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Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
I realize when people talk about signs they like, they never bring up aries.
But when people talk about signs they hate, aries men always come up.
I mean especially women, they seem to steer clear whenever aries men are mentioned.
I mean am I am the only one that is aware of our awesomeness?
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Mar 19, 2012Comments: 273 · Posts: 5457 · Topics: 33
I personally like signs like Aries. They're outgoing and do what they want. I admire that kind of confidence and forwardness. I just don't like when people with signs such as Aries, that are more boisterous, are conceited and rude, like a child. I imagine them being the ones in a group of teens who goes up to another teen and humilates them for their, and their friends', amusement.
The mature ones, I can respect, though. Those type I do think are pretty awesome.
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Sep 04, 2010Comments: 3 · Posts: 2049 · Topics: 47
I love Aries, men and women alike, I come alive around them.
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Aug 16, 2011Comments: 3 · Posts: 7849 · Topics: 52
I think Aries are disliked in general. We are stereo typed as loud, obnoxious, over competitive and over bearing. I know alot of Aries and most of them aren't that way. When angry or mad I get that way but on an average im super laid back ( im a Stoner). I was a mess when I was younger though I had many fist fights and arguments growing up. People have always mistakend me for quiet and shy....they had no idea. I used to get a kick out of shocking people and beating their ass or almost bringing them to tears with my words. But I am so mellow now and prefer to avoid conflict and it takes the energy out of me.
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Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
I actually like Aries a lot. I don't meet many though. Leos & Aries are probably by far my most favorite when it comes to dating.
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Oct 19, 2010Comments: 14 · Posts: 937 · Topics: 33
hmm i dated some aries..but generally for me..I LOVE THEM! passionate and we get along great. except in the lover zone. they can become quite illogical in arguments.
I like them. They can be very sweet and caring.
I know an Aries dude who cooks and cleans for his buddies whenever he's at their house or when they're at his house lol He's really fatherly for some reason.
My ex was also Aries. He was shy and sweet. Not what you would normally expect an Aries guy to be like.
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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
If they are disliked it may be because (in my experience) they can be fiercely competitive and sarcastic. I usually like the women though, more or less.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Aries, in general, refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.
Being competitive, loud, fast, sarcastic, or any other trait mentioned in this thread doesn't bother me .... but, I can't stand a person who isn't reflective for intentions of realization of self.