Will my cap miss me soon? :,(

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by dazedandcofused76 on Thursday, March 17, 2016 and has 22 replies.
A Capricorn I dealt with dropped me so cold "over text" for various reasons in their book (very minor and half of them were made up in their head) but the moral of it all was that I needed to grow up and that i didn't appreciate back, and also I didn't give enough to the table. In which, I forfeit all of that. But cap would say "you never own up to your mistakes" (Bitch! You're trippan! I can't own up to it cos it's all in your head) nobody's perfect but you say one thing to piss them off and your bye bye! But they can pisd you off right and it's not a problem? /:

It's like caps want to find a reason to destroy you..

Anyways, well cap told me they were done with me in a very cold and mean way. A bunch of low blows, you ain't shit, and I'm on my way. Mind you this is my best friend of 2 years, someone I had a real connection with.
But cap didn't give no fucks whatsoever! Cap dropped me like we just met yesterday.

a few days passed and cap apologized for being rude, but still stood the ground of the desicion of parting ways. I agreed and we haven't spoke for 4 weeks. Blocked me from social media and took down our 1000's of pictures. I had a chance to eye caps Facebook and cap posted a few spiteful things but never any emotion.

I write this, cos I wish to approach cap one day but I heard they need space. I wonder if cap misses me. I never backstabbed or hurt cap, just pissed cap off, so I wonder if cap will miss me and reach out. I do not reach out because I am afraid of being turned down or no reply back. When cap says they don't want to be friends, I know they mean it. But maybe I'll disappear for awhile so cap can see I was a really great friend, and I was loyal, and my tiny little "weaknesses" we're nothing to this even bigger messed up world.

I hope cap misses me, cos I miss cap very much. I stand my ground cos cap wants it this way. Why chase someone who does want to be chased.

I cry every day. I'm always remembered by caps existence.

Cap told me I changed her life, and she was so glad she met me, and she loved me, she said we'd grow old together, she said I was the only person who understood her, I was the one who helped her find her path (none of this mattered when she dropped me so easily)

It's been a month.. and I'm forgetting why we even stopped being friends.

We were gonna get best friend tattoos, we exchanged clothes and jewelry, and talked every single day. So four weeks is torture., to ME!

I enjoyed caps dark side, and cap enjoyed my light side. We were yin yang. Perfect pair. Everyone loved us together. We loved us. We were pratically a couple.

She dropped me like I was a business desicion.

"I didn't give enough" I practically worshipped my cap. But cap don't see shit but itself.

I am cancer/leo and I am hurt.
You are soooooo cute!

IDK what to say though. Sad Cling onto her! They say nasty things like that "you are nothing to me" blah blah blah when really pissed but they don't mean it. Ignoring them when they say that will only hurt them further. That's my dad though.. Dunno how it is in other equations..
Hm approach him, no not a good idea. Sorry. But whatever advice he gave you, learn from this and help you better understand what he was saying. Now he may have done things too to you. But usually one makes their minds up it's done. So change for you and move on to a new friendship and SO but not this guy. Sorry.
Or some people think they aren't in the long run meant to be. One door closes because we can change more, then when a door opens you would be a better person spiritually, mentall, and physically, prepared.
Every time someone cries, often we don't cry for the same reasons again. So take time, go do something fun, think about what life has presented you at this moment.
I can feel your emotions here. Stay strong okay. Keep your head up..
Even since this is a man/woman thing even if it was woman /man situation it still applies the same btw. Good luck..
This person took everything down though already showing that this isn't working because now has other options to see..only people who still want like something to work will leave things up, take spaces evaluate, and communicate and come back. This person isn't playing games or why to grown for trying to change people.
1. Calling cap bitch isn't a good start. I'm not saying you said it to cap's face, but it's not difficult to discipher attitude, so...

2. You think what you did was small, but apparently cap doesn't agree. By the sound of it, cap is done with you. But I don't know, ofc.

What did you do? What does cap think you did that you didn't do? Why does cap think that? I'm gonna say there's no way to help you much without the answer to those questions.

Gl! smile
Posted by HappyCapper
1. Calling cap bitch isn't a good start. I'm not saying you said it to cap's face, but it's not difficult to discipher attitude, so...

2. You think what you did was small, but apparently cap doesn't agree. By the sound of it, cap is done with you. But I don't know, ofc.

What did you do? What does cap think you did that you didn't do? Why does cap think that? I'm gonna say there's no way to help you much without the answer to those questions.

Gl! smile

I guess I was being "stubborn" and wasn't listening to cap when they offered advice. But there was definitely more good times, than bad times. I can't see why cap can't see that. Cap said for itself that I was becoming I better person, and than we got into a disagreement.

Cap was tired of helping me cap said and that I depended on cap too much. So I went out my way and have been changing my life so that I can have cap back in it.

Maybe if show that I took their advice and I've changed (the changes are drastic in a good way and I think cap would appreciate them) they'll atleast reconsider and try and be my friend?

Since I know caps like to test you even after a breakup to see if their desicion they made was correct. Cap said she always tested me through our friendship and I pretty much passed.

Cap was my best friend. And maybe since I wasn't listening, they got tired and is putting me through a test to see if I'm worth it. Even though their emotions are out of it.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
This person took everything down though already showing that this isn't working because now has other options to see..only people who still want like something to work will leave things up, take spaces evaluate, and communicate and come back. This person isn't playing games or why to grown for trying to change people.

Could it be a test? I know they love testing people! >:/
Posted by capriaquagirl
She probably felt unloved or underappreciated. Or she's a narcissist. Just take this time to look back and assess what went wrong. If you still think you can't stay without her, then reach out.

If you say the right things, you might be able to save your friendship.

I would hope not. I am a cancer/leo were pretty soft and warm and tell you when we love you and how much we appreciate and adore you. Cap use to say I was always so mushy, but liked it. Cap is very narcissistic, very. Ego driven, but I accepted that. Cap never accepted my flaws.
Hm you do know some people test right away or want to have fwb because if the sex isn't great no strings, which sexual chemistry is a plus long term and important. Even if there is great sex but something else is important like a physical, mental, spiritual, maybe family backgrounds, siblings, friends, psychological, sexual, is lacking or incomplete or not compatible they break it off no harm. Move on to something with at least 80 % strong character traits and personality traits.
Nowadays lots people breaking up with kids or no kids and divorced...they are not looking for something serious. Straight rebounds, fwb, NSA, and non commitment. It can take years for someone to get over these types of phases when someone has been hurt prior to meeting you. Or they are into open relationships from jump and that's what they are going to do until they meet that special someone again. Who knows anymore.
Oh btw that movie dazed and confused is really great to watch, classic movie btw. Hope you well @Op - Idk what else to say.
You sound like a controlling douchebag. No clue why people see your manipulation as sweet.

No one would want an entitled person like you as a friend.

Hopefully Cap sticks to her guns.
Posted by dazedandcofused76
Posted by HappyCapper
1. Calling cap bitch isn't a good start. I'm not saying you said it to cap's face, but it's not difficult to discipher attitude, so...

2. You think what you did was small, but apparently cap doesn't agree. By the sound of it, cap is done with you. But I don't know, ofc.

What did you do? What does cap think you did that you didn't do? Why does cap think that? I'm gonna say there's no way to help you much without the answer to those questions.

Gl! smile

I guess I was being "stubborn" and wasn't listening to cap when they offered advice. But there was definitely more good times, than bad times. I can't see why cap can't see that. Cap said for itself that I was becoming I better person, and than we got into a disagreement.

Cap was tired of helping me cap said and that I depended on cap too much. So I went out my way and have been changing my life so that I can have cap back in it.

Maybe if show that I took their advice and I've changed (the changes are drastic in a good way and I think cap would appreciate them) they'll atleast reconsider and try and be my friend?

Since I know caps like to test you even after a breakup to see if their desicion they made was correct. Cap said she always tested me through our friendship and I pretty much passed.

Cap was my best friend. And maybe since I wasn't listening, they got tired and is putting me through a test to see if I'm worth it. Even though their emotions are out of it.
click to expand

Sounds a bit like you're trying to mould yourself into a person cap will like. Imo, that never works in the long run. I definitely test people(I don't know if that's cap or other placements, though).

In a way, it seems you haven't seen the very deep of "your" cap. The way you describe him or her sounds more like the cap shell, rather than the actual person behind it, which leads me to believe that cap may not fully trust you.

The way you write also gives me the vibes of a certain amount of resentment towards cap, just because you don't understand them. I could be wrong, ofc. For above reasons, it seems to me you need to do you for a while and forget about cappy until you feel more secure within yourself. And then, if you're still interested, you can try to reach him or her with a whole other level of confidence...which it seems most cappys like.

All the best!smile
Posted by dazedandcofused76
and I am hurt.

lmao, but not enough to not talk shit about your former friend amirite?

all about your feels being unable to cope with rejection.

get a clue and maybe you will make a worthwhile addittion to someone else's life.
I dont know your situation but i have venus in cap 7th house.

When i end a friendship it isnt an overnight decision. Ive weighed the pros and cons and i decide if that person is worth it.

If they arent i cut ties and never look back.

No testing involved.
When i ended my friendship with a virgo and aries. It was based on years of just dumb ass behavior on their part and a lack of appreciation for me.

I respect who they are as people but i dont have to accept it.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Hm you do know some people test right away or want to have fwb because if the sex isn't great no strings, which sexual chemistry is a plus long term and important. Even if there is great sex but something else is important like a physical, mental, spiritual, maybe family backgrounds, siblings, friends, psychological, sexual, is lacking or incomplete or not compatible they break it off no harm. Move on to something with at least 80 % strong character traits and personality traits.

All of it all positive. Great mentally, physically, emotionally, "sexually" cap met my family, and visted my family's house many of times, let me into her home and heart, which is big for cap since cap don't let anybody in. Cap said I was the only one who understood her. Caps are pretty straightforward and don't really have to lie. So I trust her when she told me things cos she had no problem staying the truth. I accepted cap and I think cap liked that. I did things to annoy cap, which their pretty anal when it comes to telling you something once, and I know when you don't listen they think you're disrespecting them. But that was not my intention.

I just hope we can settle our differences in the meer future.

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