Posted by journey4time
So astrology planners, almanacs and horoscopes etc, will speak about working with the transiting moon often.
This is just something I have noticed personally,
When the moon is in my moon sign, I become more tuned in and focused.
When it is in my sun sign, and generally find it unfavorable for interactions with others.
When moon is in my venus , others are more favorable towards me, and I get unexpected favors.
when moon is in my jupitor, I feel extra lucky in general, and more strength.
And so forth. Is this true for anyone else (bearing aspects etc. in mind)?
really nice site (and calendar).
Sorry! I think my question was poorly worded. I was wondering if anyone noticed tendencies, like these,
Posted by LetltBPosted by journey4time
When the moon is in my moon sign, I become more tuned in and focused.
When it is in my sun sign, and generally find it unfavorable for interactions with others.
When moon is in my venus , others are more favorable towards me, and I get unexpected favors.
when moon is in my jupitor, I feel extra lucky in general, and more strength.
And so forth. Is this true for anyone else (bearing aspects etc. in mind)?
How the moon works with ones chart through different signs.
Yes! It does..and I absolutely LOVE that picture!click to expand
@LetltB It is very nice isn't it! I dont know who the artist is, but there seems to be a series
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
Yes, I found it so helpful to me personally....I put together a moon transit calendar.