Why do some people see Mutable Signs as weakness?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by GemNinja on Sunday, September 11, 2016 and has 17 replies.
I don't understand this. I think Mutable is even stronger then the other modes because Mutable signs have room to grow and continuously grow. They are adaptable and open-minded to new opportunities, new concepts.
I Don't think mutable is a weakness at all....

every mode has their strengths

cardinal the ability to lead and start new things

fixed the ability to stand strong in their beliefs

mutable the ability to be flexible and grow

now that being said ...all modes also have weaknesses too...

cardinal starts things that they often can't finish or has no end plan

fixed take so long to make a move they miss opportunities

mutable flops around so much that they go from project to project with no direction

just gotta take the good with the bad ... Smug
I remember hearing a certain Cardinal sign that said something about Mutables being weak. But he has a thick skull. What does he know? I think he called Mutable signs pushovers or something.
Mutable signs are not weak.

They are seen as weak because of their strength of changing. This makes it tougher for people to "believe in the lie" so to speak, that many politicians spin. If you notice when politicians are attacked it is because they are inconsistent or dont stick to their platform.

Posted by MIIeFisk
The trick is you pretend you have a flat tire on the side of the road and look helpless. You wait for the good samaritan to Captain Save a Ho (95% chance it'll be a Scorpio or Libra) your pathetic ass. As he's hunched over removing your bad tire, you get behind him and crack his skull with a tire iron and grab his wallet.
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lololol got watch dem mutables lololol Big Grin

I don't know why this made me laugh so hard ....
My sister is a pisces and she is pretty inconsistent. So is my mother and she is a virgo. It is a mutable's flaw. I try to stay consistent with some of the things I do. Such as getting Autistic kids to listen to you. You gotta be consistent with them or you'll have a problem on your hands.
Posted by TrueFantasy
I'm laughing here because joining DXP made me realise how astrologically 'inferiror' I am lol

Who makes these rules?

Modality is modality and people are wayyyyy more than modality. You can be open minded and fixed. That's my thought though. My brother is extremely fixed and astrologically 'superior' because he has Scorpio lol JK but he's so chill, open-minded and goes with the flow. Of course he has fixed tendencies in other things like how I'm 'fixed' in certain things. Like I'm fixed and determined in my goals. (Vague)

I just realise I express each modality in different situations. Cool.
The thing with all this is you can do what you want, just because people say you should or are supposed to act a certain way based on whatever doesnt mean you HAVE to. Just ignore it and do your thing.

I love mutables. But I don't trust them. >.>
lol, Mr.Firebird posted a bunch of ADHD videos in my "Stuff" thread today

Perhaps he was trying to tell me something
Posted by bumboklatt
Theyre all equal. It's just liek the whole "element" discussion

every sign,element,modality,angle,aspect has its strength and weakness

they all just have different important purposes




I guess they see them as weaknesses because they dont understand the energy.

Like a fixed signs may get exhausted by a mutable but a fixed cant do a mutables job
Can you explain what you mean by mutables finish. And what job can't a fixed do that a mutable can?

I ask because I have a mutable Venus and Mars.
You know Genghis Khan was a Virgo sun and a Virgo moon. He was a mutable sign and he conquered ancient China and rest of Asia.

Cardinal - Will leave his family house to build his own home.

Fixed - Will improve his family house.

Mutable - Will leave his family house but will try to stay in the neighboorhood.
Posted by Sagithehunter
My sister is a pisces and she is pretty inconsistent. So is my mother and she is a virgo. It is a mutable's flaw. I try to stay consistent with some of the things I do. Such as getting Autistic kids to listen to you. You gotta be consistent with them or you'll have a problem on your hands.
That's so cool sagittarius, you are really the best of the mutables

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No... Fixed finishes.

Mutables bring donuts.

It appears that fixed is the strongest because mutable and cardinal are at our disposal.

The way I see it as a fixed aqua with a scorpio moon I sit on a throne and the world revolves around me. I observe everything, I see mutables climbing over everything and anyone to get what they want, and I see cardinal folk knocking out pillars out from underneath others....I see it all for what it is and I can use it to my advantage, the only downfall is that im missing out on the fun.
Lol at the people saying im mutable and proud.

Good for you
George Washington was a mutable.