Who's the bigger control freak?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by rockyroadicecream on Monday, November 28, 2016 and has 28 replies.
Virgo or Scorpio?
Virgo hands down. But I have seen cases where neither one of them is controlling.
Try meeting a Scorp with loaded 6th

Posted by cheekyfaerie
I just audibly inhaled on that one. Big Grin
Haha, it got me thinking after spending Thanksgiving with my Virgo aunt. I know Scorps can be insane control freaks, but with her, and my cousin telling me she just wants a beer the second my Aunt shows up, it got me wondering if maybe she had Scorp placements. ...and then I remembered Virgos can be control freaks too.

It's like oh fuck, who would be considered MORE of a control freak?

*universe implodes contemplating this one*

I can't blame my cousin for having so much hesitance when my aunt showed up. I held off on telling my aunt about my mom's medical stuff initially because I didn't want her coming in and trying to take over and fuck it all up. :/ She means well...

I also had a Scorp friend who was also really bad about being a control freak. His was less "I got this" and more "You're all idiots and I know best, so do it like this or you're a bad friend." Never mind all the horror stories we hear about Scorps being manipulative to keep control over people.

Posted by Nightcap2
Good question Rocky

I think Scorpios are more controlling about ego and emotion and Virgos are more controlling about codes of conduct and protocol. I actually don't mind either way as long as they're not selfish based.
I was just thinking this as I was writing my other reply.

Virgos are so much more controlling in the sense of "this is how it is, so we do it this way" vs Scorp's "I want to do it this way because it's how I want it and if you can't do that, I'll manipulate you into it."

Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Nightcap2
Good question Rocky

I think Scorpios are more controlling about ego and emotion and Virgos are more controlling about codes of conduct and protocol. I actually don't mind either way as long as they're not selfish based.
Yes I'm only controlling when it comes to codes of conduct and protocol.

Is it proper? Is it respectful? Is it appropriate? Is it right? Or is it wrong?

But honestly, I'm too indulgent what with my placements lol plus I'm married to a Leo moon and if you think you can control that haha just haha nuh-uh.
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I wonder what other placements my aunt has because it seems as if these questions do not cross her mind in some of her controlling decisions. In the past, she's made a lot of really questionable decisions in her "help" that ultimately screwed people over. The attitude was "oh well, this is a solution, use it." Doesn't matter if it screwed someone over, but it was a solution she chose so it was right.

...fucked my cousin over, fucked my mom over, has caused a lot of tension within the family, and so on.

...maybe she does have Scorp placements. Hmm.
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by cheekyfaerie
I just audibly inhaled on that one. Big Grin
Haha, it got me thinking after spending Thanksgiving with my Virgo aunt. I know Scorps can be insane control freaks, but with her, and my cousin telling me she just wants a beer the second my Aunt shows up, it got me wondering if maybe she had Scorp placements. ...and then I remembered Virgos can be control freaks too.

It's like oh fuck, who would be considered MORE of a control freak?

*universe implodes contemplating this one*

I can't blame my cousin for having so much hesitance when my aunt showed up. I held off on telling my aunt about my mom's medical stuff initially because I didn't want her coming in and trying to take over and fuck it all up. :/ She means well...

I also had a Scorp friend who was also really bad about being a control freak. His was less "I got this" and more "You're all idiots and I know best, so do it like this or you're a bad friend." Never mind all the horror stories we hear about Scorps being manipulative to keep control over people.

My experience has been Scorp placements trying to control situations, which can't be done without to some extent trying to control people. The Virgos were more apt to control themselves, thereby also changing situations. The latter is more of a do what you want, but this is what I'm doing and the former is more "and I'm taking you with me!".
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So I guess it's safe to say that both are pretty bad but it's different ways of controlling. I think I'd prefer a Virgo control vs Scorp because Scorps just get too emotionally fucked up about it and will destroy a friendship over something so stupid.
lol Scorpio always gets the bad rap ?
An unevolved scorpio is prolly the most controlling.
Posted by DonJohn
virgos are only control freaks if you are not yelling at them regularly. gotta show them whos the boss.
Sounds exhausting
Posted by Canbullrius
Posted by Stinger408scorp
An unevolved scorpio is prolly the most controlling.
Best answer in this thread so far and i totally get it too.

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lol that's why I said unevolved because you can't compare the two.
Posted by Canbullrius
Posted by Stinger408scorp
An unevolved scorpio is prolly the most controlling.
Best answer in this thread so far and i totally get it too.

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Or else all will think all scorpios are controlling lol
Posted by Nevermore
All the cardinal signs that are control freaks in each individual way.

Virgo are more analytical way while Scorpio are more observing.
lol you nailed it.
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Nightcap2
Good question Rocky

I think Scorpios are more controlling about ego and emotion and Virgos are more controlling about codes of conduct and protocol. I actually don't mind either way as long as they're not selfish based.
Yes I'm only controlling when it comes to codes of conduct and protocol.

Is it proper? Is it respectful? Is it appropriate? Is it right? Or is it wrong?

But honestly, I'm too indulgent what with my placements lol plus I'm married to a Leo moon and if you think you can control that haha just haha nuh-uh.
I wonder what other placements my aunt has because it seems as if these questions do not cross her mind in some of her controlling decisions. In the past, she's made a lot of really questionable decisions in her "help" that ultimately screwed people over. The attitude was "oh well, this is a solution, use it." Doesn't matter if it screwed someone over, but it was a solution she chose so it was right.

...fucked my cousin over, fucked my mom over, has caused a lot of tension within the family, and so on.

...maybe she does have Scorp placements. Hmm.
Is there a way that you can ask for her birth time?
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I need location. Wasn't so worried about time per se. I can't freaking remember where she was born haha.

Edit- Nvm, found the info in my grandma's eulogy, of all things.

Scorp rising! Hahaha.
Posted by Stinger408scorp
An unevolved scorpio is prolly the most controlling.

I wouldn't say I'm controlling.

I honestly just don't trust myself with people. So I like to control myself and things of my nature.

There are only a few select people that I trust with myself and to finally let go
LMFAOO Scorpio and Virgo as a couple must be wild AF

Both pretty observant

Both pretty Anal

#relationshipgoals ????????
Virgo female tried to control me once lol guess how that end up ?
Posted by MIIeFisk
Posted by Stinger408scorp
Virgo female tried to control me once lol guess how that end up ?
You on your hands and knees with a spiked dog collar around your neck.
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lol you wish ?
Posted by yupvirgoo
Virgos are most controlling to themselves.

We beat ourselves for things that we have no control of.

I can say this about myself too - Scorp sun with 5 planets in the 6th house including two in Scorp.

From my experience thus far I would say Virgo.
Posted by Explicit


Then Virgo. Then Capricorn.

Scorpio let's you do what you want as long as you're not hurting or betraying them in any way. If the loyalty is mutual between Scorpios, they're cool. I feel like they can become controlling in relationships though. The men openly and the women in more subtle ways.
Interesting. Tauruses are beyond controlling. I guess most dont see it but I do. I dealt with one and he was very particular about the type of life he wanted to lead. If I wanted to be a part of it Id better fall in line. I have my own vision and path. We silently clashed there...still, I'd have Virgo at the top of the list for some reason, then Taurus, then Capricorn.

Scorpios are not really controlling to me, but it's maybe because I've never dealt with one on an extremely close level.

My Cap friend just got a divorce from her Scorpio and I think one of the reasons was he was controlling.
Posted by Explicit
Posted by lnana04
Posted by Explicit


Then Virgo. Then Capricorn.

Scorpio let's you do what you want as long as you're not hurting or betraying them in any way. If the loyalty is mutual between Scorpios, they're cool. I feel like they can become controlling in relationships though. The men openly and the women in more subtle ways.
Interesting. Tauruses are beyond controlling. I guess most dont see it but I do. I dealt with one and he was very particular about the type of life he wanted to lead. If I wanted to be a part of it Id better fall in line. I have my own vision and path. We silently clashed there...still, I'd have Virgo at the top of the list for some reason, then Taurus, then Capricorn.

Yep. I have quite a few Taurus family members in my life, they are super controlling. But they love unconditionally. But they have to have the control. lol!
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We(Caps) are the same way, just a tad less demanding I think.

Scorpios are not really as controlling. They're just grumps that need to be fed milk smile that's all
Posted by Sunsetvirgo
LMFAOO Scorpio and Virgo as a couple must be wild AF

Both pretty observant

Both pretty Anal

#relationshipgoals ????????
... and because of those similarities, the ability to laugh at one another is the best entertainment there is.

To troll / tease one another when one is in a particular anal mood because it is rare, when both are equally as anal and observant at the same time.

Goats > Stingers > Virgins
Posted by starwars
Scorpios are more of know it all, they'll tell you how to do your work. can be a real pain in the ass.

same with Capricorns -_-

I don't find Virgos to be control freaks, I do like to do things certain ways but its always about me not other people
Lol this is funny cause I was never a know it all type of person so I disagree with this.