that table was completely done. No argument that they are hardworking.
The bad-not what I wanted at all. DGAF about the details one bit.
That’s what it’s like working with caps. 🤷🏻♀️
Posted by GemLoverI mean, work together with - to be able to smoothly work towards a certain goal together. How do you feel about working with caps and sags?Posted by HappyCapperGemini sun in the 9th housePosted by GemLoverThanks!.) I love the virgo sense of humor! Intelligent! Are you able to co-operate as well? May I ask your sun, merc and mars signs with houses?
Virgo men hands fucking down. Virgo men.
They are comedians and can make me laugh on any job. This one job I had a very long time ago me and a Virgo dude worked together and it wasn't a night that goes by without laughing a lot. I mean a whole lot. Whereas other signs seem dull to work with Virgos got it going on. I wish I had their humor. That's what I like about jobs is to work with people with humor. That what makes work time fly by fast when you're having fun on the job.
Gemini mercury in the 9th house
Cancer mars in the 10th house
What do you mean co-operate?click to expand
Posted by pisceswoman123Thank you very much!Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123Alright!
Aquarius, Taurus and Aries are best.In what house is your sun, if I may ask? 6th? 7th?
click to expand
Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123Thank you very much!Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123Alright!
Aquarius, Taurus and Aries are best.In what house is your sun, if I may ask? 6th? 7th?
click to expand
Posted by Lala1393In a way and in certain situations, yes (we can set ourselves up for failure, for instance), but I think there's more to it than that on the whole. Do you?Posted by HappyCapperPosted by Lala1393Haven't meet any evil ones...yet...Posted by HappyCapperPosted by Lala1393Posted by HappyCapperYeah. Scorpio men are man wh00res really. Even at work. They don't care. And they often get away with it. I had this Scorpio man pissing me off during my internship. Because he was flirting with me IN FRONT OF THE OTHER WOMEN. He was very sexy and good-looking but obnoxious to say the least. And all the women hated me EVEN MORE.Posted by Lala1393Hehehe. Must say most of the scorpios I've worked with have been heterosexual females, so they have not been flirting at all, but now that you mention it, the males have actually flirted a lot. lol
Anything Cap.
Scorpios are ALWAYS flirting at work and it gets on my nerves.
They go way overboard.
So you have a cancer ASC. Does that make you a 5th house sun and merc? And maybe a 6th house mars? Looking at your chart, what is the reason why you would work well with caps, you think?
Lol. We share the same bday. 😑😑🙄
After many trials and tribulations trying to get it, I STILL don't quite understand this house system thing.
I don't know. I just know this is my chart. I don't know why I like Caps so much.![]()
Meh, there are scorp guys and there are scorp guys. Some are like that, agreed. And yes, they do seem to get away with it. But what would you know? With your chart, you seem pretty clueless about scorpio.![]()
If you want to understand your chart better, I would suggest producing it like a circular representation with the tables. is a great site for that, imo. Try "Free Horoscopes" in the top menu and then "Extended Chart Selection" if you haven't already. You get a whole other view of it, imo.![]()
Haha I think lots of Scorpio men are evil. My recent ex was one. Had a very "public" (as in on dxp)failure of a relationship. They're sexy yes. But evil.
Haha I just know a lot about Scorpio WOMEN. I know ENOUGH about Scorp men. Haha
Astro seek is goodi just recently found a breadown of all the houses and stuff. There's soooo many layers to just the sign. Damn. Luvin it.
Evil how, you feel?
Yeah, I may not like astro seek - to each their own - but I'm sooo nerding into astrology. Like you say, there are sooo many layers to...everything!Sure, it's just a pseudo science and I'm a sceptic, but I still think there's too much to it to stop researching.
Let's say someone proved that astrology is total BS one day, it would still be of great use to me. There are so many great tools there and it forces me to ask myself questions about myself that I would probably not have asked otherwise. Love it!![]()
Do you think we may all become our own self fullfilling prophecies ?click to expand
Posted by pisceswoman123What I think of what specifically? 6th house suns? Your favorite co-workers?Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123Thank you very much!Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123Alright!
Aquarius, Taurus and Aries are best.In what house is your sun, if I may ask? 6th? 7th?
You have to tell me what you think about it
click to expand
Posted by HappyCapperI get along just fine with Plutonian peoplePosted by raad182Thanks!
Mars ruled people = No BS, just do what they need to do.Do you include scorpios and/or scorpio ruled people in that? May I ask your sun, merc and mars signs with houses?
click to expand
Posted by raad182Great! Thank you!Posted by HappyCapperI get along just fine with Plutonian peoplePosted by raad182Thanks!
Mars ruled people = No BS, just do what they need to do.Do you include scorpios and/or scorpio ruled people in that? May I ask your sun, merc and mars signs with houses?
Sun: Aries 11th
Merc: Aries 11th
Mars: Gemini 1st
Moon: Scorpio 6thclick to expand
Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123What I think of what specifically? 6th house suns? Your favorite co-workers?Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123Thank you very much!Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123Alright!
Aquarius, Taurus and Aries are best.In what house is your sun, if I may ask? 6th? 7th?
You have to tell me what you think about it![]()
click to expand
Posted by pisceswoman123For the first answers, I started working out a few possible theories, but then the answers came fast and I just kept gathering info to do more thinking later. So, atm, I don't think anything about it. lol Sorry.Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123What I think of what specifically? 6th house suns? Your favorite co-workers?Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123Thank you very much!Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123Alright!
Aquarius, Taurus and Aries are best.In what house is your sun, if I may ask? 6th? 7th?
You have to tell me what you think about it![]()
I am just curious what you got out of my responses
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Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123For the first answers, I started working out a few possible theories, but then the answers came fast and I just kept gathering info to do more thinking later. So, atm, I don't think anything about it. lol Sorry.Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123What I think of what specifically? 6th house suns? Your favorite co-workers?Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123Thank you very much!Posted by HappyCapperPosted by pisceswoman123Alright!
Aquarius, Taurus and Aries are best.In what house is your sun, if I may ask? 6th? 7th?
You have to tell me what you think about it![]()
I am just curious what you got out of my responses![]()
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