Why the comunication and understanting with this guy is so diffucult? Leo & Sag relationship

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by bluesoul on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 and has 5 replies.
I'm dating this guy, he is Sag sun, Leo rising, Taurus moon, Capricorn venus and mars and Sag mercury. Most of his planets are located in the 5th house. Not sure but I assume there is a big Leo energy about him. While I'am Leo sun, Cancer moon, mars, venus located in 12th house, Cancer rising and Virgo mercury. I don't know if it's our Mercuries but we argue so much. I communicate openly but he gets angry everytime I do so. Last night we fought over some psychology concepts and he told me that those are bullshit and psychology is bullshit (while I'am a psychology student). He went from discussing if Freud is right or wrong to ofending me for believing in those things and how he doesn't want me to talk about psychology stuff ever. While that feels like I have to shut down a part of me. On the other hand our "Love" moment are wild and hot (just like our fights). I told him to not contact me anymore but I miss him and Idk if there's a way for us to have better communication and understanding foreach other. Is it our placements?

Thank you guys!

Astrologically speaking, his immature Taurus moon turns his Cap Mars into an even bigger dumbass lol.

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I hate when there is mercury square between two persons. It does create problems in communication, it's like the other party doesn't quite "see" your viewpoint. I got that problem with a person long time back. We would argue a lot.

But one aspect doesn't do anything. I'm sure there are so many good aspects between you both that could deal with this mercury square. I know another person, with whom I've mercury square, but I do understand her, there are no arguments.

Also, it's not all about astrology, practical efforts on both side to understand each other helps hugely.
You are right Icy_moonson practical efforts keep a relationship alive, but the guy is too stubborn to make any change and he thinks he is always right. While I'm too sensitive (too much cancer) and take things personally very easily. That's what gets us stuck.
Posted by bluesoul

You are right Icy_moonson practical efforts keep a relationship alive, but the guy is too stubborn to make any change and he thinks he is always right. While I'm too sensitive (too much cancer) and take things personally very easily. That's what gets us stuck.
In that case things can become difficult, but there must be a way to solve this. I too can relate to taking things personally.